
Transfer of Learning

Transfer of Learning

Transfer of learning occurs when people adapt information, techniques, and abilities they have learned to a new situation or setting. It is a concept in psychology and education that relates to the transfer of knowledge, abilities, or concepts learned in one environment or task to another. It occurs when what a person learns in one setting effects how they perform in another.

Transfer of learning is a crucial topic in both cognitive psychology and education because it explains how knowledge and abilities acquired in one environment can be used effectively in new and different contexts. Transfer is not a distinct activity, but rather an integrated aspect of the learning process. Researchers attempt to identify when and how transfer occurs and to offer strategies to improve transfer.

There are two main types of transfer of learning:

  • Positive Transfer: This happens when previous knowledge increases or improves performance in a new environment. For instance, if you’ve learned to play the piano, some of your talents and finger dexterity may transfer to learning to play another musical instrument, such as the guitar.
  • Negative Transfer: This happens when prior knowledge interferes with or impairs performance in a new setting. For example, if you learn to drive an automatic transmission automobile and then try to drive a manual transmission car, your prior knowledge may interfere with your ability to coordinate the clutch and gears.

The similarity between the original learning task and the new task, the individual’s prior knowledge and experiences, the level of abstraction at which the knowledge or skill is learned, and the context in which the knowledge or skill is learned are all factors that influence learning transfer.

Educators and trainers frequently try to support positive learning transfer by developing training that assists learners in recognizing and applying relevant knowledge and skills in a variety of contexts. Understanding the principles of learning transfer can help you build effective educational and training programs.