Political ScienceLiquid Democracy Liquid democracy is a type of delegated democracy in which the electorate participates in collective decision-making through direct participation and dynamic representation. This democratic system…
Political ScienceMediated Deliberation Mediated deliberation is a type of deliberation achieved through the media, which serves as a conduit between the general public and elected officials. In order…
ChemistryIn Wastewater, