Southeast Asian ride-healing and on-demand delivery giant Grab today announced a program to increase access to COVID-19 vaccination. The goal is to have all its employees, as well as operators and distribution partners, by 2022 (excluding all patients unable to take shots). Grab added that it will work with governments to provide vaccine-related information through its app, and is in talks to provide vaccine centers and vaccine centers and the latest milestones to deliver and transport vaccines.
The company currently operates in eight Southeast Asian countries: Singapore, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. GRAB joins the growing roast of private companies around the world that have offered to assist the government in their vaccination program. In the United States, this includes technology companies such as Microsoft, Oracle, Salesforce and Epic. Meanwhile, Didi Chuxing, China’s largest ride-hailing organization has pledged $10 billion to support the vaccination program in 13 countries.

“The sooner we achieve animal immunity, the sooner our society and economy will begin to rebuild. The public-private partnership is criticized in the face of some of the biggest battles of the epidemic and should continue this collaboration,” Russell Cohen, Managing Director of Operations at Grab Group said, in a statement.
For drivers and supplier partners, Size noted that it would subsidize the price of the COVID-19 vaccine, not disguised by nationwide vaccinations. corporate may prolong their group’s extended medical exit insurance coverage due to the potential unintended effects of vaccine intake that drivers may have mistakenly replaced driver’s staff and may not coated with nationwide applications provided by SEZ at any cost of a quick relationship.
When it comes to vaccine schooling, the CJ application will feature government and good authority data and conduct individual surveys to help the public understand their feelings about the COVID-19 vaccine. Corporate says its app has downloaded more than 214 million times.