1.1 Introduction Of This Project:
www.primejute.com is a web site that gives overall information about Prime Jute Mills LTD. Since modern age of science is indirectly is an age of computer. It is essential to utilize online communication in any running field to go ahead with the changes of the world. Modern communication facilitate users every aspect of life. This web site provide the advantage of communication for Prime Jute Mills LTD. which acts as the mirror of this jute mill.
1.2 Background Of This Project:
It’s a big deal for the global and local buyers of jute products according to their product as Prime Jute Mills LTD. produces – jute yarn(single ply, two ply, three ply and so on), sacking bags and cloth, hessian cloth and carpet backing cloth(CBC) according to the buyer requirements.
Again this site will increase the overall profit of Prime Jute Mills LTD. by the advertisement about it among the local and global buyers as this will provide overall information about Prime Jute Mills LTD. as – its machineries, products,
employees, process of production, daily production capacity, its quality of products, kinds of products it produce and so on.
Besides one of the main goals of this web site is to remind people about the jute fibre the golden fibre of Bangladesh. This sector of Bangladesh is going backward day by day because of the lack of interest in using jute products, for which the employees, labors, farmers are in great trouble.
Buyers from the remote areas are not informed about all the jute industry of Bangladesh. So the buyers often face difficulties to buy their products. On the other hand jute industries also face difficulties as buyers are not always known to them. This site provide database technology through which the buyers will be able to order the products they want and Prime Jute Mills LTD authority will provide within two days is it possible for them to delivery the order or not.
To develop a completely dynamic web portal facilitating query and information for global users all around the world, main objectives are –
1. This is the first project that introduces the jute sector of Bangladesh to the IT sector.
2. To inform the people about Prime Jute Mills LTD.
3. To expand market to sell product both in Bangladesh and abroad.
4. Through this project the Prime Jute Mills LTD. has the facility to show the quality and quantity of their product to the buyer all around the world.
Determination of Tools:
In this step we determined which tools we will use for our project. Its important to choose the right tools from the huge list. We used the following tools ( we will discuss the reasons behind choosing these tools in the next chapter ):-
® Macromedia Dreamweaver MX
® Adobe Photoshop CS2
® MS Frontpage
2.1 Web Site:
A web site is a collection of web pages, images, videos or other digital assets that is hosted on one or several web server(s), usually accessible via the Internet, cell phone or a LAN. A web page is a document, typically written in HTML, that is almost always accessible via HTTP, a protocol that transfers information from the web server to display in the user’s web browser. All publicity accessible websites are seen collectively as constituting the “World Wide Web”.
The pages of websites can usually be accessed from a common root URL called the homepage, and usually reside on the same physical server. The URLs of the pages organize them into a hierarchy, although the hyperlinks between them control how the reader perceives the overall structure and how the traffic flows between the different parts of the sites. Some websites require a subscription to access some or all of their content. Examples of subscription sites include many business sites, parts of many news sites, academic journal sites, gaming sites, message boards, Web-based e-mail, services, social networking website and sites providing real-time stock market data.
Organized by the function, a website may be-
» A personal website
» A commercial website
» A government website
» A non-profit organization website
It could be the work of an individual, a business or other organization and is typically dedicated to some particular topic or purpose.
2.2 Web The New Arena:
Life was just going on fine, when along came the Internet and just about everything changed. You just have to look back over the past five year or six and think of different things were before that. Today, everyone’s young, smart and online. Oh yes, we are well into the Net Age. Whether you are working in a high-tech corporation or setting up your home office, trying to learn or two at college or having a whale of a time at school, life’s on the Internet.
2.3 Content Is The King:
No matter how great a site looks, no amount of design ever makes up for poor content. This is a fact that many web author lose sight of. That’s why we have so many sites around us that offer the visitor the same old thing – a bit of this a bit of that. A really good site must have solid unique content. That’s why as experts recommend we started with strategy and purpose first – no with design. First off you must quite clear of the purpose of your site. This holds true for any type of web sites, whether it’s a personal web sites, a small business set up, a hobbyist’s page or e- commerce or anything else. A web site without purpose just takes space and please no one but its own author. So unless you are just using your site for storage, start with putting down your purpose, your objectives, and message.
2.4 Types Of Web Site:
There are many variety of web sites, each specializing in a particular type of content or use and they may be arbitrarily classified in any number of ways. A few such classifications might include:-
Affiliated Sites: Enabled portal that renders not only its custom CMS but also syndicated content from other content providers for an agreed fee. There are usually three relationship tiers. Affiliate Agencies ( e.g. Commission Junction), Advertisers ( e.g. Ebay) and consumer ( e.g. Yahoo).
Archive Site: Used to preserve valuable electronic content threatened with extinction. Two examples are – Internet Archive which since 1996 has preserved billions of old ( and new ) web pages and Google Groups which in early 2005 was archiving over 845,000,000 messages posted to Usenet news / discussion groups.
Blog Site: Sites generally used to post online diaries which may include discussion forums ( e.g. blogger, xanga).
Content Site: Sites whose business is the creation and distribution of original content ( e.g. Slant, About.com).
Corporate Site: Used to provide background information about a business, organization or service.
E-Commerce Site: For purchasing goods such as Amazon.com.
Community Site: A site where persons with similar interests communicate with each other usually by chat or message boards such as MySpace.
Database Site: A site whose main use is the search and display of a specific database’s content such as the Internet Movie Database or the Political Graveyard.
Development Site: A site whose purpose is to provide information and resources related to software development, web design and the like.
Directory Site: A site that contains varied contents which are divided into categories and subcategories such as Yahoo! directory, Google directory and open directory project.
Download Site: Strictly used for downloading electronic content such as software, game demos or computer wall paper.
Employment Site: Allows employers to post job requirements for a position or positions and prospective employees to fill an application.
Erotica Websites: Shows sexual videos and images.
Fan Site: A web site created and maintained by fans of and for a particular celebrity as opposed to a web site created, maintained and controlled by a celebrity through their own paid webmaster. May also be known as a Shine in the case of certain subjects such as anime and manga characters.
Game Site: A site that is itself a game or “playground” where many people come to play such as MSN Games, POGO.com and Newgrounds.com.
Gripe Site: A site devoted to the critique of a person, place, corporation, government or institution.
Humor Site: Satirizes, parodies or otherwise exists solely to amuse.
Information Site: Contains content that is intended to inform visitors but not necessarily for commercial purposes such as: RateMyProfessors.com, free internet lexicon and encyclopedia. Most government, educational and non-profit institutions have an informational site.
Java Applet Site: Contains software to run over the web as a web application.
Mirror ( Computing ) Site: A complete reproduction of a website.
News Site: Similar to an information site but dedicated to dispensing news and commentary.
Personal Homepage: Run by an individual or a small group ( such as a family ) that contains information or any content that the individual wishes to include.
Political Site: A site on which people may voice political views.
Pornography ( porn ) Site: Site that shows pornographic images & videos.
Rating Site: Site on which people can praise or disparage what is featured.
Review Site: Site on which people can post reviews for product or service.
Search Engine Site: A site that provides general information and is intended as a gateway or lookup for other sites. A pure example is Google and the most widely known extended type is Yahoo! .
Shock Site: Includes images or other material that is intended to be offensive to most viewers ( e.g. Rotten.com ).
Phish Site: Website created to fraudulently acquire sensitive information such as passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy person or business ( such as social security administration, paypal ) in an electronic communication.
