A New Study Reduces Demand Spikes, Improves Grid Reliability, and Lowers Costs

A New Study Reduces Demand Spikes, Improves Grid Reliability, and Lowers Costs

Policymakers and utility corporations are growing more worried about how severe weather could affect the country’s power systems. Texas’ electrical networks have recently undergone a…
A More Eco-Friendly Ultrafast Water Disinfection Technique

A More Eco-Friendly Ultrafast Water Disinfection Technique

Public health depends on having access to clean drinking water, but conventional disinfection techniques have their own negative environmental effects. In centralized water systems, chlorine…
Tarantula Nebula

Tarantula Nebula

The Tarantula Nebula (also known as 30 Doradus) is a large H II region that forms the LMC’s southeast corner (from Earth’s perspective). It is…
A New Technique Senses and Records Environmental Cues Using Modified Bacteria and AI

A New Technique Senses and Records Environmental Cues Using Modified Bacteria and AI

Several years ago, scientists in Professor Tal Danino’s lab of biomedical engineering were discussing how they could create and utilize naturally pattern-forming microorganisms. Numerous bacterium…
Housing Cooperative

Housing Cooperative

A housing cooperative is a group that provides housing for its members. The people who live in the cooperative own and control it, and each…
Social Insurance – a form of social welfare
Social Science

Social Insurance – a form of social welfare

Social insurance is a government-managed, universally funded financial safety net. Among the most common programs are Social Security, unemployment insurance, and Medicare. In terms of…
For the First Time, Researchers have Discovered Seismic Waves Moving through the Martian Core

For the First Time, Researchers have Discovered Seismic Waves Moving through the Martian Core

The Martian core refers to the central part of the planet Mars, which is believed to be composed primarily of iron and nickel. For the…
Optical network-on-chip (ONoC)

Optical network-on-chip (ONoC)

A new type of network on chip (NoC) for multiprocessor system-on-chip is optical network-on-chip (ONoC). While traditional NoC uses electrical signals to transfer information and…
Sodium Silox

Sodium Silox

Sodium silicate is typically made by heating sodium carbonate (soda ash) and silicon dioxide (silica). It is the name of an organosilicon compound that contains…
There are More Bird and Bat Mortality Near Wind Farms when Certain Species are Migrating Seasonally

There are More Bird and Bat Mortality Near Wind Farms when Certain Species are Migrating Seasonally

According to a study by John D. Lloyd from the Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute of Washington DC, U.S., and colleagues published on May 10, 2023…
Quantum Harmonic Oscillator

Quantum Harmonic Oscillator

A fundamental model in quantum mechanics that describes the behavior of a particle in a harmonic potential well is the quantum harmonic oscillator. It is…
Optical Transistor

Optical Transistor

An optical transistor is a device that regulates the flow of light in the same way that a traditional electronic transistor regulates the flow of…
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