Improving Production Quality through Effective Human Resource Management
We are living a time that needs and demands special attention and firm commitment towards practicing ethical norms and value and environmental safety at all the manufacturing facilities. The management of mohammadi group has a great responsibility to influence the conditions under which it manufactures the product. While accepting the facts the management understands and respects the different norms, ethic and values it encounter and does not compromise violation of any human right and the fundamental compliance issues at work place. The management always prefer that it all activity in the interest of society, national community and company itself.
Objective of the study
General objective:
The general objective of this report is to express the practical experience by working in a company and to link the theoretical knowledge with its application in the real life situation.
The report also aims at acquiring first hand knowledge “Improving production quality through effective human resource management” as well to suggest ways and means to improve the current practices.
Specific objective
- Analyze the organizational activities
- Analyze the specific activities like production process.
- To identify the imperative process of production those are the basis of garments manufacturing.
- To identify the types quality improving plan.
Explain the identifies issues which can help them to provide effective human resource management.
Origin of the report:
BBA internship program is a four credit compulsory course for the business student graduating from Stamford University Bangladesh. The internship program of Stamford University Bangladesh mostly focus on the field that a student is concentrating.
The work on this report was carried out as an internship program at Mohammadi Group, Dhaka in the “improving production quality through effective management”
Why Human Resource Management Practice Is Necessary For A Company?
- A HR manager doesn’t want to:
- Hire the wrong person for the job.
- Experience high turnover.
- Find people not doing their best.
- Waste time with useless interviews.
- Have your company to court because of your discriminatory actions.
Major outlines to a manager responsibilities for effective human resource management :
- Placing the right person on the right job.
- Starting new employees in the organization (orientation).
- Training employees for jobs that are new to them.
- Staff appraisal.
- Improving the job performance of each person.
- Staff motivation.
- Gaining created cooperation and developing smooth working relationships.
- Interpreting the company’s policies and procedures.
- Controlling labor cost.
- Developing the ability of each parson.
- Creating and maintaining department morals.
Human resource management is the key elements for any development organization. Through an effective human resource management expected and satisfactory result can be achive.quality of production can be ensure if human resource management is established properly and effectively.
S Nahar garments is a sister concern of MOHAMMADI GROUP being a company of the leading privet sector business. It gives the highest value of its entire component contributing to the production, management and revenues where the human resource was conceder as the prim factor. An excellent environment in human resource management having very good employee –management communication and relationship, attractive remuneration, benefit and incentive schemes,super working condition maintaining the international standers of compliance have ensure the highest level of job satisfaction and resulted to retaining of skilled manpower through whom brought the sheer success for the company.
S Nahar is a ISO certified company.becouse of their good quality assurance in every sector they got this international stander certificate.
At the same time the company believes its employee are the asset of the company and they are the most important element of their precious environment
What is production?
Production is a business activity that uses people and machinery to convert materials and parts into salable product. Two type of company engaged in this activity. A processing company, the first type, is a firm that converts natural resource to raw material. The second type is a manufacturing company that converts raw materials into consumer and industrial goods.
Product are often use to make other product, so one firms finished may be another firms component part. This type of interdependence is common.
Production methods:
All product can not be made in the same way , the nature of the product determine how it will be produce traditionally these method can be classified as analytical, synthetic, continuous, intermittent.
Analytical process:
In the analytical process, raw material is broken down to form new product
Synthetic process:
Synthetic process is the opposite of analytical process, because materials are combined instead of separated to form a certain product.
Continuous process:
Continuous process is a production method that use the same machinery performs the same operations repeatedly over relatively long period of time.
Intermittent process:
Firms that use intermittent process is engaged in a production process that shuts down equipment periodically and readjust it to make a slight different product. Production does not run the same day in and day out. the intermittent process is used by job shop, companies that make product to customer individual specification.
Production control, one of the most important concerns in making a product, is coordinating the interaction of people, materials and machinery so at products are made in the proper amounts at the required times to fill orders. Six steps are involved: planning, routing, scheduling, dispatching, and follow-up and quality assurance
Successful production, like other successful business activities, is based on planning. Production planners know what materials, equipment, process, and working time must be allotted to make a given time. Often they re form^.~ production workers themselves, so they can visualize the end product at various stages of completion, knowing from experience what remains to be done.
