There are numerous compelling reasons to begin working a second job. Over one-third of all Americans have a side job for a variety of reasons, including debt repayment, saving for travel, and simply making ends meet. People are choosing to ease financial stress by having numerous income streams due to the rising cost of living. Some choose freelance work, some create online stores, while still others work as virtual assistants. Managing a secondary source of income while also working a full-time job can be quite difficult.
Juggling it all presents numerous obstacles, including a lack of support, feeling out of your depth, and not having enough time. However, it is not all terrible news. A side hustle allows you to earn extra money while pursuing something over which you may have more control. So, while having a job and a supplementary source of income is difficult, it is not impossible; there are numerous ways to manage both simultaneously.

Stay positive
“It’s scientifically proven that when your brain is in a good mood, you’re more likely to achieve your goals.” Tiwalola Ogunlesi is a confidence coach, Positive Psychology Specialist, podcaster, Confident and Killing It founder, and aspiring novelist. She has experience managing many projects, running a business, and pursuing her passions. “Negative ideas at work will have an impact on your side hustle. You go home from work exhausted, and the last thing you want to do is put more energy into your side hustle.”
Create systems
One of the simplest things you can do is use a planner, make a routine, and set a schedule. These all help with time management, which is crucial for balancing a side hustle and a full-time job. Having organizational systems that work for you will also help with efficiency.
Don’t be afraid to reprioritize
You can have it all, but you can’t have it all at the same time. Knowing the priority for each day makes things tenable. If your to-do list feels daunting, notice what needs attention. A task may have to go on the back burner until you have more time. Slowing down isn’t the same as quitting.
Know your values
Balance and fulfillment come from knowing your values, according to Tiwalola. She advises her coaching clients to identify their strengths, passions, and values and notice where they overlap. If you can align your 9-5 role and your side hustle in that sweet intersection you’ll be less likely to feel off-kilter or uninspired.
Rest in the right way
Burnout is simply another word for tiredness, and exhaustion is caused by a lack of balance. Sleep, on the other hand, will not restore your equilibrium. You must determine the type of rest you require. Tiwalola believes that feeling properly balanced and in sync requires mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and social rest. She elaborates, “Sleep will not help you if you are emotionally exhausted. Sleep will not make you feel better if you are emotionally empty.”
Find the source of your exhaustion and rest in that area. Set boundaries, pray if you’re spiritual, and hang out with uplifting people– all of these are ways to restore your sense of overall balance, which will make you more productive in both your business and your day job.
Track your wins
Running a business on the side while working a conventional 9-5 job might be hard at times, but when you feel like you’re failing, that feeling of overwhelm can spiral. Tiwalola recommends keeping track of your success with a monthly win tracker. “I record all of my victories, large and little. Then, when I’m doubtful, I look at it and realize that I’m making progress. I am capable of being my own cheerleader.”
Self-compassion is critical
Self-compassion combats imbalance and the sensation of being in over your head. There is only one of you, and berating yourself for mistakes, failures, or setbacks will not help you deal with everything on your plate. In fact, it wastes time and undermines the previously indicated optimistic outlook. Take a pause and remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can.
Set attainable goals
Having goals to work toward will help you stay motivated when everything feels too much. Know where you want to go and set milestones along the route to help you stay on track. When you reach a goal, your sense of achievement will motivate you to the next goal, and so on until you are thriving.