
Sample Development Agenda Format

Sample Development Agenda Format

Sample Development Agenda Format

[A development agenda is written to warn businesses, organizations, and even individuals about threats and the methods they can adapt to minimize them. It is an agenda where the main focus is on the process of growing, progressing, or developing of business-related areas.]

Points to consider while drafting Development Agendas –

  • The objectives and goals set for the development need to be realistic.
  • The kind of development which is expected should be specified clearly.
  • Metrics to quantify or qualify the development of an entity through a period of time must be created.
  • The timeframe under which the results of the development agenda are expected to be witnessed must be specified.

Example of Development Agenda –

Development Assessment Commission

Development of Mixed Use Residential Towers For Retirement Living



[Subject: Development Committee Meeting]

[Location: Name and Address Of the Location]

9 AM — a combined mixed use development comprising of three residential towers for retirement living with ground-level retail and commercial uses, café and restaurant together with basement car parking. It also involves partial demolition of a state heritage place to be used as a dwelling and making alterations to other places to be used for office spaces.

11 AM — the redevelopment and upgrade of an existing residential aged care facility at [address of the location]

12:45 PM — lunch

1:15 PM — discussion on elements requiring development approval within the city of [name of the city] for the purpose of retirement living.

3:15 PM — discussion of the river resort and Marina for major development.

4:15 PM — land division in [address of the location]

5 PM — adjournment of the meeting.


Another Example of Development Agenda –


[From The Atlanta Classic Academy]

[Subject: Development Committee Meeting]

[Location: Name and Address Of the Location]

Agenda: …. ……..

I. Call to order.

II. Opening Items.

  • Approval of the Minutes.
  • Welcoming new members.

III. Launching a classic campaign.

  • Status and close out a calendar.
  • Naming opportunities.
  • The celebration of the campaign.
  • Picnic.

IV. Updates.

  • Review of the development charter.
  • Research on a capital campaign.
  • Management software for donors.

V. New business.

  • Strategy for [years]

VI. Comments from the community.

VII. Adjournment.

The board of the Atlanta classic Academy invites your attendance at its meetings. In order to maintain focus on the business in a timely fashion, the ACA requests that the following procedures be followed stringently.

Members attending the meeting are welcome to sign up and addressed the board. However, comments will be limited to two minutes during the time allocated. We, therefore, request the members to submit their comments in writing and help the board respond appropriately and provide an accurate representation of the comments.

Comments of items on the agenda. Non-members who desire to make comments, pose questions or offer information are advised to raise their hands as an indication of their desire to speak. The comments must be relevant and should not reflect information about the student, faculty member or a situation which can be identified personally. Interjections of these types will be recognized at the discretion of the chairman.


The principal responsibilities and functions of the ACA committee are as follows:

  • Preparing, approving and executing an annual plan for the fundraising as needed.
  • Coordinating and participation of directors and various others in fundraising campaigns.
  • Ensuring that accurate and secure records and related databases and mailing lists are maintained by the
  • Corporation as required.
  • Attending to any other issues assigned by the board to the committee.

The committee is allowed to make applicable recommendations after performing a periodic evaluation and with the consultation of the chief of the board and the executive director.