The production plan is a document that contains a list of materials and equipment needed to manufacture a finished product that also specifies which operations will be performed in- house or out-of-house. In addition, this plan reveals any operations that require special machinery or equipment to be brought out of storage or purchased and set up when the product reaches a particular stage of completion.
Production planer like S Nahar garments. They coordinate the performances of purchasing, manufacturing, shipping and marketing, all of which contribute to or need information about the status of an order at various stages of completion.
Routing is the production control step in which a logical sequence is established for the operations that the product must undergo on its way to completion. Each job’s path is defined, thus determining what work will be done at what point. The person handling routing for a brewery must take into account all of the following steps: germinating the barley gain, cleaning it, milling it, weighing it, cooking it, blending it with water, removing the grain solids to produce a clear liquid, brewing the liquid, straining out hops, cooling the liquid, fomenters it, and again, filtering and packaging the beer.
Scheduling is the production control step that allots time for each operation along the route. Knowledgeable production planner is asset here. Schedules that allow too much or too little time can lead to slack periods in various departments, causing wasted time and perhaps employee layoffs, or create bottlenecks that back up work at certain points, causing late deliveries and canceled orders. Production planner also has to take network time into account. A production planner who does not know how much time to allow will leave workers idle at next step along the route.
A product rarely follows the original schedule from start to finish. Production planner must reschedule work in process because of canceled orders and customer requests of earlier delivery dates of because of a machinery breakdowns, design changes, strikes, and inclement weather, all of which can cause lost work time and delays in the delivery of essential materials.
Dispatching occurs after jobs have been planned, routed, and scheduled. This is the production control step in which a production planner release a job to the first production department on its route. Before dispatching, production control employees must gather up the materials and parts required by the production plan and issue them to the correct department.
Follow-up is the production control step in which production planners monitor each job’s progress along its route, and report and attempt to deal with any delays or difficulties that occur. A job is usually identified by number so it can be traced from one operation or department to the next. Follow-up is essential in these cases to ensure that work moves according to schedule. When delays occur, production planners should be notified so they can bring the job back on schedule or reschedule it.
Quality assurance
Total Quality Management Program:
Total quality management is an approach of doing business that is initially practiced by Japanese for more than 50 years and ~ gains its respect in ”.S.A: in late 1980s. The individual elements of this system such as the use of statistical data, strategic planning, teamwork, employee involvement have been used by the organizations for many years. But the effective collaboration and communication of these elements results the new management philosophy.
What is quality:
Quality can be defined as the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy given needs. Another way “quality measures how well a product or service meets customer needs, he basic consideration is thus always the extent to which the product or service meets the customer’s expectation. Besides above this, there are several definitions of quality or quality dimensions. According to David Garvin it may be either:
- Transcendent: Quality is something that is intuitively understood but nearly impossible to communicate. Like beauty or love.
- Product Based: Quality is the features and attributes of a product
- User Based: If the customer is happy then it is of good quality.
- Manufacturing Based: If the product conforms to the design Specifications then it have a good quality.
- Value Based: If the product is perceived as providing good value for the price, it is quality product.
So it shows that quality is a dynamic state and changes continually as it goes to different customer .it gives rise the two types of customer: Internal and external customer. Anyway since customer is the use; of a product, they are the ultimate judge of the quality. Hence quality involves meeting customer need and exceeding customer expectation.
To satisfy a customer we need quality product. And a product is again a result of people, process, service and environment. Therefore management of product, people, process, service and environment to meet and exceed customer expectation gives rise to Total Quality Management.
Why do we need Quality management
The advances in communication and transportation technology coupled with open market economy have made people from all over the world a global customer. Now a garment is designed in Italy, the raw material is coming from China, the fabric may go to India and then it is marketed in New York, Paris, and London. Another counterpart may choose to collect raw material from India, make in Bangladesh and sell in New York, Paris and London. This example shows how a garment manufacturer in Bangladesh is competing with Indian counterpart. This type of global competition is taking place everyday. This used to be a norm for large organization but now for open market economy small organizations are forced to play this role.