Warez: A site filled with illegal downloads.
Web Portal: A site that provides a starting point or a gateway to other resources on the internet or an intranet.
Wiki Site: A site which users collaboratively edit ( such as Wikipedia ).
2.5 World Wide Web:
The letters “www” are commonly found at the beginning of Web addresses because of the long-standing practice if naming Internet hosts ( servers ) according to the services they provide. So for example, the host name for a Web server is often “www” for an FTP server, “ftp”; and for a USENET news server, “news” or “nntp” ( after the news protocol NNTP). These host names appear as DNS subdomain names as in www.example.com. This use of such prefix is not require by any technical standard; indeed, the web server was at “ nxoc01.cern.ch”, [ 15 ] and even today many web sites exist without a “ www ” prefix has no meaning in the way the main web site is shown. The “ www ” prefix is simply one choice for a web site’s subdomain name. Some web browsers will automatically try adding “ www ” to the beginning and possibly “ .com ” to the end of typed URLs if no host is found without them. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and opera will also prefix “ http://www” and append “ .com ” to the address bar contents if the Control and Enter keys are pressed simulteniously. For example, entering “ example ” in the address bar and then press either just Enter or Control+Enter will usually resolve to “ http://www.example.com ” depending on the exact browser version and its settings.
The World Wide Web ( commonly shortened to the web ) is a system of interlinked, hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a web browser, a user views web pages that contain text, images, videos and other multimedia and navigates between them using hyperlinks. The World Wide Web was created in 1989 by Sir Tim Berners Lee, working at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. Since then, Berners Lee has played an active role in guiding the development of web standards ( such as the markup languages in which web pages are composed), and in recent years has advocated his vision of a Semantic Web. Robert Cailliau, also at CERN, was an early evangelist for the project.
2.6 How The Web Works:
Viewing a web page on the World Wide Web normally begins either by typing the URL of the page into a web browser or by following a hyperlink to that page or resource. The web browser then initiates a series of communication messages behind the scenes in order to fetch and display it.
First the server-name portion of the URL is resolved into an IP address using the global, distributed Internet database known as the domain name system or DNS. This IP address is necessary to contact and send data packets to the web server.
The browser then requests the resource by sending an HTTP request to the web server at that particular address. In the case of a typical web page the HTML text of the page is requested first and parsed immediately by the web browser which will then make additional requests for images and any other files that form a part of the page. Statistics measuring a website’s popularity are usually based on the number of ‘ page views’ or associated server ‘ hits’ or requests which take place.
Having received the require files from the web server the browser renders the page onto the screen as specified by its HTML, CSS and other web languages. Any images and other resources are incorporated to produce the on-screen web page that the user sees.
2.7 Contents Of Web Site:
No matter how great a site looks, no amount of design ever makes up for poor content. This is a fact that many web author lose sight of. That’s why we have so many sites around us that offer the visitor the same old thing – a bit of this, a bit of that. A really good site must have solid unique content. That’s why as exports recommend we started with strategy and purpose first – no with design. First off you must quite clear of the purpose of your site. This hold true for any type of websites, whether it’s a personal websites, a small business setup, a hobbyist’s page or e-commerce or anything else. A website without purpose just takes space and please no one but its own author. So unless you are just using your site for storage, start with putting down your purpose, your objectives, and the message.
2.8 Writing Web Site:
Writing for the web is in many ways different form writing for print. For one, the reader’s purpose in reading may be different. His attention span is different. The reading experience online and the way the reader’s eye moves across a page are different. With a printed page, there is only one sort of navigation-turn the page. But on a web page, there can be dozens and dozens of options all visible at once. And there’s your reader, finger poised over the mouse button, ready to be interactive. But with a web page, interactivity is important because readers want to do something. All this means that information has to be tailored and arranged specially for online reading. Writing for the web skillfully involves learning how to keep in mind new online reading habits and patterns. It means being able to put forward information in a way that draws the reader in quickly and keeps him at the website or at least that it gives him what he wants so that he comes back again and again.
2.8 Web Site Styles:
A static web site is one that has web pages stored on the server in the same form as the user will view them. They are edited using three broad categories of software:
Text editor such as notepad or text editor, where the HTML is manipulated directly within the editor program.
Editor such as Microsoft Frontpage and Macromedia Dreamweaver where the site is edited using a GUI interface and the underlying HTML is generated automatically by the editor software. Template-based editors such as Rapidweaver and iWeb which allow users to quickly create and upload websites to a web server without having to know anything about HTML as they just pick a suitable template from a palette and add pictures and text to it in a DTP-like fashion without ever having to see any HTML code. A dynamic website is one that has frequently changing information or collates information on the hop each time a page is requested. For example- it would call various bits of information from a database and put them together in a pre-defined format to present the reader with a coherent page. It interacts with users in a variety of ways including by reading cookies recognizing user’s previous history, session variables, server side variables etc, or by using direct interaction ( form elements, mouseovers, etc ). A site can display the current state of a dialog between users, monitor a changing situation or provide information in some way personalized to the requirements of the individual users.
What makes the World Wide Web so exciting is the limitless ways in which information and content can be put up. Using color, picture, sounds, movie clips, animation and interactivity, you can make sure your site is compelling enough to draw visitors again and again which is what every website wants. Naturally, this makes the site’s design, its layout, navigation and general look and feel an important aspect to work on. What usually tends to happen is that people over-design a website, filling it with bright starting colors, a feast of different fonts and too many pictures for its own good. Many resource sites have design is term that is used rather loosely sometimes it can include usability issues, navigation, browser compatibility and so on. If your page is about a regional specific topic, then make sure you include that.
Preferably right in the title of the page. Put the region in the keywords and page description as well. Remember too that even if your topic is regional, it has value to global viewers. What if someone from Germany is visiting your home town and needs any information there? You also might want to expand your site to give more generic information that would appeal to a more global audience.
2.9 Language On the Web:
Right now, most of the pages on the web are in English but just because you’re writing your page in English in Australia does not mean that a Canadian would understand it or find it useful. Make sure that you avoid slang on your site as that is the most non-translatable element of a page. When you list a price, indicate what currency you’re using. And when you list sizes or measurements, it helps if you list conversions or link to a conversion web site.
Static Versus Dynamic: Static HTML sites have not changed much since their development and the advent of the web. Essentially websites are presented using a wide array of tags that offer means for usually laying out a site. Search engines have become very good at recognizing static websites. In general search engines can navigate through a static website very easily and thus locate information. However, there is one significant disadvantage of static sites, you may need a separate page ( file ) for every page on your site. For example, if you want to make a design change that affects the entire site you may need to adjust all pages. For small sites this is not a problem but for large content or e-commerce sites creating new pages or updating existing pages can be time consuming and expensive. Certainly there is web development software that makes this a little easier but in the end static sites take time to manage. Interaction with visitors is a key feature of the best sites on the web. After all the most popular computer operating systems in the world may be the ones used for game playing machines. It seems that people hate the pickiness and precision of computer that allow them to do the things they do. On the other hand they love the illusion of the computer as another person with dynamism comes interaction. Dynamic websites means that different actions by the visitor cause different behaviors i.e. outputs by the site. That means pages are created as the user views the site. In most cases this requires the use of a database which contains the site’s information and some kind of scripting setup that is programmed to retrieve the information from the database.
2.10 What A Dynamic web Site can do?:
building a database driven web site is one of the best ways to insure that your site will grow into the future. Here are some of the reasons why – – –
Manage Your Own Content: A database-backed website brings unprecedented flexibility to how information is stored and displayed on the web. That means you can add and manage stories, information, schedules and photographs without having to calla web master. It’s a great way to take control of your site while saving money on maintenance.
Keep Your Visitors Coming Back: With fresh content that you can update at your site will always be relevant. So instead of finding the same stories and information on your site, returning visitors will find information that’s new and current. Its easy, inexpensive and will keep your visitors coming back time and time again.
Grow into The Future: Building a dynamic, database-driven site is strategically superior because changes to the site are incredibly easy to make. Want a new look on the site? No problem, since design ( presentation ) is separated from the site’s content. Need to change content, that’s only a few keystrokes away with easy-to-use administrative interfaces. Want to add new pages or section’s? not a problem when you have built your site on a foundation that’s both solid and flexible.
Manage Visitors Securely: With a data driven site you can let visitors see only information that you want them to see. Build member’s-only sections, handle passwords, lockout unwanted requests, handle subscription services, allow your staff access to areas where others are not allowed. A database-backed site can perform these secure functions with ease.
Be Searchable: letting visitors find the information they need quickly and easily is a snap with a dynamic site. Whether you are a publisher hosting thousands of articles or a merchant selling hundreds of widgets, a dynamic site allows your visitors to find what they need in a heartbeat.
Harness Your Site’s potential: Unlike traditional “ static ” sites, a dynamic site is far more than useful than simple “ brochure ware”. With dynamic architecture, your site can be put to an infinite variety of valuable uses. For example: you can easily connect a visitor with a near by distributor, connect a specific salesperson to a customer or deliver an instant response customer service request. In short, a dynamic site delivers more than a “ static ” site ever could.
Spend Less Time Managing Your Site: A dynamic site can reduce or eliminate many of the most time-consuming functions facing your staffs. That’s because many administrative functions can now be automated. For example: if a deadline has passed or an inventory sold-out, the site can automatically remove those items from display. It could notify automatically and update product pages on its own. Now your staff can spend less time on the web managing our site and more time doing the things they do best.
Handle Complex Tasks: while dynamic sites are superb for publishing and e-commerce, they can also be used far complex tasks such as quoting, estimating and presenting customized sales information anywhere, any time. Handling complex tasks is par for the course with a dynamic site.
Connect To Your customers: When visitors come to your site, do you gather information that can help you serve them better? With a built-in database, a dynamic site is a natural for gathering customer preferences. Ask them if they want to subscribe to news letters or if they are interested in new products. Test market new products. Survey them for valuable feedback. A dynamic web site can help you connect to customers in ways you were never able to before.
Customize your message: is it possible to respond on an individual basis to an infinite number of site visitors? If you build a dynamic site, it is. From greeting customers individually after log-in to sending carefully-crafted customized emails, a dynamic site will help you send the message that your customers are more than just numbers.
2.11 Developing A Dynamic Site:
In most cases this requires the use of a database which contains the site’s information and some kind of scripting setup that is programmed to retrieve the information from the database. Some popular scripting languages are ASP, ASP.Net, PHP, Pearl, ColdFusion, JavaScript. Some popular databases are MySql, MS SQL Server, Oracle etc.
ASP: Active Server Pages, Microsoft’s technology to enables HTML pages to be dynamic and interactive by embedding scripts i.e. either VBScript or Jscript, Microsoft’s alternative of JavaScript. Since the scripts in ASP pages ( suffix asp ) are processed by the server, any browser can work with ASP pages regardless of its Support for the scripting language used there in.
ASP.Net: Microsoft ASP.Net is a set of technologies in the Microsoft .NET Framework for building web applications and XML web services. ASP.Net pages execute on the server and generate markup such as HTML, WML or XML that is sent to a desktop or mobile browser. ASP.Net pages use a compiled, event-driven programming model that improves performance and enables the separation of application logic and user interface. ASP.Net pages and ASP.Net XML web services files contain server-side logic ( as opposed to client-side logic ) written in Microsoft Visual Basic.NET, Microsoft Visual C#.NET or any Microsoft.NET framework-compatible language.
PHP: A recursive acronym for “ hypertext Preprocessor ” is an open source server side scripting language designed for creating robust and reliable dynamic web pages for e-commerce and other mission critical web applications.
Perl: Practical Extraction and Reporting Language A robust programming language frequently used for creating CGI programs on web servers because it is faster than UNIX shell script programs, it can read and write binary files and it can process very large files.
Cold Fusion: It is an advanced website program that runs on our servers here at Thelix. Cold Fusion works in conjunction with a database of information that it draws from. You can use Cold Fusion to create dynamic web pages that display a variety of data, depending on what the viewer clicks on.
JavaScript: a scripting language from Netscape that is only marginally related to java. Java and JavaScript are not the same thing. JavaScript was designed to resemble Java which in turn looks a lot like C and C++. The difference is that java was built as a general-purpose object language while JavaScript is intended to provide a quicker and simpler language in a web page that is interpreted and executed by the web client. The script writer controls from within a web document, often executed by mouse function, buttons or other actions from the user. JavaScript can be used to fully control Netscape and Microsoft web browsers including all the familiar browser attributes.
MySQL: The MySQL database server is the world’s most popular open source database. Over six million installations use MySQL to power high-volume websites and other critical business systems – including industry- leaders like the associated press, Yahoo, NASA, Sabre Holdings and Suzuki. MySQL is an attractive alternative to higher-cost, more complex database technology. Its award-winning speed, scalability and reliability make it the right choice for corporate IT departments, web developers and packaged software vendors.
Microsoft SQL: Microsoft SQL server is a relation database management system produced by Microsoft. It supports a dialect of SQL, the most common database language. It is commonly used by governments and businesses for small to medium sized databases and completes with other SQL databases for this market segment.
Oracle database: An Oracle database, strictly speaking, is a collection of data, is sometimes imprecisely used to refer to the DBMS software itself. This error is made in the title of this article and below. The oracle managed by an Oracle database management system or DBMS. The term ” Oracle database management system” can be referred to without ambiguity as Oracle DBMS or the databases which it manages being relational in character, as oracle RDBMS. The very useful distinction between data managed by Oracle, an Oracle database and the Oracle RDBMS is blurred by Oracle Corporation itself when they refer now a days to the Oracle RDBMS, the software they sell to manage databases as the Oracle Database. The distinction between the managed data ( the database ) and the software which manages the ( DBMS / RDBMS ) relies, in Oracle’s marketing literature. On the capitalization of the world database. The Oracle DBMS is produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation. The Oracle DBMS is extensively used by many database applications on most popular computing platforms.
2.12 Scripts & Database:
We used PHP as scripting language and MySQL as backend Database. In the upcoming chapter we will discuss briefly about PHP and MySQL and their beneficiary side over others similar tools.
2.13 Publishing Web Page:
Web page production is available to individuals outside the mass media. In order to publish a web page, one does not have to go through a publisher or other media institution and potential readers could be found in all corners of the globe. Many different kinds of information are available on the web and for those who wish to know other societies, cultures and peoples, it has become easier. The increased opportunity to publish materials is observable in the countless personal and social networking pages, as well as sites by families, small shops etc. facilitated by the emergence of free web hosting services.
2.13 Web Analytics:
Web analytics is the study of the behavior of website visitors. In a commercial context, web analytics especially refers to the use of data collected from a web site to determine which aspects of the website work towards the business objectives for example which landing pages encourage people to make a purchase.
Data collected almost always includes web traffic reports. It may also include e-mail response rates, direct mail campaign data, sales and lead information, user performance data such as click heat mapping or other custom metrics as needed. This data is typically compared against key performance indicators for performance and used to improve a web site or marketing campaign’s audience response. Many different vendors provide web
3.1 IIS :
Internet Information Services Microsoft Corporation. This snap-in administers the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Internet Information Services (IIS) makes it easy for you to publish information on the Internet or your intranet. IIS includes a broad range of administrative features for managing Web sites and your Web server. With programmatic features like Active Server Pages (ASP), you can create and deploy scalable, flexible Web applications. IIS is not installed by default but can be added using the Add/Remove Programs dialog box from the Control Panel.
3.1.1 IIS Installation :
We can install IIS, add optional components, or remove optional components for IIS by using the Add/Remove Programs dialog box in Control Panel. IIS requires that you install certain software on the computer prior to installation. Review the IIS Software Checklist below before installing IIS.
Snapshots of the subsequent part are given below:
Go to
Start Menu → Control Panel →Add/Remove Programs dialog box
Then select Windows Component
Fig: Add or Remove Program
From Windows component dialog box check out internet information service (IIS)
Fig: Windows Components Wizard
Then click next.
Insert the Windows Xp cd or path of Windows Xp if windows xp is in hard drive.
3.1.2 IIS Configuration :
Snapshots of the subsequent part are given below:
Go to
Start Menu → Control Panel → Administrative tools
Then select Internet Information Services (IIS)
Internet Information Services (IIS) Dialog box open
As shown in Snapshoot select default website properties
Fig: Internet Information Service
Default website properties dialog box open. From default web site dialog box select Home directory.
Fig: Default Wed Site Properties
The Application Configuration Dialog box open
From Application Configuration Dialog box open Click add-
Add/Edit Application Extension Mapping dialog box open
Show the path of php.exe and add “.PHP” in the Extension box then click ok
Fig: Add/Edit Application Extension Mapping
We find the dialog box then click ok to finish
Fig: Application Configuration
Now select Documents
Then click Add
Fig: Default Web Site Properties
The Add Default Document dialog box open
Then give the default document name i.e index.php
Fig: Add Default Document
Now click ok Button
From Internet Information Services (IIS) Dialog box right click on the default website then click on start
Then IIS start
Fig: Internet Information Service
The IIS configuration is complete.
3.1.3 Activities of IIS :
Internet Information Services Microsoft Corporation. This snap-in administers the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Internet Information Services (IIS) makes it easy for you to publish information on the Internet or your intranet. IIS includes a broad range of administrative features for managing Web sites and your Web server. With programmatic features like Active Server Pages (ASP), you can create and deploy scalable, flexible Web applications.
3.1.4 Reason of Using IIS :
IIS for Windows XP Professional is designed for users developing a Web service, for home, or for office use. IIS Professional can only service 10 simultaneous client connections and does not leverage all the features of the server versions. IIS replaces the former default Web service, the Personal Web Service (PWS), on home and professional versions of Windows. PWS cannot be upgraded from previous Windows products.
3.2 PHP :
PHP stands for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. Much of its syntax is borrowed from C, Java and Perl with a couple of unique PHP-specific features thrown in. The goal of the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated pages quickly.
3.2.1 Installation :
Here we use php4.4.4.To install PHP click on the setup.exe file. The following subsequent phase well appear. Simply clicking on the next, next button we install PHP.
Fig: Starting Window
Click on the next
Fig: License Agreement
Click on the next
3.2.2 Necessities of PHP :
There are three main areas where PHP are used-
Server Side Scripting : This is the most traditional and main target field for PHP. You need three things to make this work – the PHP parser ( CGI or Server module ),a web server and a web browser.
Command Line Scripting : Writing desktop applications, PHP is probably not the very best language to create a desktop application with a graphical user interface but if you know PHP very well and would like to use some advanced PHP features in your client-side applications you can also use PHP-GTK to write such programs. You also have the ability to write cross-platform applications this way. PHP-GTK is an extension to PHP, not available in the main distribution.
3.2.3 Features of PHP :
PHP 4 for Windows comes in two flavors. a CGI executable (php.exe), and several SAPI modules (for example php4isapi.dll). The latter form is new to PHP 4, and provides significantly improved performance and some new functionality. In particular, with the ISAPI module, you are likely to encounter serious reliability problems especially on platforms older than W2K – you may witness a lot of server 500 errors and suffer from other server modules such as ASP also failing. You have been warned. In PHP 4.0.5 MySQL, ODBC, FTP, Calendar, BCMath, COM, PCRE, Session, WDDX and XML support is built-in. You don’t need to load any additional extensions in order to use these functions.
3.3 MySQL :
The `MySQL (TM)’ software delivers a very fast, multi-threaded,multi-user, and robust `SQL’ (`Structured Query Language’) database server. ’MySQL Server’ is intended for mission-critical, heavy-load production systems as well as for embedding into mass-deployed software. Users can choose to use the`MySQL’ software as an `Open Source’/`Free Software’ product under the terms of the `GNU General Public License’.
3.3.1 Installation MySQL :
Here we use MYSQL4.01.To install MySQL click on the setup.exe file for MySQL. The following subsequent phase well appear. Simply clicking on the next, next button we install MySQL.
3.3.2 Technical Features of MySQL :
MySQL’ is a database management system. To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, we need a database management system such as `MySQL’ Server. Since computers are very good at handling large amounts of data, database management plays a central role in computing, as stand-alone utilities, or as parts of other applications.
MySQL is a relational database management system. A relational database stores data in separate tables rather than putting all the data in one big storeroom. This adds speed and
flexibility. The tables are linked by defined relations making it possible to combine data from several tables on request. The `SQL’ part of “MySQL” stands for “`Structured Query Language “the most common standardized language used to access databases.
MySQL software is `Open Source’. ‘Open Source’ means that it is possible for anyone to use and modify. Anybody can download the `MySQL’ software from the Internet and use it without paying anything. Anybody so inclined can study the source code and change it to fit their needs. The `MySQL’ software uses the `GPL’ (`GNU General Public License’).
3.3.3 Reason of Using MySQL :
Why use the MySQL Database Server? The `MySQL Database Server’ is very fast, reliable, and easy to use. If that is what we are looking for, you should give it a try. `MySQL Server’ also has a practical set of features developed in close cooperation with our users. We can find a performance comparison of `MySQL Server’ to some other database managers on our benchmark page.
MySQL Server’ was originally developed to handle large databases much faster than existing solutions and has been successfully used in highly demanding production environments for several years. Though under constant development, `MySQL Server’ today offers a rich and useful set of functions. Its connectivity, speed, and security make `MySQL Server’ highly suited for accessing databases on the Internet.
3.4 PhpMyAdmin :
PhpMyAdmin can manage a whole MySQL-server (needs a super-user) but also a single database. To accomplish the latter you’ll need a properly set up MySQL-user who can read/write only the desired database. It’s up to you to look up the appropriate part in the MySQL manual.
3.4.1 Configuration PhpMyAdmin :
To configure phpMyAdmin we just give the web share of the phpMyAdmin folder.
The subsequent part are given below.
Right click on the phpMyAdmin folder then select properties. The following dialog box appear.
The edit alias box appear.
Checkout the Read, Write, Script source access, Directory browsing box. Select the option button “Execute”.
Click on ok Button. The web Sharing completed.
3.4.2 Why We Use phpMyAdmin :
phpMyAdmin is intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the WWW.
- Currently it can:
- create and drop databases
- create, copy, drop and alter tables
- delete, edit and add fields
- execute any SQL-statement, even batch-queries
- manage keys on fields
- load text files into tables
- create and read dumps of tables
- export and import CSV data
- administer one single database
- communicate in more than 38 different languages
4.1 Entity Relationship Model :
Entity Relationship Model ( E-R ) data model is based on a perception of a real world that consists of a set of basic objects called entities and of relationships among these objects. It was developed to facilitate database design by allowing the specification of an enterprise scheme, which represents the overall logical structure of a database.
4.2 Basic Concepts :
There are three basic notations that the E-R data model involves – entity sets, attributes and relationship sets.
Entity Relationship (ER) modeling
- is a design tool
- is a graphical representation of the database system
- provides a high-level conceptual data model
- supports the user’s perception of the data
- is DBMS and hardware independent
- had many variants
- is composed of entities, attributes, and relationships
Entity Sets :
- An entity is any object in the system that we want to model and store information about Individual objects are called entities
- Groups of the same type of objects are called entity types or entity sets
- Entities are represented by rectangles (either with round or square corners)
- There are two types of entities; weak and strong entity types.
- Sometimes it is useful to try out various examples of entities from an ER model. One reason for this is to confirm the correct cardinality and optionality of a relationship.
Attributes :
- All the data relating to an entity is held in its attributes.
- An attribute is a property of an entity.
- Each attribute can have any value from its domain.
- Each entity within an entity type:
- May have any number of attributes.
- Can have different attribute values than that in any other entity.
- Have the same number of attributes.
- Attributes can be- 1. simple or composite , 2. single-valued or multi-valued
- Attributes can be shown on ER models
- They appear inside ovals and are attached to their entity.
- Note that entity types can have a large number of attributes… If all are shown then the diagrams would be confusing. Only show an attribute if it adds information to the ER diagram, or clarifies a point.
Relationships :
- A relationship type is a meaningful association between entity types
- A relationship is an association of entities where the association includes one entity from each participating entity type.
- Relationship types are represented on the ER diagram by a series of lines.
- As always, there are many notations in use today…
- In the original Chen notation, the relationship is placed inside a diamond.
4.3 Problems with ER Models :
There are several problems that may arise when designing a conceptual data model. These are known as connection traps.
There are two main types of connection traps:
- fan traps
- chasm traps
4.4 Constructing an ER model :
Before beginning to draw the ER model, read the requirements specification carefully. Document any assumptions you need to make.
- Identify entities – list all potential entity types. These are the object of interest in the system. It is better to put too many entities in at this stage and them discard them later if necessary.
- Remove duplicate entities – Ensure that they really separate entity types or just two names for the same thing.
- Also do not include the system as an entity type
- e.g. if modeling a library, the entity types might be books, borrowers, etc.
- The library is the system, thus should not be an entity type.
- List the attributes of each entity (all properties to describe the entity which are relevant to the application).
- Ensure that the entity types are really needed.
- are any of them just attributes of another entity type?
- if so keep them as attributes and cross them off the entity list.
- Do not have attributes of one entity as attributes of another entity!
- Mark the primary keys.
- Which attributes uniquely identify instances of that entity type?
- This may not be possible for some weak entities.
- Define the relationships
- Examine each entity type to see its relationship to the others.
- Describe the cardinality and optionality of the relationships
- Examine the constraints between participating entities.
- Remove redundant relationships
- Examine the ER model for redundant relationships.
ER modeling is an iterative process, so draw several versions, refining each one until you are happy with it. Note that there is no one right answer to the problem, but some solutions are better than others!
4.5 Mapping Constraints :
An E-R scheme may define certain constraints to which the contents of a database must conform.
a) Mapping Cardinalities: Mapping Cardinalities express the number of entities to which another entity can be associated via a relationship. Different form of mapping cardinalities are –
4.6 Keys :
- A key is a data item that allows us to uniquely identify individual occurrences or an entity type.
- A candidate key is an attribute or set of attributes that uniquely identifies individual occurrences or an entity type.
- An entity type may have one or more possible candidate keys, the one which is selected is known as the primary key.
- A composite key is a candidate key that consists of two or more attributes
- The name of each primary key attribute is underlined.
Several types of keys are –
Primary Key:
A primary key is a field or combination of fields that uniquely identify a record in a table, so that an individual record can be located without confusion.
Foreign keys :
A foreign key is an attribute (or group of attributes) that is the primary key to another relation.
- Roughly, each foreign key represents a relationship between two entity types.
- They are added to relations as we go through the mapping process.
- They allow the relations to be linked together.
- A relation can have several foreign keys.
- It will generally have a foreign key from each table that it is related to.
- Foreign keys are usually shown in italics or with a wiggly underline.
4.7 The Entity Relationship Diagram :
We can express the overall logical structure of a database graphically with an E-R diagram.
Its components are:
- rectangles representing entity sets.
- ellipses representing attributes.
- diamonds representing relationship sets.
- lines linking attributes to entity sets and entity sets to relationship sets.
4.8 Database Of This Site :
Table Name : Registration ( user information )
Attribute Name | Data Type | Description ( it presents ) | Constraints |
Id | Number | User id | Primary(auto increment)Not null |
Cnt_name | Varchar | Contact name | Not null |
Cmp_name | Varchar | Company name | Not null |
Varchar | Business email | Not null | |
Cnt_number | Number | Contact number | Not null |
Cnt_add | Varchar | Contact address | Not null |
Country | Varchar | Country | Not null |
User_name | Varchar | User name | Not null |
Table Name : Yarn Information
Attribute Name | Data Type | Description ( it presents ) | Constraints |
Amount | Number | Amount of the product | Not null |
D_date | Date | Delivery date | Not null |
Y_type | Varchar | Jute type | Not null |
N_ply | Number | Number of ply | Primary keyNot null |
Color | Varchar | Color of the yarn | Not null |
Count | Number | Count of the yarn | Not null |
Id | Number | User id | Not null |
Table Name : Sacking and Hessian ( bag & cloth) Information
Attribute Name | Data Type | Description ( it presents ) | Constraints |
Amount | Number | Amount of the product | Not null |
D_date | Date | Delivery date | Not null |
P_type | Varchar | Jute type | Not null |
Type | Number | Type of the product | Not null |
Y_width | Number | Width of the yarn | Not null |
Y_length | Number | length of the yarn | Not null |
Wide | Number | Wide of the bag | Not null |
Length | Number | length of the bag | Primary keyNot null |
Weight | Number | Weight of the bag | Not null |
Id | Number | User id | Not null |
4.9 E-R Diagram According To Our Website:
5.1. Web Hosting:
To have our web site for the world to see, we have to keep it on a web server. Our web browser software was talking to our web server just now to retrieve and display this web page on our user screen. Most small businesses and companies store their web site on a server provided by a Internet Service Provider as we did.
Hosting your web site on your own server is always an option. Here are some problems to consider-
Hardware Expenses: To run a “real” web site, you will have to buy some powerful hardware. Don’t expect that a low cost PC will do the job. You will also need a permanent (24 hours a day) high speed connection to your office, and such connections are expensive.
Software Expenses: Don’t forget to count the extra cost for software licenses. Remember that server licenses often much higher than client licenses. Also note that some server software licenses might have limits on number of concurrent users.
Labor Expenses: Don’t expect low labor expenses. Remember that you have to install your own hardware and software. You also have to deal with bugs and viruses, and keep your server constantly running in environment where “everything could happen”.
5.1.2. Using an Internet Service Provider:
Renting a server from an Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a common option. Here are some advantages:
Connection Speed: Most providers have very fast connection to the Internet, like full T3 fiber optic 45Mps connections equivalent to about 2000 traditional (28K) modems or 1000 high speed (56K) modems.
Powerful Hardware: Service providers often have many powerful web server that can be shared by several companies. You can also expect them to have an effective load balancing, and necessary backup servers.
Security and Stability: Internet Service Providers are specialists on web hosting. Expect their server to have more than 99% up time, the latest software patches, and the best virus protection.
5.1.3. Things to Consider:
24-hour support: make sure your Internet service provider offers 24-hours support. Don’t put yourself in a situation where you cannot fix critical problems without having to wait until the next working day. Toll free phone could be vital if you don’t want to pay for long distance calls.
Daily Backup: Make sure your service provider runs a secure daily backup routine, otherwise you may lose some valuable data.
Traffic Volume: Study the provider’s traffic volume restrictions . Make sure that you don’t pay fortune for unexpected high traffic if your web site becomes popular.
Bandwidth or Content Restrictions: Study the provider’s Bandwidth or content restrictions. If you plan to publish pictures or broadcast video or sounds, make sure that you can.
Email Capabilities: Make sure your provider fully supports the email capabilities you need (You can read more email capabilities in a latter chapter.)
Front Page Extensions: Make sure your provider fully supports Front Page server extensions if you plan to use Front Page to develop your site.
Database Access: Make sure your provider fully supports the database access you need if you plan to use database from your site (You can read more about database access in a latter chapter).
5.1.4.What is a Domain Name?
A domain name is a unique name for a web site, like microsoft.com and w3schools.com. Domain names must be registered. When domain names are registered they are added to a large domain name register, and information about
your site – including internet IP address – is stored on a DNS server. DNS stands for Domain Name System. A DNS server is responsible for informing all other computers on the Internet about your domain name and your site address. Registering a Domain:
Domains can be registered from domain name registration companies. These companies provide interfaces to search for available domain names and they offer a variety of domain name extensions that can be registered at the same time. Domain name registration provides registration services for com net org.biz info us nu.w5 cc and .tv domains. Newer domain extensions such as biz info and us have more choices available as many of the popular domains have yet to be taken. While com and net domains are well established and recognized, most popular domains with these extensions are already registered. Our Domain:
Choosing a domain is a major step for any individual or organization. While domains are being registered at a record, new domain extensions and creative thinking still offer thousands of excellent choices. While selecting a name it is important to consider the purpose of a domain name, which is to provide people an easy way to reach our web site. The best domains have the following characteristics: Shod-People don’t like to type! The shorter your domain, the easier it is to reach and the less are the chance the user we make a typographical error while typing it. Meaningful – A short domain is nothing without meaning, 34i4nh69.com is only 8 characters long but would not be easy to enter or remember. Select a domain that relates to your site in a way that people will understand.
Clear – Clarity is important when selecting a domain name. You should avoid selecting a name that is difficult to spell or pronounce. Also, pay close attention to how your domain sounds and how effectively it can be communicated over the phone.
Exposure: Just like premium real – estate on the ground that gets the most exposure, names that are short and easy to remember are an asset. Search engines index your site and rank it for relevance against terms people search for online. In order to maximize your site exposure, consider including a relevant search term in your domain. Of course, this should also be considered if it still maintains a short, clear and meaningful domain. Sub Domains:
Most people are unaware but they already use sub domains on a daily basis. The famous “www” of the World Wide Web is the most common example of a sub domain. Sub domains can be created on a DNS server and they do not need to be registered with a domain registered, of course, the original domain would need to be registered before a sub domain could be created. Common examples of sub domains used on the internet are http://store.apple.com and http://support.microsoft.com. Sub domains can be requested from web hosting provider or created by own if you manage your own DNS server. False Domain Names – Directory Listing:
Some providers will offer you a unique name under their own name like : http://www.theircompany.com/yourcompany/ . This is not a real domain name, it is a directory – and you should try to avoid it. These URLs are not desirable, specially for companies. Try to avoid them if you can afford to register a domain. Typically these are more commonly used for personal sites and free sites provided by your ISP, you may have seen http://www.theircomprny.com/-username as a common address, this is just another way to share a single domain and provide user their own address. Open competition in domain name registration has brought about a dramatic decrease in pricing so domain sharing is far less common since people can register their own domains for only $15 per year. Expired Domains:
Another source for domain registrations is expired domains. When you register a domain, think of it as a rental, assuming there are no legal or trademark issues with the domain name, you are free to use it as long as you continue to pay yearly fee ( you can now also register in advance as many as 10 years ). Some people register domain as speculators, hoping that they can later sell them, while others may have planned to use a domain and never had the time. The result is that domains that were previously registered regularly become available for registration again. You can see, and search through a list.
5.1.5. Connection Speed:
Visitors to your web site will often connect via a modem, but your host provider should have a much faster connection. In the early days of the Internet a TI connection was considered a fast connection. Today connection speeds are much faster. One byte is 8 bits, and that is the number of bits used to transport a character (a letter or a digit). Low speed communication modems can transport from about 14,000 to 56,000 bits per second ( 14 to 56 kilobits per second ). That is somewhere between 2000 and 7000 characters per second, or about 1 to 5 pages of written text. One kilobit (Kb) is 1024 bits. One megabit (Mb) is 1024 kilobits. . One gigabit (Gb) is 1024 megabits. These are connection speeds used on the Internet today :
Name | Connection | Speed/sec |
Modem | Analog | 14.4-56 Kb |
D0 | Digital (ISDN) | 64 Kb |
T1 | Digital | 1.55 Mb |
T3 | Digital | 43 Mb |
OC-1 | Optical Carrier | 52 Mb |
OC-2 | Optical Carrier | 156 Mb |
OC-12 | Optical Carrier | 622 Mb |
OC-24 | Optical Carrier | 1.244 Gb |
OC-48 | Optical Carrier | 2.488 Gb |
Before you sign up a contract with any hosting provider, surf some other web sites on their servers, and try to get a good feeling about their network speed. Also compare the other sites against yours, to se if it looks like you have the same need. Connecting some of the other customers is also a valuable option. Our ISP’s Server connection speed is OC-12 type ( Optical Carrier ) which is 622 Mb speedy.
5.1.6. Email Accounts:
Hosting solution should include email accounts for each person in your company. Email addresses should appear like this:
” nazmun_lina@yahoo.com”
Most common is to use the first name or first initial and last name.
POP Email:
POP stands for Post Office Protocol. POP is a standard client/server protocol for sending and receiving email. The emails are received and held on your internet server until you pick it up with a client email program, like Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape Messenger, etc. POP email programs are built into Netscape and Internet Explorer browser (i.e. Microsoft Outlook Express) .
Yes in our Hosting plan we have POP Email services.
IMAP Email:
IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol. IMAP is another standard protocol for sending and receiving email. The email are received and held on your internet server until you pick it up with a client email program, like Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape Messenger, etc. IMAP represents an improvement over POP because email stored on an IMPA server can be manipulated from several computers ( a computer at home, a workstation at the office , etc ) without having to transfer messages back and forth between computers. POP was designed to support email access on a single computer. Currently this feature is disabled in our hosting plan but we are looking towards.
