A hobby is nothing but a gentle and pleasant occupation designed to take the tired brain off the burden of the main task. It is not one’s main business or occupation; it is an alternative mental occupation. I believe that every person should have a hobby because, without a favorite occupation, it’s just boring to live. Hobby helps to develop a person, because, while doing what he likes, a person always strives to learn something new about his favorite occupation, often communicates with other people who are addicted to the same thing. A person who has a hobby tries to read. Everyone has a favorite hobby. I have also a favorite hobby. My favorite hobby is swimming. I go swimming every Monday and Tuesday from four to five at the swimming club. At the swimming club, we do the strokes breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke, and front stroke. We also do diving and tumble turns. Every so often we have galas where we get our times and the best times get medals. I have bronze and silver medals. My favorite stroke is breaststroke. In this stroke the arms and legs work in turn, first, the arms pull, then the legs kick and the whole body glides forward with arms and legs straight, we push off for the first stroke, he or she stretches out on the water with the thumbs touching the palms facing downwards. I also like the butterfly. In butterfly we hold our legs together and kick, we bring our arms forward and push them upwards and dive back down. I also go Friday night with my dad and Sinead. My father is a very good swimmer. He is the one who taught me how to swim. There are many psychological benefits to swimming. If you relax and swim with very little effort and let your mind wander focusing on nothing but the rhythm of your stroke before long a feeling of well-being settles similar to the feeling one gets from meditation. For me swimming is a mixture of exercise and fun. Spending time floating on my back listening to the water lap my feet is so soothing and relaxing that it makes me wish I didn’t ever have to step out of the water.
My Favorite Hobby “Swimming”