The global market place exerts enormous, relentless pressure on the organizations to continually improve quality while simultaneously reduce the price they charge for goods and services. The key to achieve higher quality and lower prices for customer is the reduction of expenses associated with unhappy customers… expenses that amount as much as 25% of the cost of sales. The cost of poor quality accounts for 15-30% of a company’s overall costs. When an organization does what is necessary to improve its performance by reducing deficiency in key areas (cycle time, warranty costs, scrap and rework, on time delivery etc.) , it can reduce overall costs without eliminating essential services, functions, product features and personnel. Reducing cost associated with poor quality is mandatory for companies that hope to compete in the global market. The flowing figure shows how a poor quality cost.
There is a prevailing and persistent attitude in the business world that quality costs money: some claim too much. What they miss but are the cost of poor quality that is shown earlier. Still there is something you have to pay to improve your quality. To find this let us see what the total production cost of a product is. It is made up of three components.
- Total production cost = Basic Production cost + Loss due to defects + Cost for reducing defect.
- Basic Production Cost = labor costs, material cost, equipment cost, energy etc.
- Cost for reducing defects = Preventive cost and Appraisal Cost. These are generally known as cost of quality.
Preventive Cost:
The cost of setting up, planning, and maintaining a documented quality system
- Quality planning establishing production process conformance to Design specification procedures and designing of test procedures and test equipment.
- Quality and process engineering (including preventive maintenance).
- Calibration of quality related production equipment
- Supplier quality assurance.
- Supplier assessment.
- All Training.
- Defect data analysis for corrective action.
- Time spent on quality audits.
Appraisal Cost:
- Laboratory acceptance testing.
- Inspection and tests by inspectors.
- Setup of inspection and test
- Inspection and test material.
- Product quality audits.
- Review of test and inspection data.
- On-site performance test.
- Internal test and release.
- Evaluation of materials and spares.
- Supplier monitoring.
- ISO 9000: 2000 qualification activities.
- Quality award assessment.
Lost due to defects is the failure cost of the product. This cost includes following components.
Failure Cost.
- Cost of troubleshooting
- Re inspection of stocks after defect detection
- Disruption of production schedules
- Complaint handling a replacements plus extra time with customer
- Warranty
- Cost of holding higher levels of stock as a buffer against quality failure
- Cost of corrective maintenance of plant
- Cost of corrective action to product ( redesign, repair)
- Lost of production because of manpower availability problems (this results in higher over time)
- Lost of production caused by system problems (materials or instructions not available, idle time cost)
- Concessions
- Process waste
- Cost of product scrap ( including holding cost)
Total quality approach has the following characteristic:
- Strategically based
- Customer focus ( internal & external)
- Obsession with quality
- Scientific approach to problem solving
- Long term commitment
- Teamwork
- Continual process improvement
- Education & training
- Freedom through control
- Unity of purpose
- Employees involvement and empowerment
DEMINGS 14 Points:
Deming’s philosophy both summarized and operational zed by his fourteen points. These points describe his views on what a company must do to effect a positive transition from traditional business to TQM.
DEMINGS 14 Points:
- Create constancy of Purpose toward the improvement of products and services in order to become competitive, stay in business and provide jobs.
- Adopt the new philosophy. Management must learn that it is a new economic age and awaken to the challenge, learn their responsibilities and take on leadership for change.
- Stop depending on inspection to achieve quality. Build in quality from the start.
- Stop awarding contracts on the basis of low bids.
- Improve continuously and forever the system of production and service,
To improve quality and productivity, and this continuously reduces cost.
- Institute training on the job.
- Institute leadership. The purpose of leadership to help people and technology work better.
- Drive out fear so that everyone works effectively.
- Breakdown barriers between departments so that people can work as a team.
- Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the workforce they create adversarial relationship.
- Eliminate quotas and management by objective. Substitute leadership.
- Remove barriers that rob employees of their pride in workmanship.
