Selection and recruitment process of Bangladesh Krishi Bank
The recruitment and selection processes of an organization are two of its most important HR planning activities. The basic purpose of recruiting is to ensure a sufficient pool of applicants from which the most qualified individuals may be selected. Effective recruiting is important because sufficient number of qualified applicants is needed to ensure that selection can be successfully accomplished.
Origin of the Report
This report is a requirement of the internship program which is an important part of the MBA degree requirement. As the supervisor has advised me to develop a thorough understanding of the recruitment and selection processes of Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB), this report will be prepared on those aspects of the HR practices of BKB.
Objectives of the Study
- To evaluate the current selection and recruitment policy and process of BKB.
- To find out the weaknesses of the current policy.
- To suggest improvements to the policy.
- Theoretical analysis of selection and recruitment process.
- To find relation between classroom study & real life situation.
- To analysis current selection and recruitment process of Bangladesh Krishi Bank.
- To give recommendations regarding the selection and recruitment of BKB.
To preparation the report, data has been collected from both primary and secondary sources. In depth interviews of some of the employees of the HR Division of Krishi Bank have been conducted to gather necessary information. Also, the Recruitment and Selection Policy of BKB has been consulted in preparing this report. Moreover text books, internet, the annual report of BKB etc. have been used to collect information.
Description of Bangladesh Krishi Bank:
Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) is a 100% government owned specialized Bank in Bangladesh. “Krishi” means Agriculture. Since its inception, BKB is financing in agricultural sector remarkably. BKB also performs commercial banking. People working abroad can easily send money home through Taka Drawing Arrangement.
The major occupation of the people of Bangladesh is “Krishi” or we can say “Agriculture”. About 85% of the population depends directly or indirectly on agriculture which contributes a significant portion to GDP. Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) has been established under the Bangladesh Krishi Bank order 1973 (President’s Order No 27 of 1973).BKB is a Banking Company under the Banking Company Act-1991. Its Head Office is located at Krishi Bank Bhaban, 83-85 Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. The primary objective of BKB is to provide credit facilities to the farmers for the development of agriculture. The Bank is guided in accordance with the policies and principles of the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. BKB has an authorized capital of Tk. 15,000 Million (Taka Fifteen thousand Million) only and paid up capital of Tk. 9,000 Million (Taka Nine thousand Million) only which is fully paid by the Government. The Bank started commercial functioning since 1977 to generate more loan able fund from the idle rural and urban savings and invest them for the betterment of our economy. The Bank operates its function through its 987 branches (except Rajshahi Division). It has 16 foreign exchange (Authorized dealer) branches. In the field level the Bank has 9 Divisional, 29 Chief Regional and 24 Regional offices for close supervision of the branch activities. For smooth operation, as a part of internal control and compliance system, the bank has also 63 field level audit offices of which 9 at Divisional and 54 at Regional levels. It has 7 corporate branches located in Khulna, Chittagong, Agrabad, Sylhet, Karwan Bazar, Banani, Narayanganj. In the Head Office the Bank has 4 Divisions headed by General Managers, 37 Departments and a Training Institute headed by Deputy General Managers. Local Principal Office of BKB is headed by a General Manager. The existing strength of Bank’s manpower is 10444 against the approved strength of 15442 as on 30 June, 2015.The Bank has a Board of Directors comprising of 11 members. The Board is headed by the Chairman. The Board Chairman is generally an experienced professional/ex-professional who has wide acceptability and rapport. The Directors represent both public and private sectors and are appointed by the Government. The Managing Director is the Chief Executive of the Bank. He is appointed by the Government. The Bank has two posts of Deputy Managing Directors and they are appointed by the Government. The Bank has 14 posts of General Managers. They are also appointed by the Government. The characteristics and the evolution of the agricultural sector around the world are diverse and finance is a key issue in the evolution of the agricultural sector. Agriculture is a key sector of the economy in many developing countries. Strengthening this sector requires, amongst others, better accessibility to financial services. Majority of people in developing countries live in rural areas and are involved in agriculture activities. In these countries, agriculture is the pillar of the economy and the other sectors of activity such as industry, commerce, and public and private services largely depend on it. Agriculture first provides for families subsistence needs.
Any surplus generated provides cash income to cover other essential needs. The surplus is sold in the market to meet domestic demand for food crops. Cash crops such as cotton, peanuts, coffee, tea, jute, tobacco, vanilla and so on are mainly aimed at export markets. Raising livestock such as poultry, goats, pigs and sheep whether for meat, milk, eggs, leather or as draft animals or for religious or cultural rituals is also a major agricultural activity. Exported agricultural products represent a major source of foreign currency for several countries. Jobs in the public sector and jobs in commerce and other services are also largely dependent on the primary sector. In Mali, for example, the cotton sector contributes significantly to export revenue, employs nearly 3.5 million individuals, and generates considerable income in rural areas which has made possible investment in the physical and social infrastructure. Despite this major contribution from the agricultural sector to the economy, the rural sector in developing countries only has modest means to fulfill its task. Agricultural finance should be integrated as much as possible into an overall development approach based on support for agricultural production, the marketing of agricultural products, improvement in management capacity, protection of the environment and risk management. The major occupation of the people of Bangladesh is “Krishi”. Krishi is a Bengali word which means “Agriculture”. About 85% of the population depends directly or indirectly on agriculture. Agriculture is the single largest producing sector of the economy since it comprises about 30% of the country’s GDP and employs around 60% of the total labor force.
