We have terrible news for you, password parasites. Netflix has stated that it will begin a trial in which account holders will be charged if they share credentials with persons who do not reside in the same household. Netflix will test this model in three countries first: Chile, Costa Rica, and Peru. Subscribers will be requested to add an extra user to their subscription at a discounted rate of $ 2.99 in Costa Rica, S/7.9 in Peru, and 2,380 peso in Chile if an account is shared across many families.
People who have been kicked off an account can move all of their data to a new account or an additional member sub-account to guarantee that their viewing history, tailored recommendations, and other information are preserved. Before making adjustments anyplace else in the globe, the tech corporation said it will wait to see how the experiment goes in these three nations.

The goal of the enterprise appears to be clear: to make money. Netflix claims to encourage individuals who live together to share accounts, yet it appears that widespread password sharing among various families is hurting Netflix’s multibillion-dollar revenues. “Accounts are being shared across families, limiting our capacity to invest in outstanding new TV and films for our subscribers,” Netflix’s Chengyi Long said in a blog post.
Netflix technically prohibits password sharing outside of single homes. “The Netflix service and any content obtained through the service are for your personal and non-commercial use only and may not be shared with others outside your home,” according to their terms and conditions. However, it appears that these restrictions are not strictly followed. If the password-sharing crackdown is effective and approved, it will be a complete 180 from the streaming giant’s position a few years ago. Reed Hastings, Netflix’s co-CEO and Chairman, has previously voiced little worry about password streaming, claiming that it is part of what makes streaming services so appealing.
“We love it when people share Netflix,” Hastings said at CES 2016. “That’s a good thing, not a bad thing,” says the speaker. Do you have a guilty conscience because you borrowed someone’s Netflix account? Don’t worry, says the streaming-video behemoth. “We love it when people share Netflix,” CEO Reed Hastings said at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas on Wednesday. “That’s a good thing, not a bad thing,” says the speaker.
Hastings’ remarks come as video streaming’s expanding popularity poses a social problem for many consumers of premium digital content providers like Netflix, Hulu, and HBO Go. It’s something that a lot of people do. Andy Samberg, who hosted the Emmys in September, handed fans an actual HBO Go password. Others think it’s a social media faux pas. Some are concerned that exchanging passwords is against the terms of service and may be unlawful.