- Institute vigorous program for education and self improvement.
- Make the transformation everyone’s job and put everyone work on it.
Dr. Deming also pointed seven deadly diseases that inhibit the transformation an organization.
Demings Seven deadly diseases
- Lack of constancy of purpose to plan products and services that have sufficient to keep the company in business.
- Emphasis on short time profits.
- Personal review systems for managers and management by objectives without providing methods or resources to accomplish objectives.
- Job hopping by managers
- Using only visible data and information in decision making with little no consideration given to what is not known or cannot be known.
- Excessive medical costs
- Excessive cost of warranty.
Common Errors:
There are score common errors organizations make when implementing total the committed organization should avoid these errors.
- Lack of commitment from top management
- Senior management delegation and poor leadership
- Team Mania
- Deployment process: some organizations develop quality initiatives without concurrently developing plans for integrating them into all elements of the organization. According to Jim Clemmer ” More time must be spent preparing plans and getting key stakeholders on board, including managers, unions, suppliers, and other production people. It takes time to pull them in. It involves thinking about structure, Recognition, skill development, education and awareness”
- Taking narrow, dogmatic approach
- Confusion about the difference among education, awareness, Inspiration and skill building.
The quality control charts:
For controlling quality characteristics that represent attributes the product, the following charts are commonly constructed:
C chart
In this chart we plot the number of defects (per batch, per day, per machine, per 100 feet of pipe, etc.). This chart assumes that defects of the quality attribute are rare and the control limits in this chart are computed based on the Poisson distribution (distribution of rare events).
U chart
In this chart we plot the rate of defects that is, the number of defectives divided by the number of units inspected (the n; e.g., feet of pipe, number of batches). Unlike the C chart, this chart does not require a constant number of units, and it can be used, for example, when the batches (samples) are of different sizes.
Np chart
In this chart, we plot the number of defectives (per batch, per day, per machine) as in the C chart. However, the control limits in this chart are not based on the distribution of rare events, but rather on the binomial distribution. Therefore, this chart should be used if the occurrence of defectives is not rare (e.g., they occur in more than 5% of the units inspected). For example, we may use this chart to control the number of units produced with minor flaws.
P chart
In this chart, we plot the percent of defectives (per batch, per day, per machine, etc.) as in the U chart. However, the control limits in this chart are not based on the distribution of rare events but rather on the binomial distribution (of proportions). Therefore, this chart is most applicable to situations where the occurrence of defectives is not rare (e.g., we expect the percent of defectives to be more than 5% of the total number of units produced).
There are four functional areas of management that any business must concern it with. These are Production Management, Marketing Management, Financial Management, and Human Resource Management. HR Management in a design firm has three primary functions: acquiring human resources, developing human resources, and maintaining human resources- in other words, staff recruitment, retention, and development. A fourth function has recently been added to these: minimization of employment-related liability issues. Liability issues are becoming a greater and greater concern to design firms, as all management activities today have potential liability implications.
There’s better way to sell managers on a new ides than to appeal to them, rationally and economically. Although it’s not always possible to justify what you propose economically, it could probably be done far more often than often than most people realize. And there realty are some tangible economic benefits to effective HR management in a garments company. Those economic benefits fall into one of two categories- indirect benefits and immediate benefits.
Indirect benefits to the company arise from not being punished for some misdeed. These misdeeds and their penalties including firing someone for the wrong reasons, then getting slapped with a lawsuit; violating the fair Labor Standards Act damages judgment; or having one of your managers make unwelcome sexual advances to an employee, thus getting the stuck with a million- dollar sexual harassment suit. Good HR management provides tangible economic benefits to the firm by minimizing the likelihood of these events.
- Between 1986 and 1988 JURY verdicts in wrongful discharge cases averaged.
- Design firms are in the business of selling labor and are therefore only as good as their people.
- About 15 percent of the women in U.S. companies say they’ve been sexually harassed on the job in the past year.
- The competition for experienced staff has never been greater than was in the 1980s, and it will undoubtedly get worse in the 1990s.
