TechnologyElectric Dipole Spin Resonance The electric dipole spin resonance (EDSR) method uses quantum mechanical effects such as the spin-orbit interaction to control the magnetic moments inside a material. Essentially,…
PhysicsPlasmonic Metamaterial A plasmonic metamaterial is one that uses surface plasmons to achieve optical properties that are not found in nature. Plasmons are created when light interacts…
BiologyEco-Friendly Polymer Composite Parts Produced Using 3D Printing and the Chitosan of Terrestrial Insects A method of employing chitosan from terrestrial insects to produce eco-friendly polymer composite parts using the 3D printing technique has been successfully developed by an…
TechnologySpintronics Spintronics, also known as spin electronics, is the study of the intrinsic spin of the electron and its associated magnetic moment in solid-state devices, in…
PhysicsAccording to Experiments, Edges are not Necessary to Produce a Peculiar Quantum Effect For the first time, RIKEN physicists have produced an unusual quantum state in a structure with a disk-like form, demonstrating that edges are not necessary.…
PhysicsSeismic Metamaterial Seismic metamaterials are a type of material that is used to manipulate and control seismic waves, which are generated during earthquakes and other seismic events.…
BiologyTo Identify Biomarkers in Entire Blood Samples, Electronic Biosensors Employ DNA Aptamers An electronic biosensor based on DNA aptamers has been created by a research team that can identify biomarkers in entire blood samples without the need…
EngineeringSplit-ring Resonator A split-ring resonator (SRR) is a synthetic structure found in metamaterials. It is a type of electromagnetic metamaterial that exhibits unique properties not found in…
TechnologySpinplasmonics – a Field of Nanotechnology Spinplasmonics is a nanotechnology field that combines spintronics and plasmonics. Professor Abdulhakem Elezzabi of the University of Alberta in Canada pioneered the field. Light waves…
HealthDecoding Microbe-Gut Signaling Research Could Lead to a Novel IBD Treatment Inflammatory bowel illnesses like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis may soon be treated with a two-drug combination, according to recent discoveries about how our systems…
PhysicsAccelerometers and Dark Matter Sensors might be Improved by Quantum Entanglement The “spooky action at a distance” that once alarmed Einstein may soon become as commonplace as the gyroscopes used in today’s smartphones to monitor acceleration.…
PhysicsDark Matter-Nucleon Interactions are Now a Focus of the DarkSide Experiment The complex DarkSide project uses a dual-phase physics detector at the subterranean Gran Sasso National Laboratory to look for interactions between dark matter particles in…