The performance of this sector has an overwhelming impact on major macroeconomic objectives like employment generation, poverty alleviation, human resources development and food security. So the proper development of the country cannot be thought of without the proper development of its agricultural sector. In this respect, the banking system acts as a major contributor for the development of this agricultural sector. In a developing country like Bangladesh, the banking system, as a whole, plays a vital role in the progress of its economic development. A bank, as a matter of fact, is just like the heart in the economic structure and the capital provided by bank is just like the blood in it. As it is mentioned already that the economy of Bangladesh is mainly dominated by agriculture, that is why if the finance is not provided to the agricultural sector, the growth of the economy will be slowed down. Loan facility provided by the bank works as an incentive to the producer to increase production. Keeping this in mind, for the purpose of the development of agricultural sector, the Government of Bangladesh(GOB) has established two specialized banks –namely: Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) and Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (RAKUB).But our main concern will be Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) .
An Overview of Banking System in Bangladesh
After Independence of Bangladesh the banking sector was restructured as a fall out of war of liberation. Banking grew primarily in the public sector with main emphasis development needs of the war-torn economy. With gradual liberalization in subsequent years, it was increasingly felt that banks should be allowed in the private sector for giving a fillip to development process on the basis of private initiative. In the 80’s for the first time a number of banks in the private sector were allowed. Subsequently in the mid 90’s some more banks in private sector commenced operations. In 1999, 3rd Generation of private sector banks was given permission to operate.
Finally in 2001 4th Generation of private sector banks commenced operation. As a result while up to 80’s financial sector was dominated by public sector banks, banks in the private sector were given increased responsibility with the passage of time. The share of deposits of Nationalized Commercial Banks (NCBs) in total deposits which stood at 89% in 1980 gradually declined over years to reach the level of 55% in 2000. Simultaneously, Private Commercial Banks (PCBs) which were responsible for only 18% of deposits in 1985 this share increased gradually over the years to constitute about one third of the total deposits of the country by the end of the millennium. But market share of deposits of FCBs did not change much during the last twenty years. In the early 80’s the share was 6% and it stood at 7% by the end of the century with a relatively small branch network in the country. Bangladesh economy has been experiencing a rapid growth since the ’90s. Industrial and agricultural development, international trade, inflow of expatriate Bangladeshi workers’ remittance, local and foreign investments in construction, communication, power, food processing and service enterprises ushered in an era of economic activities. Urbanization and lifestyle changes concurrent with the economic development created a demand for banking products and services to support the new initiatives as well as to channelize consumer investments in a profitable manner.
The commercial banking system dominates Bangladesh’s financial sector. Bangladesh Bank is the Central Bank of Bangladesh and the chief regulatory authority in the sector. The banking system is composed of four state-owned commercial banks, five specialized development banks, thirty private commercial Banks and nine foreign commercial banks. The Nobel-prize winning Grameen Bank is a specialized micro-finance institution, which revolutionized the concept of micro-credit and contributed greatly towards poverty reduction and the empowerment of women in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh banking sector relative to the size of its economy is comparatively larger than many economies of similar level of development and per capita income. The total size of the sector at 26.54% of GDP dominates the financial system, which is proportionately large for a country with a per capita income of only about US$370. The nonbank financial sector, including capital market institutions is only 3.22% of GDP, which is much smaller than the banking sector. The market capitalization of the Dhaka Stock Exchange was US$1,025 million or 2.19% of GDP as at mid-June 2002. In contrast, the size of the total financial sector in India, including banks and non-banks as well as the capital market is 150% (March 2002) of its GDP, with commercial banks accounting for 58.3% of GDP. Access to banking services for the population has improved during the last three decades. While population per branch was 57,700 in 1972, it was 19,800 in 1991. In 2001 it again rose to 21,300, due to winding up of a number of branches and growth in population. Compared to India’s 15,000 persons per branch in 2009, Bangladesh is not far behind in this regard. This indicates that access to the banking system in the country is not a significant problem. So, The financial system of Bangladesh consists of Bangladesh Bank (BB) as the central bank, 4 State Owned Commercial Banks (SCB), 5 government owned specialized banks, 30 domestic private banks, 9 foreign banks and 29 non-bank financial institutions. Moreover, MRA has given license to 298 Microcredit Organizations. The financial system also embraces insurance companies, stock exchanges and co-operative banks.
