Teens are more Prone to Despair if they Respond Less to Rewards

Teens are more Prone to Despair if they Respond Less to Rewards

Novel research shows that a reduced neural response to receiving rewards in teens predicts the first onset of depression, but not anxiety or suicidality. This…
When Babies Speak, their Heart rates are Influenced

When Babies Speak, their Heart rates are Influenced

The soft, gentle murmurs of a baby’s first expressions, like little whispers of joy and wonder to doting parents, are actually signs that the baby’s…
During Pregnancy, the majority of Women receive Low Scores for Eating Healthily

During Pregnancy, the majority of Women receive Low Scores for Eating Healthily

New research from the University of Massachusetts Amherst finds a pervasive low-quality diet among pregnant and postpartum individuals, reflecting “an urgent need for widespread improvement.”…
Neutron Stars could be Surrounded by Axions

Neutron Stars could be Surrounded by Axions

A team of physicists from the universities of Amsterdam, Princeton and Oxford have shown that extremely light particles known as axions may occur in large…
According to Study, Ultra-processed Foods may increase the Risk of Colon Cancer

According to Study, Ultra-processed Foods may increase the Risk of Colon Cancer

Colorectal cancer, the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States, may be fueled by the food on our plates. Researchers at the…
Cosmological Gravity Research based on Einstein’s General Relativity Theory

Cosmological Gravity Research based on Einstein’s General Relativity Theory

Gravity has shaped our cosmos. Its attractive influence turned tiny differences in the amount of matter present in the early universe into the sprawling strands…
A Nutritious Diet assists the Heavy Battle against Chronic Pain

A Nutritious Diet assists the Heavy Battle against Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is an acute and debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. And while pain interventions are available, many people struggle without treatment…
A Nearby Supernova may Terminate the Search for Dark Matter

A Nearby Supernova may Terminate the Search for Dark Matter

Axions are the most likely candidate for enigmatic dark matter that dominates the universe. Astrophysicists are searching for evidence of high-mass axions produced during supernovae.…
Type 2 Diabetes is Connected to Hyperactive Cells

Type 2 Diabetes is Connected to Hyperactive Cells

Researchers from the University of Missouri are studying potential therapies to target specific cells linked to the development of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders like high…
Reducing Obesity by focusing on a Brain Enzyme

Reducing Obesity by focusing on a Brain Enzyme

Endocannabinoids in the brain play a key role in food intake and energy use. Modulating the action of these molecules could help fight obesity, say…
At Jupiter’s Poles, a Magnetic Tornado is Agitating the Haze

At Jupiter’s Poles, a Magnetic Tornado is Agitating the Haze

Dark ovals in Jupiter’s polar haze, visible only at UV wavelengths, were first noticed 25 years ago, then ignored. A new study shows that these…
Study Reveals that Eating a lot of Processed Food affects Muscle Quality

Study Reveals that Eating a lot of Processed Food affects Muscle Quality

A diet high in ultra-processed foods is associated with higher amounts of fat stored inside thigh muscles, regardless of the amount of calories consumed or…
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