
Request for Construction Loan from Bank by Builder

Request for Construction Loan from Bank by Builder

Request for Construction Loan from Bank by Builder

[These are sample Letter of Requesting for construction Loan from Bank by Builder. You can also follow these formats as a progress payment request letter or Progress payments in construction. You can modify this format as your requirement.]


Assistant manager,

Bank/Institute name…

Branch Name…

Sub: Request for Construction Loan

Dear Sir,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am the Chief financial officer (Job designation) of XYZ Builders (company/organization name). We are currently completing many construction projects at the same time due to which we are facing liquidity problems. (Show your actual problem and situation). To sort them out, we have decided to take a loan and after surveying the market we have decided to contact you to extend your support in funding our projects. We require a sum (Amount of money) from your bank.

We are highly confident that we will be able to repay it upon the completion of our projects which is estimated to be (Expected date). Do let us know about your consent so that we may negotiate further.

Thank you.



Job Designation…

Construction company name…


Another format,


Branch manager,

Bank/Institute name…

Branch Name…

Sub: Requesting for Construction Loan from Bank

Dear Bank Manager,

I am writing to you because I would like to apply for a bank loan. I am a builder and I have just started up my own building company. I would like to get money so that I can upgrade my current equipment and some new tools and can get the job done more efficiently. I have always paid back all of my loans or payments installments on time without missing any one payment. I have a good job that pays well whenever I can get a good building contract. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Kind regards,


Construction company name…