BKB Double Profit scheme & BKB Monthly Profit Scheme:
Corporate Financing
The Bank has started financing to renowned corporate bodies of the country for the last 2/3 years. This has opened a new arena of utilizing agri-product marketing channel of the companies in easy terms and at a lower interest rate. Such companies are:
- PRAN GROUP (Agriculture Markting Company Ltd.)
- SQUARE GROUP (Square Consumer Products Ltd.)
- PARTEX GROUP (Partex Furniture Ltd.)
Credit Programs
BKB finances the following 7(seven) priority sectors, namely:
- Crop
- Fisheries
- Live Stock
- Farm and Irrigation Equipment
- Agro based Industrial Project
- S M E
- Continuous Loan (Working Capital and Cash Credit)
- Micro Credit (Small Loan)
International Banking
Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) has been engaged in Foreign Exchange Business since 1980. It deals in all kinds of export, import, remittance and other sorts of foreign exchange business. BKB has got 200 major correspondent banks globally and maintain sufficient number of Nostro accounts in various foreign currencies with different leading banks in important business centers of the world. BKB has taken a massive foreign exchange programmes to increase business.
Import of capital machinery and raw materials for agro-processing industries and export of agricultural products, foreign remittance & all sorts of foreign exchange transactions and services are being provided by BKB.
Products and Services:
- Letter of Credit (LC)
- Bill purchase/Discount
- Export Credit (Pre Shipment & Post Shipment)
- Remittance (Inward, Outward)
- Collection, Purchase and Sale of Foreign Currency and Travelers Cheques.
- Maintenance of Student education file
- Guarantees in Foreign Currency.
- Foreign Currency accounts.
- NFCD (Non-Resident Foreign Currency Deposit) A/C.
- RFCD (Resident Foreign Currency Deposit) A/C.
- Forward Contracts.
- Correspondent Banking Relations.
- Taka Drawing Arrangement.
- Dealing Room.
- S.W.I.F.T. (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication)
Import Finance
BKB deals in all kinds of Documentary Credit operation under different credit Lines/Aid/Loan/Grants/cash etc. BKB finances the following import sectors of the economy:
Products and Services:
- All kinds of Capital Machineries for the development of economy giving special emphasis on Agro based industries/Ready made Garments industries and imports substitute industries.
- Import of all kinds of industrial Raw Materials for the industries.
- Any other improved items and specially items directed by the government.
Export Finance
BKB supports exports of any kind giving special emphasis on the following
- Financial assistance to all kinds of export oriented industry and other products specially export of fruits & vegetables.
- Offers Concessional rate of interest for Export Finance.
Does all activities in exports, such as:
- Export bill negotiation /Purchase/Collection.
- Helps the export firms for getting export incentive.
- Financial support for materializing the export order.
Foreign Remittance
BKB plays an important role in the field of foreign remittances. Most of the BKB branches located at the remote areas of rural Bangladesh. The Bangladeshi people working abroad and their relatives in the country maintain bank accounts with BKB branches. Bank has an arrangement to allow Bangladeshi people working abroad to send their foreign currencies to their relatives at home. Necessary steps have been taken to widen this sector so that the Bank can serve more people and collect more remittances.
S.W.I.F.T.(Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication)
Bangladesh Krishi Bank is now a proud member of SWIFT. It is connected with modern international financial tele communication system. L/C advising/transferring and quick transfers of remittances as well as other financial correspondences have become very easy & speedy with the installation of SWIFT. Bangladesh Krishi Bank’s SWIFT BIC IS “BKBABDDH”.
Dealing Room
BKB is actively operate treasury operation i.e. dealing room operation in its International Department, Head Office, Dhaka to transact foreign currency trading in Inter Bank FC market both at home and abroad
Foreign exchanges activities
BKB extends its service to the travelers by endorsement of cash FC/TC in passports. BKB renders Hajj services to the pilgrims which is 3rd highest in the banking sector. BKB deals in spot and forward sale and purchase of foreign currency in local inter-bank market.
Theoretical Analysis of Selection and Recruitment Process
Bangladesh is the ninth largest country of the world as regards its population not for its area of land. It has almost 16 core people. So the main thrust could be given on the development and management of human resources. In the country some large medium sized and a large number of business and industrial organization have been established and a significant number of human resources are employed in the organizations. Though more than 70% of its total population is still involved in cultivation of land, but no remarkable attempt has been made to manage the agriculturists for the national purpose. That is why Bangladesh is still a poor country. In Bangladesh, many public and private businesses, non-business and industrial organization has been emerged.
Selection and Recruitment
Employee Selection is the process of putting right men on right job. It is a procedure of matching organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of people. Effective selection can be done only when there is effective matching. By selecting best candidate for the recruited job, the organization will get the quality performance of employees. Moreover, organization will face less of absenteeism and employee turnover problems. By selecting right candidate for the required job, organization will also save time and money. Proper screening of candidates takes place during selection procedure. All the potential candidates who apply for the given job are tested.
Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organization or firm. It is undertaken by recruiters. It also may be undertaken by an employment agency or a member of staff at the business or organization looking for recruits.
Having good people in a team gives a competitive advantage to a business. Employing the right person for the role will positively influence the performance and productivity of the work team as a whole. Selecting the wrong person can result in lower performance, higher operating costs, reduced morale and increased turnover among other staff members.
The only way to get good people on a team is to attract applicants through a well thought out recruitment process and then finding the best person for the role using sound selection techniques.
The recruitment and selection process also provides a window into a business for job seekers. Having a professional approach to these processes reflects positively on the farm business.
This fact sheet will cover:
- Preparation required being successful
- The recruitment process
- The selection process
- Examples
- Templates
Preparation required being successful before recruiting and selecting; an employer should complete a job analysis, job description and person specification. These documents will help to fully clarify the role as the employer sees it. A clear description is important so it can be communicated to the potential employee. When an employee knows what is expected of them they can assess whether or not the position is right for them. Knowing what is expected allows the employer to select staff much more objectively, reducing the risk of failure in the selection process. Recruitment and selection is also important in performance management, as illustrated below, because performance expectations are shared at the start.
This fact sheet will cover:
- Preparation required being successful.
- The recruitment process.
- The selection process.
Aim of Selection and Recruitment
To ensure that a pool of suitably experienced and qualified people apply for the job.
To identify one candidate who is likely to perform better in the position than the others. This combines aspects of the person’s knowledge skills and experience as well as their place in the culture of an established team. This is a two-way process and the applicant is also trying to establish for themselves if the role and the team meets their own needs.
The Advantage of Internal Recruitment is that:
- Considerable savings can be made. Individuals with inside knowledge of how a business operates will need shorter periods of training and time for ‘fitting in’.
- The organization is unlikely to be greatly ‘disrupted’ by someone who is used to working with others in the organization.
- Internal promotion acts as an incentive to all staff to work harder within the organization.
- From the firm’s point of view, the strengths and weaknesses of an insider will have been assessed. There is always a risk attached to employing an outsider who may only be a success ‘on PAPER’.
The Disadvantages of Internal Recruiting is that:
- It will have to replace the person who has been promoted
- An insider may be less likely to make the essential criticisms required to get the company working more effectively.
- Promotion of one person in a company may upset someone else.
External Recruitment
External recruitment makes it possible to draw upon a wider range of talent, and provides the opportunity to bring new experience and ideas in to the business. Disadvantages are that it is more costly and the company may end up with someone who proves to be less effective in practice than they did on paper and in the interview situation. There are a number of stages, which can be used to define and set out the nature of particular jobs for recruitment purposes:
Job analysis is the process of examining jobs in order to identify the key requirements of each job. A number of important questions need to be explored: the title of the job to whom the employee is responsible for whom the employee irresponsible simple description of the role and duties of the employee within the organization.
Job analysis is used in order to:
- Choose employees either from the ranks of existing staff or from the recruitment of new staff.
- Set out the training requirements of a particular job.
- Provide information which will help in decision making about the type of equipment and materials to be employed with the job.
- Identify and profile the experiences of employees in their work tasks (information which can be used as evidence for staff development and promotion).
- Identify areas of risk and danger at work.
- Help in setting rates of pay for job tasks.
Job analysis can be carried out by direct observation of employees at work, by finding out information from interviewing job holders, or by referring to documents such as training manuals. Information can be gleaned directly from the person carrying out a task and/or from their supervisory staff. Some large organizations specifically employ ‘job analysts’. In most companies, however, job analysis is expected to be part of the general skills of a training or personnel officer.
The recruitment process
The recruitment process involves:
- Advertising the role
- Selling the job to potential applicants.
Advertising the job
Advertising is the shop window that attracts a potential applicant to find out more about the job. It should provide enough information to make the job sound appealing and encourage a potential applicant to take action.
Types of advertising
Traditionally, advertising has been done through the local newspaper or rural media. Other forms of advertising may include:
- Word of mouth through friends and associates
- Referrals from other team members
- Direct approaches to a potential applicant
- Job sections on websites such as
- Internet job search sites
- Signs on notice boards at local businesses (supermarkets, farm supply stores etc)
- Agencies such as Work and Income or Student Job Search
- Local school or club newsletters
- Print advertising in industry publications
- Listing with farm consultants or an agricultural employment agency.
Writing an Advertisement
Newspaper advertising is the most common form of recruitment; therefore this fact sheet will focus on that process.
Components of a Good Advertisement
There is clear evidence that qualified applicants are less likely to reply to vaguely worded or ill defined advertisements, whereas unsuitable applicants are more likely to apply.
A common advertising format is as follows:
- Advert Title
- Sales pitch
- Job title and property
- Description
- Description of the job
- Type of person required
- Contact details and closing
- Date
The advert title may either be the job title or an eye-catching phrase. Other eye-catchers such as graphics or pictures (your farm logo) may also be added.
