
Guideling for Writing Research Paper

Guideling for Writing Research Paper

Research paper is an expanded essay that presents your own interpretation or evaluation or argument. When you write an essay, you use everything that you personally know and have thought about a subject. When you write a research paper you build upon what you know about the subject

Statement of Problem

Explain why the issue you have selected to research is a problem in the workplace. If you have statistics on untoward effects on the job such as absenteeism, assaults, costs, etc., please include them in this section.

Literature Review

This section should include the history of the problem and a review of the extant literature addressing the issue.

Laws Impacting Problem

Include the laws that impact the problem as they apply in the workplace. Depending upon your topic there could be one or several. For example, recruiting could involve such laws as the Civil Rights Act, the Privacy Act, the Age Discrimination Act, the Pregnancy Act, Immigration and Reform Act, and The Americans with Disability Act.

Explain the salient features of the law as it impacts the workplace.

If possible include a court case or at least a case where the employer had been found not in compliance with the law and had incurred penalties.

Current Status

Discuss how organizations behaved differently after enactment of this law and the current status of the problem. Include suggested policies and procedure changes. Be as specific as possible.  Examine such things as whether the law and organizational policies have alleviated the problem or whether additional considerations have clouded the issue further. For example, with sexual harassment recent Supreme Court cases have made it more difficult for employers.


This is certainly one of the most important sections. When writing this part, remember you want to take a proactive position. So much of human resource management has been just reacting. Since we have already written a few papers, I think you know what is expected of you in this section. BE SPECIFIC.

You are expected to incorporate and synthesize ideas, concepts and best practices from you readings, the in-class discussions, your experiences and your reflections. Be creative.  You want to recommend policies and procedures that promote both your company and your employees.


Please use at least eight references of which five should be from refereed journals.  One of the references can be the law.

The paper should be approximately 10 pages, double-spaced, 1″ margins, and 10 or 12 font. You will be penalized if these guidelines are not followed. In addition, YOU MUST USE APA format.  I would suggest using one of the following APA sources:

·         The APA Publication Manual can be found in the library

·          Excellent online sources

  • Little Brown Handbook

I would strongly suggest that you start this research paper early and plan to complete several edits. Since BUS 403 fulfills a writing intensive course requirement, you are required to take it to the Composition Center and I must receive confirmation from one of the professors or the paper will not be graded, and it will receive a grade of 0. After a collaborative exchange with the Composition Center, the instructor must review the paper with the student. Please make an appointment and plan to spend 30 – 45 minutes on each review. We will critique the paper together—it will not be just me correcting it. The collaborative review with the instructor must be done three days before the paper is due.  However, the number of hours in a day is a physical limitation and I CAN NOT SEE EVERYONE THREE DAYS BEFORE IT IS DUE.  Please plan accordingly.

This paper will represent scholarship, so please do not use slang, contractions, first person pronouns, etc. Ideas must be well organized and clearly articulated. You know the routine.  However, see the Evaluation of Writing Assignments for specific criteria.

Specific writing intensive requirements–formal writing assignment:

  • a draft copy of the assignment must be taken to the Composition Center for review and instructor must receive an evaluation from the Composition Center for confirmation
  • a rewrite is allowed, but the student must make the effort to see the instructor before the revised assignment is resubmitted (student will be allowed 10 days after the assignment is turned back to resubmit it)

 Guideling for Writing Research Paper