
Australian Growth Marketing Agency Ammo helps Startups Calibrate their Efforts

Australian Growth Marketing Agency Ammo helps Startups Calibrate their Efforts

When you’re the founder of a small business, it’s difficult to know how much time and effort to devote to marketing. If you make a mistake, you risk appearing unprofessional. You might be wasting time and money if you choose a typical agency.

In contrast, Ammo, an Australian growth marketing business, aims to make sure that its clients aren’t overinvesting or underinvesting. It claims to have “supercharged the growth of over 200 innovative businesses,” ranging from fintech and SaaS to hardware, and is geared toward tech startups.

Ammo is situated in Perth and is an active part of Western Australia’s startup ecosystem, where it is “extremely highly respected,” as one poll respondent told TechCrunch. However, if that person chose to work with Ammo, they stated that “their outcomes spoke.” (Please fill out our survey if you have any growth marketing companies or freelancers to recommend!)

After reading this, we contacted Cam Sinclair, the director of Ammo, for advice on early-stage brand creation, marketing preparedness, and other topics. Take a look at our conversation below:

We’ve been a part of this community for seven years and have a small, lean team with a mix of skills, none of which are marketing-related.

I used to be a nerdy kid who was captivated by business and technology. I’d always wanted to discover a way to assist entrepreneurs and innovators in getting their excellent ideas out into the world. After working in political campaigns, I found that many of the skillsets required by startups were similar: moving quickly, being lean, communicating well, adaptability, and flexibility.

That motivated me to create a “anti-agency” where company founders could truly feel like they had someone on their team who understood their issues and risks. Every stage of the founder’s journey is covered by our services. To target early customers, you’ll need a brand, strategy, and marketing infrastructure when you’re just getting started. You’ll need continual marketing efforts and automation to support your funnel as you develop. You’ll need the greater reach that PR and continuing strategic guidance can provide as you grow. 

Because businesses are always discovering new marketing opportunities or client demands, we like to keep engagements as flexible as possible. Some partnerships last a lifetime, while others are one-week projects. Our long-term partnerships begin with a growth strategy workshop in which we define a North Star measure that ensures everyone is pushing in the same direction from the outset.

Our workshops teach startup teams how to use the pirate metrics framework to create a customer journey and transform it into a clear, step-by-step action plan that they can implement or outsource.