Asset Definition

Asset Definition

Asset is usually a resource with economic value make fish an individual, corporation or region owns or controls with the expectation that it’ll provide future…
Positive Accounting

Positive Accounting

Positive accounting can be linked to the contractual view of the firm. The firm is viewed as “a nexus regarding contracts” and information technology one…
Accounting Research

Accounting Research

Accounting research is tough to define because it has shifted over time. As a tough overview, early human resources research was mostly normative. Accounting research…
Accounting Ethics

Accounting Ethics

Accounting ethics is mainly a field regarding applied ethics, case study of moral values and judgments as they apply to accountancy. It is a good…
Marxian Economics Theory

Marxian Economics Theory

Marxian Economics is a school of economic thought determined by of the work of Karl Marx. Marxian economics focuses on the role of labor inside…
Capital Accumulation Theoty

Capital Accumulation Theoty

Capital Accumulation means profits that a company uses to raise its capital starting. Capital accumulation involves acquiring more assets which can use to create much…
Law of Value

Law of Value

The law of value is a central concept with Karl Marx’s judge of political economy, first expounded with his polemic The actual Poverty of School…
Labor Theory of Value

Labor Theory of Value

This labor theory of value is a heterodox economic principle of value that argues the economic value of a good or service relies on the…
Human Resource Accounting

Human Resource Accounting

Human resource accounting is the process of determining and reporting investments produced in the human resources associated with an organization that usually are presently unaccounted…
Economic Value

Economic Value

Economic Value is the worth of a good or service as dependent upon people’s preferences as well as the tradeoffs they tend to make given…
Natural Capital Accounting

Natural Capital Accounting

Natural capital accounting is the process of calculating the overall stocks and streams of natural assets and services in the given ecosystem or region. Accounting…
Ecological Economics

Ecological Economics

Ecological economics is a trans-disciplinary field. It’s not trying to become sub discipline of economics or even a sub discipline associated with ecology, but it…
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