- 5. About 115 percent of workers age 51 and older in Fortune 500Companies say they’ve been discriminated against because of age.
- Health benefit costs are skyrocketing, with some firm’s premiums Increasing by 50 percent to 100 percent per year.
- Half of the companies’ worker fires anyone for any reason at all are sued.
- Low inflation is resulting in sampler raise budgets typically 5 to 7 percent than firms may have had in previous years.
- Technical skills alone won’t cut it any more. Client and liability considerations dictate that technical staffers must have good communication skills.
It should be apparent by now that good HR management saves both and makes money!
The next step in the process is to set some very specific goals for HR management efforts. This is tough for many firms because, in most cases, they don’t have any historical data to use as benchmarks for how they are currently doing. As a bare minimum, performance statistics should be maintained in each of the following areas:
New often each position in the firm, branch, department, or job category is filled with someone new over the course of the time period specified. Performance statistics should be kept on professional, technical, and support turnover and on department-by-department, office-by-office, and firm wide range o turnover, they should be reported on a current month, year-to-date and annual projected basis each month.
The number of people, who work in the firm, branch, department, or job category. Numbers should be kept on a professional, technical, support, department-by -department, office-by-office, and firm wide basis. They should be reported on a current month, year-to-date and annual projected basis each month.
The percentage of staff time charged to billable projects. Utilization rate performance statistics should be kept on a professional, technical, and support, department-by-department, office-by-office, and firm wide basis. They should be reported on a current month, year-to-date and annual projected basis each month.
The number and type of positions open in the firm positions filled reported on a current basis each month.
The total dollar amount paid out to employment agencies and search firms. This should be reported month and should include data on the current month, year-to-date, and annual projection compared to budget
Employment advertising expenditure:-
The total dollar amount paid out for employment advertising. This should be reported monthly and should include data on the current month, year-TO-date, and annual projection compare to budget
Employee relocation expenditures:
The total dollar amount paid out by the firm to relocate new employees. This should be reported monthly and should include data on the current month, year-to-date, and annual projection compared to budget.
Interview / offer ratio:-
The number of candidates the firm interviews for a position before extending an offer. This statistics should be kept on a current month and year-to-date basis and reported monthly.
Offer/ acceptance ratio:
The number offers for employment the firm formally extends compared with the number of acceptances received.
- Make sure all teams work within a policy- deployment process to ensure their efforts are consistent with the firm’s goals. Do not institute quality improvement teams as separate, parallel organization structures. Simply trying to superimpose such teams outside the normal chain of command elicited resistance from supervisors, many of whom made comments like “I don’t know what these people are doing -they’re not helping me do my job”. The teams should, to the greatest extent possible, be composed of natural work
- Do not treat the quality improvement program as if it has and end. It is important to emphasize that it is really a systematic and continuing way of doing business, one that has no end.
- Recognize that training is essential. Quality improvement is successful largely because training continually upgrades the problem analysis and statistics skills of even first-line employees. This training is crucial both to provider the required analytical skills and also to emphasize the firm’s commitment to the program.
- Give employees the skills they need to analyze and solve problems; then get them to analyze and solve the problem; and finally follow up on their suggestions.
- Remember that whether or not the company achieves its quality goals is important but almost secondary. The new employee values that emerge are the heart of the program.
- Don’t focus exclusively on “boosting productivity” or assume that emphasizing quality means that productivity will necessarily fall. In fact, S. Nahar Garments Ltd. and other companies have often found that as quality rises, so does productivity.
- Recognize effort and encourage employee. A main benefit of such a program is the sense of satisfaction it can foster in employee. This result from encouraging employees to identify and devise countermeasures against problems and from giving them the tools and leeway required to get this job done. In fact, when S Nahar asked their employees what they wanted most, they didn’t say “more ” They said they wanted their suggestions implemented and supervisors to recognize their efforts.
- Reward individuals and team efforts in a concrete manner, not necessarily just with money but with rewards like merchandise or pins.
- Remember that the first steps need to be taken by top management “From the board of directors to every supervisor, management must. Adopt the principles and language quality, follow the processes, set examples and guide others. A substantial commitment is necessary for employee education, and for awareness and recognition programs. These programs require reallocation of budgets and personnel, and will take time to produce results but will be worth it.”