Job title and property description
The job title and property description tell the applicant what the position is and provides a context for the role by describing the location, size and facilities available on the farm
Description of the job
This section describes the appropriate responsibility areas, tasks or duties for the role. This can be taken almost directly from the job description previously constructed.
Realistic job previews: While selling the job is important, it can be a good sales ploy to point out any particular difficulties of the job, giving the applicant a more realistic idea about what the job entails. This should only be used where a direct compensation has been built into the package.
Job specification
A job specification goes beyond a mere description – in addition, it highlights the mental and physical attributes required of the job holder. For example, a job specification for a trainee manager’s post in a retail store included the following:
‘Managers at all levels would be expected to show responsibility. The company is looking for people who are tough and talented. They should have a flair for business; know how to sell, and to work in a team.
Job analysis, description, and specification can provide useful information to a business in addition to serving as recruitment instruments. For example, staff appraisal is a means of monitoring staff performance and is a feature of promotion in modern companies. In some companies, for example, employees and their immediate line managers discuss personal goals and targets for the coming time period (e.g. the next six months). The appraisal will then involve a review of performance during the previous six months, and setting new targets. Job details can serve as a useful basis for establishing dialogue and targets. Job descriptions can be used as reference points for arbitrating in disputes as to ‘who does what’ in a business. Selection involves procedures to identify the most appropriate candidates to fill posts. An effective selection procedure will therefore take into consideration the following: keeping the costs of selection down making sure that the skills and qualities being sought have been identified, developing a process for identifying them in candidates making sure that the candidates selected, will want the job, and will stay with the company. Keeping the costs of selection down will involve such factors as holding the interviews in a location, which is accessible to the interviewing panel, and to those being interviewed. The interviewing panel must have available to them all the necessary documentations, such as application forms available to study before the interviews take place. A short list must be made up of suitable candidates, so that the interviews do not have to take place a second time, with new job advertisements being placed.
The skills required should have been identified through the process of job analysis, description and specification. It is important then to identify ways of testing whether candidates meet these requirements. Testing this out may involve:
- interviewing candidates
- asking them to get involved in simulated work scenarios
- asking them to provide samples of previous work
- getting them to fill in personality and intelligence tests
- Giving them real work simulations to test their abilities.
Type of person required
In the person specification we may have identify some special characteristics like knowledge, skills or experience required in the person who fills the role. Any that are critical to the business should be detailed in this section. However, we need to be careful to avoid any characteristics that do not directly affect performance of the role, as this is discrimination.
Selling the job
Before an effective sale pitch can be designed, the employer should:
- Review the terms and conditions for the role
- Check the farm budget
- Prepare an information pack if one is to be sent out.
Sales points
Advertising should sell the job by highlighting the opportunities the role provides. These opportunities may include:
- Learning and growth opportunities (professional and personal development)
- The team on the farm
- Quality of accommodation
- Training provided
- Recreational opportunities
- Proximity to town
- Time off
- Leave provisions
- Level of salary
- Success stories of previous employees
- Farm facilities/infrastructure.
Employers should be careful not to oversell the role because if they can’t come through on promises made, staff will be disappointed. It is also illegal under the Fair Trading Act. In all cases adverts should avoid overused words, such as “progressive”, “self-starter” and “motivated”. They are used with such frequency that they have lost their meaning and have become space fillers.
Undesirable consequences of poor recruitment
Poor recruitment choices (i.e., poor person-job fit) can have a range of undesirable consequences for the organization and the worker including:
- Higher rates of turnover
- Reduced performance effectiveness
- Lowered job satisfaction
- Reduced work motivation.
Effective Recruitment Steps
Three steps to develop an effective recruitment process are:
Step 1: Ensure an up-to-date job description which contains information related to:
- Specific tasks and activities required for a job
- The knowledge, skills and abilities required for effective performance by the job incumbent.
Step 2: Develop an effective recruitment strategy which considers:
- Appropriate sources of recruitment (i.e., advertisements, personal referrals, employment agencies, direct applications).
- Appropriate recruiters (e.g., supervisor or co-worker).
Step 3: Evaluate the recruitment strategy to determine its efficacy:
- Conduct a cost-benefit t analysis in terms of the number of applicants referred, interviewed, selected, and hired
- Compare the effectiveness of applicants hired from various sources.
Overview of Selection Techniques
Evidence-based best practice for three of the most commonly used selection techniques is outlined below:
Curriculum Vitas / Resumes and written Applications
A curriculum vitae (CV) / resume provide valuable information relating to a person’s professional qualifications and experience. All information in the CV should be verified where appropriate (e.g., asking applicants to explain gaps in employment history). Requesting job applicants to address specific selection criteria (i.e., essential and desirable) can improve the efficiency of reviewing CVs.
