
What is Public Administration

What is Public Administration

Public administrators can execute a wide array of career choices in the government sector, including policy ad visor, budget analyst, city manager, city planner, and executive assistant. Most of these positions require a master’s degree or higher in business or public administration. Additionally, candidates with an undergraduate degree may pursue jobs in social services that may include supervisory, managerial, and directional positions, depending on past work experiences and displayed competencies. Others may find refuge in special interest groups, religious, political, trades, or other various associations. For instance, association executives execute a variety of duties, depending on their positions and overall size of the organization.

Marx defines administration as – Administration is determined action taken in pursuit of a conscious purpose. It is the systematic ordering of affairs and the calculated use of resources aimed at making those happen which one wants to happen.

According to L D White, Public administration consists of all those operations having for their purpose the fulfillment or enforcement of public policy. On the other hand as per Woodrow Wilson public administration is a detailed and systematic application of law. One can also say that public administration is nothing but the policies, practices, rules and regulation etc, in action.

After having said that; the word administration itself is highly contextual, and may vary in meaning and definition from one organization to another.

So if you want to understand it from the context and setting of an organization, it can be roughly explained that; the top leadership or the Board decides the vision, mission, short and long term goals and the business unit heads then draw out action plans and create or reform processes, allot responsibilities, direct planning, get people on board and start working towards achieving those set goals as per defined guidelines.

What is Public Administration