
Warning Letter to Employee for Sleeping

Warning Letter to Employee for Sleeping

Warning Letter to Employee for Sleeping

[These are sample Warning Letter to Employee for Sleeping. You can customize this letter as per your requirements.]


Employee name…

Job Designation…

Department Name…

Sub: Warning Letter for Sleeping

Dear (Employee name),

This is to notify (employee name) that your performance report is not satisfactory. As per report findings you were found guilty of sleeping three times in working hours. The company invested in you around (Amount of money) but you returned only (Amount of money) only in the form of your working.

This warning letter issued to you as final warning and your performance will be measured monthly. After two months the company will take a final decision about your job. The company has the authority to sack you from the job for poor performance.

Thanking you,

Your name…

Manager Human Capital Development.


Another format,


Employee name…

Job Designation…

Department Name…

Sub: Warning Letter for Sleeping

Dear (Employee name),

This letter is to warn for the theft in the inventory department. We have received information about some theft in the inventory department and we have also started an investigation of such theft. (Show actual cause). The company warns that any theft from now onwards in the inventory department would not be tolerated. Strong actions would be taken according to the circumstances and the person who is found to be alleged to fraud would be terminated from his job.

Sincerely Yours,

Your name…

Manager Recruitment.