
Alumni or Open Speech on Wonderful Student Life

Alumni or Open Speech on Wonderful Student Life

Alumni or Open Speech on Wonderful Student Life

[This is a sample Alumni or Open Speech on Wonderful Student Life. This speech can be delivered by alumni or a current student or someone else or by a teacher or a principal on how important student life is. There is no better life than school life and the students currently enrolled in school should make the best out of their student life. You can make changes as per your requirements.]

Speech on Wonderful Student Life –

Good Morning Everyone!

I stand here today as (Teacher/guest) of your school/institute to tell you that cherish every single second that you spend here as a student. I might look like a completely stupid to you when I say cherish the fights, cherish the failures, cherish the punishments, cherish the Parent Teacher Meetings (I can see those glares already but I am serious), cherish every single moment you spend here. (Describe in your words).

So when you look back on your class photograph, you smell the nostalgic scent of all the tiny bits of fun that turned into a ball of amusement. (Explain all about your old memories). But the fact that the ball rolled downhill just too quick, somewhere saddens a part of us. It will be quicker than you think. You will miss playing on the ground when the teacher used to be absent.

A good school turns you into a better person, in fact, a better human. There is much more to school rather than grading. You learn how to love (you know what I mean), you learn how to be patient and how to choose the best. You get to explore yourself. (Describe your philosophy). Who you really are. Your purpose in life.

I request you not to waste student life, it is like the best life one could ever think of or wish for. You all are so privileged that you get to study in such an amazing school with so many amazing facilities. Do not wait for the right timing or perfect time, choose today and make it right. (Explain all about your suggestions). Get up and do what you think will invoke you. You will get a lot of time to rest then. I want to give three pieces of advice for all of you.

Today, when I look at back at my school life, I realize that there is a lot I could have done. I could have made the best out of my student life. This all might not make sense to few but one day it will. One day, everything makes sense, every single thing. (Your expectations in today program). You will understand why it happened the way it did. You will understand the bliss after each failure. You will understand that when you thought things were falling apart, they were actually falling into perfect place. You all have a unique talent. Each one of you. No talent is small. No talent is less. Talent is talent. Refine it. (Codially explain your blessings).

In the last, all I would say is make the best out of your life. You get to live only once.


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