How to be an effective manager
One of the primary duties of a manager is to keep the performance of employees at a high level. Indeed, much of what a manager does will affect the productivity level of the employees he or she supervises.
There are four general techniques that have a great effect on the productivity of an employee. They are:
Coaching is the ongoing, informal training and encouragement that a manager gives employees on a regular basis. It confirms to the employee that he or she is doing well and gives him or her confidence to continue the behavior. It most often takes place while the employee is working.
Feedback occurs when managers provide specific information to employees to let them know how well he or she is performing. This frequently takes place while the employee is working or when he or she has just completed a task.
Managers who counsel employees show them what they need to do to improve performance. Counseling should be conducted in private, away from other employees.
Discipline are the actions a manager takes to help employees follow the company’s rules. It is often a last-resort technique implemented when employees break rules or as a precursor to termination.
Well managed companies must forecast future personnel needs carefully. They are for too important to be left to guesswork. The overall human resources planning process for an organization, which includes forecasting the demand for and supply of personnel, has three parts:
- Forecasting the personnel requirements
- Comparing the requirements with the talents of present employees, and
- Developing specific plans for how many people to recruit.
Human resources forecasting:
Human resources forecasting attempts to predict the organization’s future demands for people and for jobs. Major factors to be examined are the company’s objective (growth, construction, status quo) and the employment history of the company (retirements, resignations, terminations, promotions, and deaths). The combination of these two sources results in an initial forecast of personnel needs.
What is training?
Training is a systematic process of changing behavior or attitudes of employees to improve the organization’s effectiveness. It is usually accomplished by providing learning experiences or educational opportunities to staff members. Learning is not an end in itself; training should improve job performance. In addition to improving job- related skill, training experiences can also be a significant motivator. In one study of the motivations of professionals, the chance to grow and learn was fourth on the list of important motivating factors.
Development refers to teaching managers and professionals the skills needed for both present and future jobs. Since training involves learning, certain principles of learning theory apply to job- related training for design and other technical Professionals. These principles are: All human beings can learn, even if not at the rate
i. To orient new hires
ii. Teach new employees how to perform their initial assignment
iii. To learn, individuals must be motivated.
iv. Learning is active process and is stimulated by involving the senses.
v. Learners need to understand the purpose of what they are learning.
vi. Learning should be reinforced with specific and understandable.
vii. Improve the current performance of employees who are performing at less than desirable levels
viii. Prepare employees for future promotions
ix. Prepare employees for changes in design, processes, or technology
x. Train for multi-skilling
xi. Train in quality management
xii. Train in self-directed work methods, teamwork
xiii. Cross-cultural training
xiv. Remedial education
xv. Safety training
xvi. Standards of performance should be set for the leaner in order to provide goals that when achieved afford a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction to the learn
Performance is defined as evaluating an employee’s current as past performance relative to his or her performance standards. Keith Davis said that “It is the process through which the organizations access the quality of work of its employees and attempts to improve the performance.”
Promotion. One employment decision is a promotion. A promotion is a movement by a person into a position with higher pay and greater Responsibilities. Promotion reward competence and ambition. They act as incentives to perform above the average in one’s present job and to expand one’s abilities, aptitudes, and knowledge through additional training.
Promotion decisions, even though they should be rewards for performance, often are influenced by other factors, federal and state laws affect the ways in which promotions can be made. Affirmative action programs may dictate who or what kind of person gets the promotion. Promotion of the best qualified and most eligible may be blocked by seniority rules and the union performance.
Transfer: A second employment decision is a transfer. A transfer is a lateral move from one position to another that has similar pay and responsibility levels. Usually the differences between the jobs are minor. Management uses transfers most often to fill temporary vacancies. Sometimes positions are created as a reward to allow a person to intern with or understudy another, higher job. These “assistant to” positions help the transferee to study the higher job up close.
Transfer may be used when management is preparing to replace a person who is about to move up or out of the company. Transfers also are used to staff a new operation, department or division with experienced workers.
