
Sample Complaint Later format against Teacher

Sample Complaint Later format against Teacher

Sample Complaint Later format against Teacher

[It is a Sample Complaint Later format against Teacher. You can follow this complaint letter against any subject teacher who is always late if comes to school at all otherwise is mostly absent from class. He is seldom seen around school/college premises and as a concerned student, it is wasting our precious time.]


The principal,

School/College name…


Sub: Complaint Letter Against (Subject name) Teacher who is Always Late (Cause)

I am writing to issue a complaint about the (Grade no.) class (Subject name) teacher. Before I start, I would like to let you know that I respect all my teachers and I am only issuing this letter because I am concerned about our education. (Show your actual problem and situation).

The teacher (Teacher name) is very inconsistent in coming to teach our class. There have been very few days that s/he has arrived on time. S/he is absent at least 3 times a week. (Describe actual situation).

If s/he arrives, it is usually when we are halfway through the class and there are only 20/30 minutes left.

I am concerned for my (Subject name) education and future (Subject name) exams, therefore I ask that you ensure this teacher is giving the proper and necessary effort required to teach us. I would appreciate this sincerely.

Your name…

On behalf of the student of (Grade no.) Class Student,

School/College name…