Web-based Email:
Web based email services enable you to access email via a web browser. You log into your email account via the web to send and retrieve email. Being able to access your email from any browser from anywhere in the world is a very attractive option. Yes we have this service also.
Mailing Lists:
Some service providers offer mailing capabilities. This is a valuable plus if you plan sending out email to a large number of users.
Our Hosting plan include this service also.
5.1.7. Web Hosting Server Technologies:
There are few website hosting techniques. Some of them are –
Windows Hosting: Windows hosting means hosting of web services that runs on the Windows operating system. You should choose Windows hosting if you plan to use ASP ( Active Server Pages) as server scripting, or if you plan to use a database like Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server. Windows hosting is also the best choice if you plan to develop your web site using Microsoft front page.
UNIX Hosting: Unix hosting means hosting of web services that runs on the UNIX operating system. UNIX was the first ( original ) web server operating system, and it is known for being reliable and stable. Often less expensive than Windows.
Linux Hosting: Linux hosting means hosting of hosting of web services that runs on the Linux operating system.
5.1.8. Scripts Used In Web Hosting:
CGI: Web pages can be executed as CGI scripts. CGI scripts are executable that will execute on the server to produce dynamic and interactive web pages. Most Internet service providers will offer some kind of CGI capabilities. And many will offer preinstalled, ready to run, guest-books, page-counters, and chat-forums solutions written in CGI scripts. The use of CGI is most common on UNIX or Linux servers.
ASP – Active Server Pages: Active Server Pages is a server – side scripting technology developed by Microsoft. With ASP you can create dynamic web pages by putting script code inside your HTML pages. The code is executed by the web server before the page is returned to the browser. Both Visual Basic and JavaScript can be used. ASP is a standard component in Windows 95, 98, 200, and XP. It can be activated on all computers running Windows. Many web hosting providers are offering ASP, as it is becoming a more and more popular technology.
Chili! Soft ASP: Microsoft’s ASP technology runs only on Windows platforms. However Chili! Soft ASP is a software product that allows ASP to run on UNIX and some other platforms.
JSP: JSP is a server side technology much like ASP developed by Sun. With JSP you can create dynamic web pages by putting Java code inside your HTML pages. The code is executed by the web server before the page is returned to the browser. Since JSP uses Java, the technology is not restricted to any server-specific platform.
Front Page: Front Page is a very common web site design tool developed by Microsoft. Front Page allows user to develop a web site without any deep knowledge of web development. Most Windows hosting solutions support Front Page server extensions for users that use Front Page to develop their web site. If you plan to use Front Page, you should look for a Windows hosting solutions ( meaning not UNIX / Linux ).
PHP: Just like ASP, PHP is a server side scripting language which allows you to create dynamic web pages by putting script code inside your HTML pages. The code is executed by the web server before the page is returned to the browser.
Cold Fusion: Cold Fusion is another server side scripting language used to develop dynamic web pages. Cold Fusion is developed by Macromedia.
What we used?
We used PHP Scripting and Windows Based hosting.
5.1.9. Web Hosting Database Technologies:
Web Database: If your web site needs to update large quantities of information via the web, you will need a database to store your information. There are many different database systems available for web hosting. The most common are MS Access, MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracle.
Using the SQL Language: SQL is the language for accessing database. If you want your web site to be able to store and retrieve data from a database, your web server should have access to a database system that uses the SQL language.
SQL Server: Microsoft’s SQL Server is one of the most popular database software for database-driven web sites with high traffic. SQL Server is a very powerful, robust and full featured SQL database system.
Oracle: Oracle is also a very popular database software for database-driven web sites with high traffic. Oracle is a very powerful, robust and full featured SQL database system.
Access: When a web site requires a simple database solution, Microsoft Access is a very popular option. Access is not well suited for very high traffic, and not as powerful as Oracle or SQL Server.
MySQL: MySQL is also a popular database software for web site. MySQL is an inexpensive alternative to the expensive Microsoft and Oracle solutions.
What Database we used?
We used MySQL database as it is inexpensive but robust and faster.
5.1.10. Web Hosting Type:
Free Hosting: Some service providers offer free web hosting. Free web Hosting is best suited for small sites with low traffic, like family sites or sites about hobbies. It is not recommended for high traffic or for real business. Technical support is often limited and technical options are few.
Very often you can not use your own domain name at site. You have to use a name provided by your host like http://www.freesite/users/-yoursite.htm. This is hard to type, hard to remember, and not very professional.
Good | Bad |
Low cost | No domain names |
Good for family, hobby or personal sites | Few, limited or no software options |
Free e-mail is often an option | Limited security options |
Limited or no database support | |
Limited technical support |
Shared ( Virtual ) Hosting: Shared hosting is very common and very cost effective. With shared hosting, your web site is hosted on a powerful server along with maybe 100 other web sites. On a shared host it is common that each web site have their own domain name. Shared solutions often offer multiple software
solutions like email, database, and many different editing options. Technical support tends to be good.
Good | Bad |
Low cost. Cost is shared with others | Reduced security due to many sites on one server |
Good for small business and average traffic | Restriction on traffic volume |
Multiple software option | Restricted traffic support |
Own domain name | Restricted database support |
Good technical support | Restricted software support |
Dedicated Hosting: With dedicated hosting your web site is hosted on a dedicated server. Dedicated hosting is the most expensive form of hosting. The solution is best suited for large web sites with high traffic, and web sites that use special software.
You should expect dedicated hosting to be very powerful and secure, with almost unlimited software solutions.
Good | Bad |
Good for large business | Expensive |
Good for high traffic | Requires higher skills |
Multiple domain names | |
Powerful email solutions | |
Powerful database support | |
Strong ( Unlimited ) software support |
Collected Hosting: Collection means “co-location”. It is a solution that lets you place ( locate ) your own web server on the premises (locations) of a service provider. This is pretty much the same as running your own server in your own office, only that it is located at a place better designed for it.
Most likely a provider will have dedicated resources like high security against fire and vandalism, regulated backup power, dedicated Internet connection and more.
Good | Bad |
High bandwidth | Expensive |
High up-time | Requires higher skills |
High security | Harder to configure and debug |
Unlimited software option |
Your Checklist:
Before you choose your web host, make sure that:
The hosting type suits your current needs.
The hosting type is cost effective.
Upgrading to a better server is a possible solution.
If needed, upgrading to a dedicated server is possible.
Before you sign up a contract with any hosting provider, surf some other web sites on their servers, and try to get a good feeling about their network speed. Also compare the others sites against yours, to see if it looks like you have the same needs.
Contacting some of the other customer is also a valuable option .
What Type Hosting we choose?
We need dedicated hosting.
5.1.11. Uploading Site to Server:
After does all these things we mentioned now it times to upload files for our site to the server or cyberspace. There are two way to upload files on server:
Web Access: Some free hosting services allow users to upload their files on the server by the host’s web page.
FTP: FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, simple, huh. It’s how your files get from your computer to another one. The nice thing about FTP is that you both don’t have to be the same platform. You can be running a Mac and send your files to UNIX, as long as it’s running FTP server software.
