
Format for Rate Increase Letter from Courier Service

Format for Rate Increase Letter from Courier Service

Format for Rate Increase Letter from Courier Service

Date: xx-xx-xx

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you happy, busy and in best of health. We at (Company name) to provide with maximum value for money, and shall continue to do so in future.  As you are aware that inflation has rose up and cost of transportation along with operating cost and other utilities have been increased. We are forced to look forward to your cooperation in regard of rate increase in our services.

Although, we are taking all possible measures to maintain our costs, the increase is beyond our control and we seek your cooperation to manager this economic challenge. Price increase would be applied to your billing effective from (Date). Rate Increase will be applied (Percentage %) and all existing terms and conditions would remain as they are.

We thank you for your valued account and hope that you will understand this need of hour.

Yours Sincerely,

Name: XYZ


(Company Name)