Conducting Interviews
Structured interviews are recommended. A structured interview involves asking each candidate the same set of questions and assessing their responses on the basis of pre-determined criteria. Questions and assessment criteria should be based on accurate, updated job descriptions. It is also helpful to develop criteria to categories responses (e.g., as excellent, good, average and unsatisfactory). An interview panel consisting of a representative selection of people may also be helpful.
Two common types of structured interview questions are:
- Situational questions which ask candidates about hypothetical scenarios that may be encountered in the job and how they would respond in that situation.
- Experienced-based questions which focus on specific examples of the candidate’s prior work experiences and their responses to past situations that are relevant to the job in question.
Reference checks
Referees are useful for identifying past employment problems and clarifying the accuracy of information presented in an interview or CV. Only a small percentage of all reference checks are negative, therefore, it is often difficult to differentiate between candidates on the basis of reference checks alone.
Induction and orientation of new workers
An effective induction helps new workers understand their role and where they “fit” within the organization. It also equips them with the tools they need to perform their work role. Two useful induction tools are:
- Induction manual / kits which may contain:
- An induction checklist
- Organizational philosophy / ethics / history
- Strategic values of the organization
- An organizational chart / structure
- An employment manual on policies and procedures
- An orientation to the workplace (including parking and safety issues)
- Information about episodes of care, the duty system, supervision, staff meetings, etc.
- Mentoring / “buddy” system
New workers can be paired with experienced workers from a similar area to “show them the ropes”. Alternatively, a more formal / structured mentoring system can be a useful induction strategy in which new workers are paired with a mentor who can assist them with their ongoing professional development.
Employer CV
When people apply for a job the employee may provide, the employer, with a CV outlining their vision, values, strengths and weaknesses, work history and references to check their story out. Providing them with a CV and the farm can aid the recruitment process by providing potential employees with details, the farm system and how they will fit in. The CV could be emailed or sent out to potential employees with a copy of the job description. In turn, helping potential employees self-select whether they would suit the job, long before have to go through the interview and selection process. An employer CV doesn’t need to be exhaustive. Have a think about the key information that could let potential employees know or ask other staff members what they would have like to have known.
What could include
- Key contact details
- Details of own history as an employer
- The type of training, skills and experience employer has
- Details about what past employees have gone on to do
- Referees from both current and past employees.
Information packs
As part of the sales pitch, employers sometimes send out information packs to people making enquiries. Information packs are designed to provide more detail about a job than can be included in an advertisement, as well as help to sell the job. A pack may contain things like a job description, a copy of your employer CV, performance checklist and description of farm policy as well as more detail on the sales pitches. The one issue surrounding distribution of information packs is timing. They need to be with the applicant immediately to keep the process rolling and therefore must be ready in advance. Using e-mail to distribute this information can help speed up the process.
Phone or written replies
Written replies can be in a number of formats. The most common being the completion of an application form or the preparation of a CV. Preparation of a CV can be a barrier to people applying for the job. Compilation is time consuming, and especially for lower level jobs, can put people off applying. This can be overcome to some extent by using an application form which requires set questions to be answered. Preparing an application form and getting each applicant to complete it at the start of the recruitment process has many benefits:
- The same information is supplied by each applicant, making comparison easier
- It allows to ask questions which are not comfortable asking people face-to-face
- People filling them out must declare they are doing so honestly
- It can be a means to testing if applicants can read and write.
Providing a phone number is the quickest way to get in touch with job applicants. However, this requires a higher level of organization on behalf of the employer. A template with phone interview questions should be kept handy to the phone so all applicants can be asked the same questions. It may also be a barrier to potential applicants if they can never get in touch with the advertiser. To avoid this, employers should indicate times for applicants to call and make sure they are ready to answer the phone. An answer phone also helps avoid this problem.
A formal record of application is desirable and should cover off information such as referees and work history to provide evidence in case of misrepresentation of fact by a job applicant. This information may be gathered by way of CV application form or employer notes.
Double column advertisements with borders stand out better than single column run-on advertisements and are more likely to attract responses.
Advertising in the newspaper is the normal approach for many farm positions. Following the above guidelines will be more expensive than may have historically been the case. However, need to remember that taking time to screen out unsuitable applicants is an expense, as is having to re-advertise if there are no suitable applicants.
Acknowledging applicants
Where CVs are requested, it is polite to acknowledge their receipt with an email, letter or a phone call
The selection process
The selection process has the following components:
- Initial screening of applicants
- First interview
- Reference checking
- Second interview
- Job offer.
Setting selection criteria and selection techniques
Selection criteria are the set of competencies or measures used to rank candidates. These measures should cover eight to ten of the most important requirements identified in the job description and person specification.
Example: If an employee will be required to carry out feed budgeting, their skill in this area would be one the selection criteria. Ability to work in a team may be another example. Applicants are rated against the selection criteria during the interview process. The selection criteria can weight depending on importance and the rating of the applicant multiplied by the weighting gives the applicant’s score for those selection criteria. Selection techniques such as interview questions and tasks are designed around each of the eight to ten selection criteria so each candidate can be thoroughly tested for competency in that area. Ideally an applicant’s competency should be tested in more than one way.
