LiteratureThe People Of Chelm Study The Sky Long ago, in the village of Chelm, the people sought the wisdom of their rabbi. They seldom acted or made a decision without consulting the…
LiteratureThe Fly The Fly by Katherine Mansfield “Y’ARE very snug in here,” piped old Mr. Woodifield, and he peered out of the great, green leather armchair by…
LiteratureThe Duellist I A regiment of cuirassiers was quartered in 1829 in the village of Kirilovo, in the K province. That village, with its huts and hay-stacks,…
LiteratureOliver Cromwell Born 1599. Died 1658. Not long after King James the First took the place of Queen Elizabeth on the throne of England, there lived an…
LiteratureNight-Sketches Beneath an umbrella. Pleasant is a rainy winter’s day within-doors. The best study for such a day or the best amusement: call it what you…
LiteratureThe Honest Shepherd The Honest Shepherd (A Tale From Hungary) Once upon a time, a woman lived with her two sons. The older boy was lazy and greedy,…
LiteratureThe Dream Of A Ridiculous Man I I am a ridiculous person. Now they call me a madman. That would be a promotion if it were not that I remain as…
LiteratureJohn Inglefield’s Thanksgiving On the evening of Thanksgiving Day, John Inglefield, the blacksmith, sat in his elbow-chair among those who had been keeping festival at his board. Being…
LiteratureThe Old Man and the Etrog The Old Man and the Etrog (A Jewish Tale) Once upon a time, a mother lived with her two children in a little house on…
LiteratureThe Billionaire The kings of steel, of petroleum, and all the other kings of the United States have always in a high degree excited my power of…
LiteratureHare and the Big Pot of Beans Hare and the Big Pot of Beans (An African Tale) Once upon a time in Africa, Hare awoke from a dream. In his dream, he…
LiteratureThe Secret Of Goresthorpe Grange I am sure that Nature never intended me to be a self-made man. There are times when I can hardly bring myself to realize that…