It is a broadly described annual report of Apna Microfinance Bank Limited in the year of 2013. During the financial year, Total Assets of the Bank stood at Rs. 1,313,382,730 billion compared as Rs. 814,817,866 billion in 2012. Deposits and others account of the bank stood at Rs. 762,025,569 billion. The Share capital of the Bank Stood at Rs. 300,000,000 billion. The Bank posted a loss before taxes of PKR 52.12 million during the year ended 2013 as compared to a loss of PKR 48.81 million in the corresponding period last year. Loss after taxation for the year PKR (53,321,392) million. The loss per share for the year ended 31st December 2013 is PKR1.78 as compared to PKR 1.64 in 2012.
As of 31st December 2013, the minimum capital requirement for the Bank was Rupees 300 million. However, the Bank’s capital (free of losses) stood at Rupees 103.169 million as at 31st December 2013.
More Annual Report of Apna Microfinance Bank Limited: