Physical Exercise For Student

Physical Exercise For Student

Introduction: Physical exercise is one of the best ways to be healthy for students, because it involves both aspects of health. There are many ways…
The Value Of Forests

The Value Of Forests

Introduction: Forest is a large area of land covered by trees and woody vegetation. It plays a major role in maintaining the biodiversity and the…
The Banana Tree

The Banana Tree

The Banana Tree Introduction: The banana tree is a very common tree in our country. It is not technically a tree but is instead a…
Essay On Brain Drain

Essay On Brain Drain

Introduction: Brain drain is the emigration of highly educated and skilled professionals in search of higher income and a better standard of living, among a…
A Rational View Of Industrialization

A Rational View Of Industrialization

Industrialization is the process, which is accompanied by the technological and organizational change which leads to higher levels of productivity, rising living standards, population growth,…
The Mango

The Mango

The Mango Introduction: Bangladesh is a land with sufficient rainfall and a moderate climate. As a result, different fruits grow here in plenty. It is…
How To Be A Wise Consumer

How To Be A Wise Consumer

Introduction: For today, shopping has become an integral part of every person’s life. Walking through the various stores in search of the necessary product people…
Rice – Our Staple Food

Rice – Our Staple Food

Rice – Our Staple Food Introduction: Rice is a kind of crop. It is a kind of corn. It is the staple food of the two-thirds…
Importance Of Punctuality In Our Life

Importance Of Punctuality In Our Life

Introduction: Punctuality is a good trait which can be developed at any age however good to develop from childhood; as the nature and capacity of…


Paper Introduction: Paper is a thing about which we write. It is one of the most useful articles in everyday life. It is one of the…
Global Warming

Global Warming

Introduction: Global warming refers to the gradual rise in the overall temperature of the atmosphere of the Earth. There are various activities taking place which…
The Flowers of Bangladesh

The Flowers of Bangladesh

The Flowers of Bangladesh Introduction: Flowers are a gift from almighty. The flower is a beautiful creation of the creator. It fills our minds with…
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