Example: For the feed budgeting example one test may be to get the applicant to carry out a feed budget (a practical work test) and the second test may be a discussion around how the results of the budget would be applied on farm (a structured interview).
Structured interviews
Structured interviews ask all candidates the same questions and set the same tasks. This ensures that the same information is gathered from all candidates and allows for a more objective comparison between applicants.
Practical work tests
Practical work tests ask an employee to demonstrate their competence. An example may be inviting an applicant to complete a feed budget.
Reference checks
Reference checks help to establish how a candidate has performed in the past. Both written and verbal references can be falsified, so information gained should be double-checked in another way.
Role play
Role play puts a person in a situation and asks them to act out how they would deal with it. This technique is especially useful to assess interpersonal and team skills.
Personality tests
Personality tests are good for understanding people and how they can be managed, but they are not good predictors of how a person will perform. If the job is described appropriately and the selection criteria are appropriate, the ‘right’ personality for the job is likely to be selected anyway. Initial screening of applicants following successful recruitment, the aim of the screening process should be to cut the list of applicants to three or four people to be interviewed.
Screening should be done on the basis of the experience level and skills the applicant demonstrates through the CV or phone conversation, and how they match up with the selection criteria for the job. If there are a number of similar applications you may wish to make a phone call to their referees. Once a shortlist has been made it is polite to let the other applicants know they will not be required for an interview.
Notifying applicants of an interview
The applicants selected for an interview should be phoned to ensure they are still interested in the job and then offered an interview. This phone call should ideally be followed up in writing with details of the time, place and expected activities to be carried out at the interview and the expected duration so the applicant can plan their day.
One or two interviews
Some thought should be given to whether or not a second interview stage will be used. If a second interview is to be used the objective of the first interview is to identify two to three people to move through to the next stage. This allows for shorter interviews. If there will not be a second interview, sufficient time must be allowed to conduct the interview and give the candidate a full tour of the farm and accommodation. Accommodation and the farm sheep and beef should be shown on the first interview as they are often deciding points for a candidate.
Who should be involved in the interview:
Using two people to conduct the interview is a good idea as they will both take different points from it. It is necessary to make sure roles of the interviewers are clearly defined. Where possible, the direct manager of the job applicant should be involved.
New workers in a firm are usually given an induction programmed in which they meet other workers and are shown the skills they must learn. Generally, the first few days at work will simply involve observation, with an experienced worker showing the ‘new hand’ the ropes. Many large firms will have a detailed training scheme, which is done on an ‘in-house’ basis. This is particularly true of larger public companies such as banks and insurance companies. In conjunction with this, staff may be encouraged to attend college courses to learn new skills and get new qualifications.
Training thus takes place in the following ways:
- On the job – learning skills through experience at work
- Off the job – learning through attending courses.
Promotion within a firm depends on acquiring qualifications to do a more advanced job. In accountancy for example, trainee accountants will be expected to pass exams set by the
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). At the same time, a candidate for promotion must show a flair for the job. It is the responsibility of the training department within a business to make sure that staff with the right skills are coming up through the firm or being recruited from outside.
The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants has 300,000 members and students throughout the world. It is a professional body setting standards for the accountancy profession.
To be properly qualified, accountants must have passed examinations that make them eligible for membership of one or more professional accounting bodies, such as ACCA. Typically accountants will improve their knowledge and experience by taking courses run and organized by ACCA during their professional training enabling them to develop and enhance their careers.
Induction is the process of introducing new employees to an organization and to their work responsibilities in that organization.
Classification of the post
The employees of the bank shall be classified designated as shown in the above illustration. Any change, addition, in the classification and designation shall required prior approval of the board. An employee of the bank, other than an officer appointed to a particular category of the position shall continue in the same category. Provided that if he fulfills such condition as may be laid down in this behalf, he may be appointed to another category of posts by the competent authority.
No position shall be appointed to any post in the service of the bank unless he is a citizen of Bangladesh. Provided that the board may in special cases, waive this condition subject to fulfillment of the condition regarded to employment of foreign nation in Bangladesh.
A candidate shall not be less than twenty years and more than thirty years (except applicant of cottas) of age at the time of appointment direct recruitment as a Probationary Officer and not less than eighteen years and more than thirty years of age at the time of appointment by direct recruitment as a probationary employees other than an officer in the service of the Bank. Provide than the board may in special cases, relax the upper age limit for reasons to be record in writing.
Physical Fitness
No person shall be appointed in the service of the bank unless he is declared physically fit by the Medical Officer of the bank or any other Medical authority specified by the bank in this behalf.
Termination of services
The service of provision or temporary employee shall be liable to termination by the competent authority without assigning any reason after giving him one months notice in writing or on payment of on more substantive pay in lieu of such notice and the probationary or the employees shall not be entitled to any form of composition for termination of services. The competence authority may terminate the service of a confirmed employee or call upon him to resign without assigning any reason, by giving him one month’s pay in lieu of such notice and employee shall not be entitled be compensation the days salary each year of service of termination of service.