Demotion. Another employment decision is a demotion. A demotion is a movement from one position to another that has less pay or responsibility attached to it. Demotion can be used for punishment, but most organizations refuse it as option. Preferring instead to suspend the employee or assess a financial penalty through the forfeiture of pay. The reason for this reluctance is that a demotion staff a position with an embarrassed and often angry worker who is not likely to be productive or any better behaved than he or she was in the former position.
Demotions have their place in staffing, however. When a demotion is made to keep an employee, as a temporary measure it can be an important staffing solution. If a person’s job is being eliminated he or she may be offered a position that represents a demotion. There is no shame or embarrassment attached to such a move, only concern for the individual. The motive is to give the person time to retrain to become qualified for a higher position.
Termination of service:
For termination of the service of a permanent/temporary employee by the employer, his employer shall give 120 days written ‘notice in the case of permanent employee and 60 days’ written notice in the case of Temporary Employee. Provided that pay for 120 days or 60 days’ as the case may be shall be paid in lieu of such notice provided further that the worker whose employment is so terminated, shall be paid compensation at the rate of one month’s pay for every completed year of service or for any part thereof in excess of six month in addition to any other benefits to which he may be entitled to under the terms of employment.
i. A permanent employee shall be required to give one month’s written Notice in case of resignation form the services of the company.
ii. An employee who resigns from service of the company but fails to give the required notice shall surrender pay in lieu of such notice thereof.
iii. The employer shall accept the resignation if due notice is given or due payment in lieu of notice is made pay is surrendered in lieu of such notice.
iv. Notwithstanding anything stated above no employee against whom a disciplinary proceeding is pending shall resign from the service of the company unless 60 days’ have elapsed from the drawing up of the departmental proceeding.
v. Provided that the employer may allow such employee to resign on such conditions as he may deem fit,
vi. Discipline & grievance procedure;
vii. Where an employee of the company in the option of the employer is inefficient.
No penalty shall be imposed on any employee without disciplinary proceedings. If the employee concerned. remains under suspension during the period of the enquiry, he will be entitled to subsistence allowance for the period of suspension equivalent to half of his average basic pay and full amount of house rent allowance and medical allowance. In the enquiry if he is found not guilty of the charges he shall be entitled to the rest of the amount of his pay for the period of suspension.
- S Nahar is an equal opportunity employer. It strives to achieve high motivation from all its work force.
- S strictly follow Nahars the guidelines of basic minimum wage for all categories of work force (unskilled, skilled and highly skilled.) It adheres to all the working conditions and salary and wage structure laid down by the Bangladesh Factories and Labor laws.
- Workers are entitled to enjoy all leave as indicated by the company policy in conjunction with Bangladesh Labor & Industrial Laws.
Overtime Payment Policy:
- Employees are paid for their overtime work at double the rate of their basic wage per hour. Basic wage per hour is the monthly basic wage divided by 208 hours.
- Overtime payment is disbursed along with the payment of salary & wages.
Festival Bonus
- The Company may pay two full festival bonus to each employee equally divided before the Eid festivals.
- An employee is entitled to such bonus only if he/she has completed 6 continues months employment with the company before the specific festival day
Right to leave etc:
- Leave is a privilege and cannot be claimed as a matter of right. The manager or the person empowered to grant leave should have the discretion to refuse or revoke the leave of any description when the emergencies of his services so require.
- Leave entitlement shall be calculated on the basis of the English calendar year.
- For the purpose of these instructions, the expression “Service” means
(i) Actual days of work;
(ii) Period of leave with pay;
(iii) Compulsory “off” days;
(iv) Period of probation of the employee who is confirmed in a permanent post of the expiry of the probation period and
(v) The period of leave without pay not exceeding ten days.
Casual Leave and sick leave:
- Every worker shall be entitled to casual leave with full wages for ten days in year.
- Every worker shall be entitled to fourteen days’ sick leave on half average wages in a year.
Provided that sick leave or casual leave admissible under this sanction shall net be accumulated and carried forward to the succeeding year.
