The College Library

The College Library

The College Library In an ideal educations system, the college library should be the center of academic life. It is the fountain-head from which streams…
The College Union

The College Union

The College Union No educationist today thinks that education means only the study of books and passing examinations. It is universally admitted that a modern…
An Ideal College

An Ideal College

An Ideal College Everyone has or should have an idea; something which he can look forward to, of which he may dream, and for which…
The College Common Room

The College Common Room

The College Common Room The college common-room is the student’s paradise. Here he is completely free. He has no restraint, except that of his own…
Life in a College Hostel

Life in a College Hostel

Life in a College Hostel For one who has spent most of his life at home under a mother’s loving care and a father’s watchful…
The night before an Examination

The night before an Examination

The night before an Examination A night before an exam is very important as it is one of the determiners of the success of the…
A Common Scene in the Examination Hall

A Common Scene in the Examination Hall

A Common Scene in the Examination Hall Just before the bell rings for the question papers and answer-scripts to be distributed, the scene inside the…
School Life vs. College Life

School Life vs. College Life

School Life vs. College Life There is a great deal of difference between school life and college life. School life is a life of restrictions…
Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge

Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge

Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Jamuna Bridge was once a dream. But finally, the dream had been turned into a reality after 4 yearlong efforts of about…
Rivers of Bangladesh

Rivers of Bangladesh

Rivers of Bangladesh A river is a flow of water. Bangladesh is a land of rivers. It raises from a hill and falls into a…
The First Nobel Prize Winner of Bangladesh – Dr. Muhammad Yunus

The First Nobel Prize Winner of Bangladesh – Dr. Muhammad Yunus

The First Nobel Prize Winner of Bangladesh – Dr. Muhammad Yunus Dr. Muhammad Yunus is the visionary and developer of the unique micro-credit concept. He…
Good Conversation is an Art

Good Conversation is an Art

Good Conversation is an Art The art of conversation is a necessary skill for almost everything in life. The brilliance of conversation is a natural…
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