Application of Fee Installment for University Students
The Dean,
Department name…
University name….
Subject: Application for Fee Installment
Respected Sir,
It is stated that I am student of (BBA/MBA/Other Subject name) first year and my enrollment number is “XYZ”. I want to say that I have cleared my first semester with good result; I secured GPA of …… The enrollment for second semester is opened now. I belong to poor family and I also applied for scholarship but unfortunately could not get it. The fee for new semester is (amount of money), which is a vast amount for me to pay. I am the elder one in my family and my father is the only earner. Giving such a vast amount lump sum would not be doable for me.
I request you if you kindly allow me fee installment. By this I will get enrolled as well and my loss of study would be prevented. Kindly, allow me to make four installment of (money amount) per month. It would be far easier to me to manage this money. I shall be grateful for such a huge act of favor.
Thanking you I remain,
Yours obediently,
Student name….
Department name….
Roll number:…..
Date with Sign….