Every walking animal has a preferred walking speed. If you are not late somewhere, you can enjoy leisure time. If we drive the clock back a million 66 million years, t. Rex’s speed was also preferred.
According to the new models, it is better to determine if the average person’s walking speed is too close to escape or if you can just search for a search and find a T. rex recording speed. To find out, the researchers built a new elaborate biomechanical model based on the trunks, the Natural History of the Dutch National Museum, Tyrannosaurus Rex to display in Naturalis.

Reporting in the Royal Society’s Open Science Journal, they found that Trix’s preferred walking speed would be 4.6 kilometers (2.9 miles) per hour, about half of what was previously estimated. The average human walking speed is 4.8-6.4 kilometers per hour (3-4 miles). Pasha van Bijlert, a graduate researcher at the Free University in Amsterdam, said in a statement, “There was already some research to investigate the walking speed of dinosaurs, but they looked at most of the legs and ignored the tail – which makes dinosaurs so unique.”
“They usually got a lot more walking speed. We have a low count, but it’s like any other animal.” The preferred walking speed is related to the lowest possible energy expenditure despite being productively running. You need resonance to achieve this. Generally speaking, when you move things, at the right speed, with the right amount of energy, your walk will feel effortless – your body will resonate, will feel fast or slow motion.
It works for quadrupeds and bipedal animals. T. Rex had long legs, which previous studies said was effective for walking, not longevity, not speed for natural walking. The bones in the tails are held together with the ligaments. “You can compare it to a suspension bridge,” Van Bijlert said. “It has a suspension bridge with a ton of muscle.”
The team created a model of how the ligaments and muscles of the tail would behave in motion. Tricks produced the computer for each step; its tail was similarly moved up and down the natural frequency. This speed affects the overall walking, providing the body with plenty of energy to move forward, which affects its overall resonance to reach the average walking speed using the least amount of energy.