
The usefulness of a Library

The usefulness of a Library

The usefulness of a Library

A library is a storehouse of knowledge. It satisfies our thirst for the unseen and the unknown. Libraries play a vital role in providing people with reliable content. They encourage and promote the process of learning and grasping knowledge. Every school has a library and like every school, even my school has a wonderful library. A library is a very important part of a school as it helps students to gain and acquire knowledge.

No educational institution is complete without a library. Like all other educational institutions, our school has a big library. Our school is a three-storeyed building. The library is situated on the ground floor. The book worms can get loads of books to read from and enhance their knowledge. Moreover, the variety is so wide-ranging that one mostly gets what they are looking for.

Furthermore, they help the people to get their hands on great educational material which they might not find otherwise in the market. When we read more, our social skills and academic performance improves. Our school library is in a large spacious room. It is well ventilated. It has eight windows and three doors. There is a good sitting arrangement here. Fifty students can read at a time. It is divided into two parts. In one part there is a reading room and a center for issuing books. In the other parts, there are twenty-five shelves where the books are neatly arranged. In the library, there are tables set with chairs around. The students sit on these chairs and read books and make notes. This, in turn, progresses our learning capabilities and knowledge. It is also helpful in our overall development.

Most importantly, libraries are a great platform for making progress. When we get homework in class, the libraries help us with the reference material. Our school has a rich collection. There are about ten thousand books on different subje.As. There are some rare collections and classical books. These reference books help the students to know more which is beyond their knowledge. There is a qualified librarian to help the students. There is a big reading room. It is well furnished. When we take the help of a catalog, the librarian at once helps us. We have issued cards. We can borrow a book from the library. We are to return the borrowed books. If anybody does not, he is fined.

A library is a very useful platform that brings together people willing to learn. It helps us in learning and expanding our knowledge. Our library is very helpful for us. A library widens the mental horizon of a student. It broadens his outlook and deepens his knowledge. It is not possible for a student to travel the world around him. Similarly, libraries provide authentic and reliable sources of information for researchers. They are able to complete their papers and carry out their studies using the material present in a library.  A book makes him acquainted with the whole world and it is a library which contains these books. Again it is impossible for a student to buy all books. So he can manage the book from the library and derive much benefit. Our library has a great attraction for us. I am proud of my library. Furthermore, libraries are a great place for studying alone or even in groups, without any disturbance.