5.1.12. How We Upload Our Site?
We uploaded our site by using FTP software. There are lots of ways to do it. AOL press FTP’s your files when you publish and so does Netscape Gold with it’s page editor. With the IE 5 browser and Netscape 3+ you can upload individual files. But the easiest way I have found is with a program called CuteFTP.
CuteFTP has an easy GUI ( Graphical User Interface ), modeled after Windows File Manager but with all the later convinces such as toolbars and context sensitive help.
5.2. Site Promotion:
Web Site Promotion entails search engine submissions, strategic links, strategic
Copywriting, banner ad, opt-in email, client retention marketing, affiliate programs, press releases, sponsorships, strategic domain purchasing and much more.
Promotion begins at the planning stage. What will the web site offer? Who are our competitors? What type of customers will use the product or service? What keywords will they type to find our web site? These factors will need to be accessed when hunting for a domain name, creating the initial marketing plan and building the web site.
Before we do anything, we considered how we plan to hit the Internet. We considered how the name can affect our search engine rankings.
When picking out a domain name it is important to note how search engine give weight to these names and most list them alphabetically.
Finding a domain name may not be as easy as it seems. Before registering the domain name, we made a list of 10 of our top keywords. Make sure they are words that our customers would consider. Considered short 2 or 3 words phrases. Then start checking them with Internet to see if they are available. And thus we choose current domain.
Before we register the domain name, we collected the DNS information from the hosting company that we are plan to use. This can be easily transferred if we later decide to use a different host.
Continue our marketing plan by sketching out some general goals based on our financial abilities and advertising possibilities. Settled ourselves a realistic budget. Partial percentage can come from money generated from the web site to be reinvested, but a consistent base should be allocated aside from this.
Now we have a good plan, we started to look for a notable web design. When hunting, some things to consider include example of work, dependability of server, length of time in business, references, storage limits and of course the cost involved.
The days of rushing onto the web are over. Justification of why we are on the web is what’s important now. With so many web sites out there, visitors are making judgment calls in click of a mouse. If we do not have what they the are looking for, or appear to have it, we will loose.
5.2.1. Good Web Design:
Good web design encompasses fast loading graphics, a clean design look, informative content and keyword optimized text and Meta tags. Some common design issues that affect marketing including frames, java, misleading and poor design.
Frames: Some major search engines have difficulty speeding through framed sites because they are actually a composite of multiple pages.
Java: While Java can make wonderful effects, it is important to note that some spiders start allocating keyword weight and relevancy to the first information to the body tag. If java appears here, it can lower the relevancy and importance of your keywords.
Design and Copy: Some important directories such as Yahoo and Open directory will review our site by hand. If they feel the site doesn’t meet their standards, our site will not be added.
5.2.2. Search Engine Submissions:
“If you have had email for longer than a week, you have probably seen countless special promotional offers to submit your site to hundreds of search engines.” It’s a common view for search engine submission. The realistic outcome of those web site promotion services is not more traffic to our web site, but to our email box. Our address will be disbursed to hundreds of hungry bulk email companies and this is probably not what we want. Proper search engine submission takes individual attention and actual code enhancements. Proper search engine submission should include the top search engine and directories, plus a handful of industry specific search engines. The industry specific engines can be researched with strategic link research. Each search engine has their own submission criteria Violation of these submission rules will diminish ranking effectiveness and in extreme cases be considered Spam. The basic guidelines are to maintain a direct description less than 200 characters in length with a non-sales tone, a brief title favorably less than 5 words and repetitive keyword limit of three times. When repeating keywords in this section use different phrase combinations. Indexing time varies from engine to engine. Some take as little as a couple hours others take months. Here is a brief comparison chart of the indexing period. Average Indexing Time:
Robots, Spiders, Crawlers, Worms, Ants and Agents are all referred to as the software that visits suggested page and returns the appropriate information to be indexed by the search engine. Submitting to Yahoo and other directories is somewhat of a different process. The best technique is to prepare a short description of less than 150 characters, a brief title that should reflect the company name or the main title on the home page, and a list of best 6 keywords. If at first we don’t succeed, we will try again. Yahoo prefers resubmits no earlier than 4 weeks after the first submission. If no luck after the second submission, we have to wait another 4 weeks and send a polite email with your information to L ILL. If no results, we have to repeat this process from the beginning and remember to wait at least 4 weeks between requests.
5.2.3. Strategic Link Development:
Strategic link build traffic to our web site by creating a sense of community and establishing our business as an authority or reference point for information on our industry. When researching other web sites for possible link requests, consider the benefits and consequences of offering reciprocal links.
If we provide links to competitor web sites, we may be pointing our hard-eamed traffic an leads to someone else’s web site.
However that same competitor may be providing us with just as many leads. In many industries ,each company specializes in a certain fact. By offering links to other industry or interest related sites, we want actually add value to our site and prompt the visitor to bookmark our site for future reference.
5.2.4. Online Advertising:
Developed a strategic plan for advertising our web site. Consider different methods based on our target market. Online Advertising offers the unique ability to reach and interact with a large, targeted market via their media. No other advertising medium can offer the flexibility, accessibility and convenience of the Internet. Paid links are available on industry related web sites, usually in the form of referred listings. Press Releases provide newsworthy information that can be picked for newspaper, magazines and industry related web sites.
Push technology presents information straight to the user by providing data the wants. Depending on our needs, there are several advertising options available to us. Finding which types best convey your message most effectively and offer the best return on investment takes some time and effective planning. Online advertising is, in most cases, the most cost effective method to generate traffic to web site.
5.2.5. Client Retention:
Building brand awareness and fostering relationships with our online client will encourage return visits and repeat business. Techniques range from newsletters to tank you notes. Should we forget about cultivating new customers? Of course not, but it is important to understand the extra values in retaining customers. Remember that as customer satisfaction increases, added marketing savings increases with word of mouth advertising. Lure them back with convenience and incentives. If they easily find what they are looking for and are given a good reason to return, they will be more likely to revisit our site. Bulletin Boards provide an outlet for customer questions and answers. They invite editable outside option and advice and we have one.
5.2.6. Offline Marketing:
Internet marketing should not be confined to just the Internet. Based on our target market, there are several offline areas that are imperative to include in our promotion efforts. These range from Billboards to Web Cards to Promotional items.
When promoting our site, there are some important offline marketing areas to remember. Promotional items such as letterheads and business cards should always include our web site URL. In fact, any place our company phone number appears, so should your URL. Depending on your target market, other advertising media can extremely beneficial. Most advertising media such as radio, television, billboards and print can be targeted by geography and demographic.
6.1 Site Map :
Here is the overall site map of our web site –
6.2 Primejute At A Glance :
Home Page: This is our home page, from this page an user can enter into the order table to order their product according to their interest and new users can register in primejute.
Though we tried our best but we faced some problem. It may seem contradictory that we have suggested best but implemented least. We failed to develop fully automated site for lack of time and synchronization amongst us. But we have bright chance to make it fully functional automated in future. We have great chance to start successful e-commerce business by using this site because we have some unique sections that other competitors site missed.
Though our site has many features, in future we will include –
- the scope for the skilled persons to drop their bio-data
- the scope for the raw jute seller to express their goods and quality of goods to the authority of Prime Jute Mills LTD.
We have presented an efficient way of developing dynamic web site by using the power of PHP and MySQL. Also we showed how to promote a site after hosting. Though we have some limitations it will be too easy for any developer if he / she want to develop this site further.
By following this way it will be possible for any developer to develop a successful dynamic data driven website.