Goodwill in Accounting

Goodwill in Accounting

Goodwill is an intangible asset that arises because of the acquisition of one company by another for the premium value. The worthiness of a company’s…
Fund Accounting

Fund Accounting

Fund accounting is a system of data processing used primarily simply by non-profit or government organizations. For these and other similar organizations, it is more…
Weighted Average Cost of Capital

Weighted Average Cost of Capital

The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is calculation of a firm’s cost of capital where each category regarding capital is proportionately weighted. All sources…
Free Cash Flow

Free Cash Flow

Free Cash flow is a way of measuring financial performance calculated as operating income minus capital expenses. Free cash flow (FCF) represents the money that…
Fraud Deterrence

Fraud Deterrence

Fraud deterrence has gained public recognition and spotlight since the 2002 inception on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. And large number of reforms enacted by means of…
Capital Asset

Capital Asset

Capital Asset is a sort of asset that is not easily sold in the regular course of a business’s operations for cash and is generally…
Fixed Asset

Fixed Asset

Fixed Asset is a long-term tangible bit of property that an organisation owns and uses inside the production of its income and is particularly not…
Financial Statement

Financial Statement

Financial statement records that outline the financial activities of business an individual or another entity. Financial statements are supposed to present the financial information with…
Equivalent Annual Cost

Equivalent Annual Cost

Equivalent Annual Cost (EAC) is the annual cost associated with owning an asset over its whole life. Equivalent annual cost is normally used by firms…
Engagement Letter

Engagement Letter

Engagement Letter is a written agreement to complete services in alternate for compensation. Engagement letters are traditionally utilized by certain professional service firms, particularly within…
Benefits of Aloe Vera

Benefits of Aloe Vera

The main purpose of this article is to discuss about benefits of aloe vera. The benefits of aloe vera to our health have turn into one of the…
About Excessive Underarm Perspiration

About Excessive Underarm Perspiration

Excessive underarm perspiration is fairly a general trouble with youthful adults these days. It could be a sign of a severe medical matter such as…
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