
Welcome Speech format for Anniversary Celebration Party

Welcome Speech format for Anniversary Celebration Party

Welcome Speech format for Anniversary Celebration Party

[This is a sample Welcome Speech format for Anniversary Celebration Party. You can follow this format Wedding anniversary, church anniversaries, school or workplace anniversaries – celebrate special occasions with commemorative anniversary speeches! You can make changes as per your requirements.]

Date: DD/MM/YY

Welcome Speech for Anniversary Celebration Party –

Good evening everyone and a very warm welcome on behalf of me and my Mrs. (Name) to our special evening. It has been a blissful journey of one decade (More/less) now when we first met each other we were still quite young and stumbling through life in our own way. (Describe in your words). But the day we decided to be together was the day when all that hardships meant nothing more. When together we became a force to be reckoned with. (Describe on Program type/objective of today’s program).

I have always stated that we were lucky enough to find each other in this crazy world. I have never felt as happy as I have with my life partner. (Explain all about the program schedule and ceremony). She was there for me when no one else was and together we paved the way of success and love in this completely neurotic and selfish world. Every day I wake up there is a smile on my face knowing she is the first person that I will see and every night I sleep a peaceful sleep knowing she is safe and happy. (Explain your expectation regarding today’s program).

I feel extremely honored that all of you from your busy lives have spared us a few hours to celebrate our love with us and making this evening even more spectacular. (Cordially describe your wish and greetings).

Thank you and cheers to all. Enjoy the rest of the evening.