
Court Reference Letter for Child Custody

Court Reference Letter for Child Custody

Court Reference Letter for Child Custody

[The reference letters are an effective way in which the court gathers important information about the relationship of each parent with the child. Below briefly describe on sample Court Reference Letter for Child Custody. It is important to mention the relationship between the child and the parent/guardian. The writer must also write about his/her relationship with the parent who must state for how long you know the parent. You should clearly state in the letter why the parent/guardian is a clear choice to get custody of the child. You can modify these sample as your requirement.]


Sender//Your Name…

Home/Office Address…

Date: DD/MM/YY (Date on Which Letter is Written)


Receiver/Authority name…

Job Designation and Department name…

Subject: Reference Letter for Child Custody

To Whomever It May Concern,

It is indeed an honor for me to write a reference letter for (name of the guardian) to obtain the custody of (name of the child). (Describe in your words). I know (name of the guardian) for over (time for which you know the guardian), and I am his/her (Your relationship with the guardian). (Describe all about the situation).

He/she is a very nice person, and I have seen his/her bond with (name of the son/daughter), and it is absolutely magical and very touch. (Describe all about terms and conditions). (name of the child) also has a great attachment with (name of the parent), and they both would make a great family.

I Hope you would pay heed to my reference letter and would consider (name of the guardian) as the perfect guardian of the child. (Cordially describe your greetings and expectation). I hope (name of the guardian) would get the custody of the child.

Thanking You,

Yours Truly,

(Name and Signature)

Home/Office Address…

Contact Info….


Another Format, [email Format]

TO: Receiver mail address, [email protected]

From: Sender mail address, [email protected]

Subject:  Reference letter for child custody

Dear (Sir or Madam),

I write this letter on behalf of my best friend (Relation type) (name of the individual), in support of obtaining custody of (his/her) one and only (son/daughter) (name of the son/daughter). (Describe in your words).

(Name of the individual) is not only the child’s (father/mother) but also (his/her) best friend. Most people who know (him/her) believe that (he/she) is not being able to give enough time to (his/her) (son/daughter) because (he/she) is too busy with (his/her) own work. (Describe the actual problem and situation). However, I don’t think so. My friend has always spent quality time with (his/her) (son/daughter) every single day.

I am a regular visitor of (his/her) house, and I also know (his/her) (son/daughter) very well, and I have never found them unhappy. (Describe all about terms and conditions). I strongly believe that (name of the son/daughter) is in the good hands of my friend (he/she) can promise a smooth future for (his/her) (son/daughter). (Explain your expectation).

As the primary witness of the bonding shared between them I hope that (name of the individual) is given the custody of (his/her) (son/daughter) (name of the son/daughter). (Cordially describe your greetings and recommendation).

Thanking You

Yours truly,


Home/Office Address…

Contact Info….