
Email to Principal for Missed Exam Due to Illness

Email to Principal for Missed Exam Due to Illness

Email to Principal for Missed Exam Due to Illness

[These are sample Email to Principal for Missed Exam Due to Illness. You can follow these request Email to Principal or Headmaster of the school and telling him/her the reason for missing an important exam which was an illness. As exams are the most important part of a student’s life missing them must possess a very valid reason.]


to, Principle/Class teacher Email Address…

from, Your Email Address…

Sub: Missed Exam Due to Illness Email

Respected sir,

With all my due respected, it is stated that I, (Your name), was suffering from high fever (Disease type) and [disease type, e.g., chicken pox] from last month and due to this I was not able to come to school and I also missed my exam. (Describe in your own words). I would like to make a request that please allow me to give my exams as I am fine now and the doctor has advised me to go to school again. (Explain the actual cause and situation).

Please find attached all the required documents and my medical report. I shall be really thankful to you for this act of favor. (Cordially describe your requirements). Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Your name…

Student I.D.

Class/Grade name…

Roll/Registration no…


Another format,


to, Controller Examinations/Board Authority Email Address…

from, Your Email Address…

Sub: Could attend examinations due to illness

Respected Sir,

My name is (Your name) and I am a student of first/second/third semester [Subject and department name, e.g., BSc Electrical Engineering]. My roll number is (*****). (Describe in your own words). It was quite unfortunate that my health condition became serious because of (Disease name, e.g., typhoid) and I missed my examinations. My performance in class was above average as justified by the tests, quizzes, and assignments and it is continuously improving. (Explain the actual cause and situation). It is humbly requested that please allow an exam retake for me so that I can save my semester time.

Dear Sir, please find attached my hospital’s admit slip, doctors prescriptions, test results, and discharge slip. If any other information is required I can provide you. Kindly allow a retake of examination for me. (Cordially describe your requirements).

Your kind favor will help me a lot and I will always be very grateful to you. Thank you,

Yours Obediently,

Your name…

Student I.D.

Subject and Department name…

Roll/Registration no…