The Bank shall have right to remove, dismiss or retire from service any of its employees as disciplinary measure or on medical ground and in such cases, the provision said before in the paragraph for termination of services.
A confirmed employee shall not leave or discontinue service in the Bank without giving three months provision written notice of his intention to do so, and in case of breach by him of this sub-role; he shall be liable to pay for three months.
Neither probationer nor any temporary employee shall leave or discontinue his service in the bank without giving one month’s previous notices in writing his intention to do so, and in case of any breach by him or his sub role, he should liable to pay the bank as compensation an amount equal to his pay for one month.
Before resigning from a post, an employee shall return books and other properties, if any borrowed from a bank and shall not later than the date from which the registration is accepted or he discontinue his service, hand over vacant possession of the residential accommodation, if any provided to the Bank. Notwithstanding anything contend to the rules written in the first paragraph under the head no employee against who to a disciplinary action has been started shall resign from the service of the Bank. Provided that the bank may allow such an employee to resign on such term and condition as it may deem fit. The payment of amount in Lieu of notice by employee under the first paragraph of the topics may be waived by rather competent authority in special cases. Without prejudice to any other mode to any recovery, the bank may recover, as far possible, the amount payable by an employee under the first paragraph from any amount admitted by the Bank on the date of resignation.
Every employee shall retire from the service of the bank at 60 years of age of 35 years after commencement of action service in the bank whichever occurs earlier. The period of service may be extended in the interest of the beyond 30 years of age or 35 years of service by the board.
Every confirmed and full time employee shall be entitled to retirement and resignation.BKB follows Public Service Retirement Act1974 (XII of 1974).
The Strengths of Recruitment and Selection Process of BKB
(i) The management of BKB cares for the quality of service as well as the quality of its human resources.
(ii) The recruitment and selection is quite fair and square. Everyone at the HR Division is honest and impartial which promotes the environment of accountability.
(iii) Internal growth creates an attachment between the employees and the organization. Moreover, internal growth has increased the recruitment and selection efficiency of the HR Division, since it has better knowledge about the applicants’ knowledge, skills, abilities and other qualifications.
(iv) The recruitment and selection process of BKB emphasizes more on who fits the organization, rather than who fits the job. Thus, it has created a unique organizational culture and the whole HR Division has ensures a friendly and caring working environment.
The Weaknesses of Recruitment and Selection Process of BKB
(i) BKB’s HR planning can be made more effective if it is revised more often according to the change in this fast moving industry.
(ii) Statistical measures such as correlation analysis and regression analysis are not applied to predict and analyze the recruitment and selection requirements more precisely.
(iii) Quantitative methods are not practiced in determining utility in recruitment and selection.
There is no feedback system established to find out the efficiency of the system and correct its drawbacks.
(iv) No study is conducted to justify the effectiveness of the recruitment tests.
(v) Regret letters are not sent to the candidates who are not selected after joining of the finally selected candidates.
(vi) BKB does not always check references properly, which may lead to a grave problem for the organization.
Identification of main problems and findings
Bangladesh Krishi Bank has been successful by increasing its revenues, deposit and branch in Bangladesh. Although there is no major problem in Krishi Bank., some of the problems observe as follow:
Technological advancements: BKB has equipped its branches with all major IT tools of the industry. However it has been observed that when it’s time to work, there are many difficulties seen in the different devices.
Job Advancement: There is no advancement procedure for lower staff members. The lower staff should be trained about the operations of the bank.
Training and Developments: There are effective training centers of Bangladesh Krishi Bank. The problem with Training and Development is that it is not available for all the staff members. Lack of employees in some departments: Although BKB is a very good employer of talent professionals at different branches, however it was observed that there were some departments in the bank lacked the number of professional in it that resulted in efficiencies in that department.
Amenities at Branch: Providing amenities like separate room for different departments also necessary.
Incentive Schemes: BKB could provide scholarship schemes for employees that want to go for higher education.
Several recommendations for the existing selection and recruitment policy and procedure are described here.
- Krishi Bank follows the international Selection and Recruitment process system. The bank should try to arrange more training programs for their officials. Quality training will help the officials to enrich them with more recent knowledge of International Trade Financing.
- BKB should update its websites on regular basis. And the bank should adopt more advanced technology.
- BKB’s employees work in some such branches where communication is very poor. Moreover, they are not getting competitive remuneration. In these situation employees need more motivation.
- BKB’s must go full ahead for automation.
- Still all the branches of Bangladesh Krishi Bank are not introducing Online Banking. I think online banking could be helpful for customers; it makes all the transactions easy.
- Development of skilled workforce is very important. To overcome the shortage of workforce BKB must recruit new employees. The existing strength of Bank’s employee is 10444 against the approved strength of 15442 as on 30 June 2015.