A new simulation shows how fast a medieval advanced alien civilization would take to spread itself across the galaxy, and the answer is not at all long-lasting, at least in relative cosmic language. Even equipped with spaceships not too fast compared to our most advanced interplanetary probe, the whole ordeal could have happened in just 1 billion years. It may seem like a long time to compare the existence of a human life or our species as a whole, but when we consider the lifespan of a galaxy it seems too quick to consider that the simulation did not require any super – our current understanding of space Outdoor casual spacecraft or physical strategy.

As reported in the research notes of the American Astronomical Society, the team considers a second type of civilization on the Kardashian scale. This is brief to describe the level of technological advancement of the aliens, which spreads through their star system and uses the energy that stars can produce. Such civilizations may feel the need to spread to other star systems, and in this paper they do. The study imagined an example of the process of a single technologically advanced civilization in a galaxy like the Milky Way as soon as galactic expansion began. They estimate that the aliens will have technology (signs of advanced civilization) for about 100 million years before the home star system and any newly settled system dies.
With ships speeding about 10 kilometers (6 miles) per second and traveling less than 10 light-years from their original source, they would not launch multiple settlement ships every 100,000 years. So at any given time, only a handful of stars were available. Move the stars and this is the key to simulation. When the original civilization began to launch spacecraft of its generation, over time it had access to various stars due to the motion of the planetary system in the galaxies. At the same time, the newly disposed systems will send their own spacecraft. Lead author Professor Jason Wright, wrote in a blog post, “This neat simulation is that since the range of ships is small and ships are sent in very little time, the waves [of expansion] become slow enough that it is actually the speed of the stars that do most of the work and you can mix jam with oatmeal or cream mixed with coffee. As it happens, how will they accept what the resident star bubble has created and how will they absorb it.”