When you think of plants, the word “carnivore” does not immediately come to mind, but there are some bloody specimens among the bizarre and wonderful botanical species of the world. In addition, tell me wrong). If you are a fan of these leaf killers, there is very bad news, a study published in the Journal of Global Ecology and Conservation warns that a quarter of carnivorous plants may be at risk of extinction Criminals deterioration of ethnocentric habitat and environmental change.
One of the needs of the story of how plants created flavors for blood, plants in nutrient-poor regions adapted to fill a new niche by crawling on insects and animals instead of soil-based nutrients. Unfortunately, muscle plants get in trouble, if the situation changes abruptly leaving very little in the way of backup nutrition if one day all the animals leave. Researchers write it as poetry, “harmful to anthropogenic degradation and destruction of ecosystems”, heavy burden for hungry trees.

Their fragile existence means that the muscular vegetation often leaves first when humanity calls for a development in their neighborhood and reduces biodiversity – and their fear is not just a change in land use. Environmental processes such as eutrophication (a process that protects oxygen from the aquatic environment, which usually driven by a nutritious kitchen from agriculture) are also a death knell for many carnivorous plant species.
“Many of the world’s 860 species of CPs are found in wetland habitats, representing some of the world’s cleanest and heaviest degraded ecosystems,” the study authors wrote. “Global diversity hotspots for CPs are similarly located in most of the cleanest and most disrupted regions of the planet – southwestern Australia, Southeast Asia, Mediterranean Europe, the Middle East Brazil and the Southeastern United States.”
The ultimate nail in the coffin of this species is that the increasing climate changes associated with global warming (such as high temperatures and little water) will not allow their muscular plants to return to a situation where they can survive anywhere. Considering all this harmful information, in this study the researchers made the first systematic assessment of the state of conservation and the threat to carnivorous plants around the world. The huge project looked at 860 species from 18 genres, resulting in ten recommendations on how to preserve the species.
The results make for serious lessons, including scoring about 30 percent of the species between inferior-threat and critically endangered. Threats included agriculture and aquaculture, energy production and mining, and climate change, with about a quarter of all species affected by three or more threat categories.
“The complex and specialized environmental requirements of CPs, combined with their multifaceted threats, make it difficult to preserve and recover even in challenging recoverable areas,” the researchers wrote. “Despite significant conservation efforts in many areas and greater awareness of their environmental needs, as the number of vulnerable, endangered and endangered carnivore tree species continues to grow, it is clear that this unique conservation requires a paradigm shift in our approach to clear long-term conservation success.