An employee when required to work on a Friday or holiday a “day-off” shall be give as a substitute on any other day.
Maternity Benefit:
A female employee who has completed a minimum of ten months service shall be entitled, on application, to maternity leave with pay for 12 weeks on ground of maternity (Child-birth). This benefit may be granted only twice in the whole period of service life of a female employee.
Provided further that maternity leave for 1the second time shall be admissible only after a period of 3 years from the date of availing of first such leave.
Earned Leave:
An employee shall be eligible for-earned leave with pay for every completed year of service as under:
- One day for every twenty-two days of work performed by him during the previous period of 12 months service
- If an employee does not, in any such period of 12 months service, takes such leave to which he is entitled under sub-Para (a) either in whole or in part, any such leave not taken by him shall be allowed to be added to the succeeding year, provided that and employee shall cease to earn any leave when the earned leave due to him amounts to thirty days. If earned leave is refused in the interest of the company, employee shall have the option to encase the leave so refused.
Festival leaves:
- Every employee shall be allowed at least ten days festival holiday with pay in a Calendar year. The Management in such manner shall fix the day or days and the dates for such festivals as they deem fit but in keeping with the general consensus of the employees.
- The day or days and dates of festival holidays shall be fixed and conspicuously notified in the month of January i.e. at the beginning of the year.
- An employee may be required to work on any festival holiday but two days compensatory holidays with pay shall be allowed to the employee within thirty days immediately after than holiday. If an employee so desires in writing, two days’ pay in lieu of compensatory holiday may be granted.
S Nahar is a garments Manufacturing organization commercial office at Motijheel and factory at Kawaran bazar. I as an intern had the opportunity to work for this giant during my internship program. I was placed at the Compliance and production under the Human Resource Department of S Nahar garments. I got a vast opportunity to observe the overall Production process of S Nahar garments.
The company has established itself as a garments manufacturer of repute with a customer profile that includes some of the best names in business. S Nahar not merely as a supplier of garments but as an integral business partner in value chain of eminent buyers and retailers world- wide. S Nahar garments Ltd, knows that in the volatile world of quota free access, winners would be decided based on their international competitiveness. In the generally prevailing uncertainties and impending liberalization of quota regimes the design team again played a pivotal role in changing the perception of S Nahar as a typically Asian supplier with increased customer contacts, collaborative working methods.
This is an optimistic hint of future expansion of Human Resource and Production department of S Nahar garments. From the study it is also clear to us that which products, what commodities are used by these customers.
So, finally I will say that this internship at S Nahar garments Ltd. Compliance and Production under the Human Resource Department has enlarged my theoretical knowledge of Bachelor of Business Administration in to some practical knowledge and made my BBA education more complete and applied.
The Some recommendations are given below based on the data analysis and at my staying at S Nahar garments.
Human resources & Management of changes,
Human Resource Development is the main key to improve the efficiency of individuals and thus improve system performance to improve human resource development training is an integral part of it. Without skilled manpower the system can not achieve its desired output. In analysis of the different components of the system, it was revealed from the analysis of the processors that there is lack of training of the main key processors and service promoters.
The most important determination for S Nahar growth is the quality of people. S Nahar can encompass endeavored to recruit and nourish the best available talent. S Nahar can consistently conduct training programs are well structured and have been revamped to take care of not only the technical aspects of the jobs but the more important attributes that concentrate on building leadership and individual capabilities. A comprehensive change management program has been undertaken to prepare its staff for the global business environment. Consultants were engaged to design a more suitable organization structure for seamless operations and reorient job descriptions and key result areas. The senior management team attended a strategic planning workshop conducted by international consultants where the mission and vision of the company in the emerging liberalized environment were validated and core strategies and action plans formulated.
The company would continue to innovate with new and better varieties of fabric, build supply chain effectiveness for enhanced customer satisfaction, ceaselessly pursue manufacturing efficiency and rationalization of costs and nurture as well as develop the talent of our people.
The commitment of the Company to promote a healthy and pollution-free environment is total. All of the chemical contaminated water is treated at a sophisticated effluent treatment plant before discharge.