
How to Appreciation Letter to Trainee?

How to Appreciation Letter to Trainee?

The person will also feel special and appreciated for this noble letter of appreciation written by you. But take into consideration that the person sometimes may feel that you are praising them simply. The person will also feel special and appreciated for this noble act of appreciation written by you. So, be careful not to add masala to it. Making it simple and sincere is the best. Thus, an Appreciation letter can bring forth positive changes as it helps in motivating and encouraging good work and efforts. Apart from appreciating and congratulating him or her also encourage him/her to achieve this type of success in future as well. It can help also build a positive environment suitable for growth so that the person who is being appreciated by you becomes more confident in his/her field of work which can bring a positive change to the company/organization.

Appreciation Letter to Trainee Writing Tips –

  • First and foremost, it is vital to appreciate the person with complete sincerity.
  • You must congratulate them on their achievements. This will help in increasing their self-confidence.
  • Clearly explain the reason for you to show appreciation for that particular person.
  • The tone of the letter should be polite.
  • The letter should be brief and concise.


Sample Example:


Trainee person name…

Date: DD/MM/YY (Date on which letter is written)


Your name…

Job Designation…

Sub: Appreciation Letter [for successful training or some achievement]

Dear (Mr./Ms. Name),

I am feeling very proud to inform you that you have successfully completed your training with (Name of the organization and department name) and have proved yourself worthy with your achievements. (Describe in your own words).

I truly appreciate the way you work in a team and the maintenance of a cordial relationship with each of your team members. Your professional attitude towards your project is commendable. (Cordially describe your Appreciation).

So as a token of appreciation, the management has decided to take you on a permanent payroll and offer you the position of (Designation) in our organization. I believe that you will work with the same spirit and will not disappoint us at any point in time.

Good luck and welcome aboard.

Yours truly,

Your name…

Job Designation…

Company/Institute name…


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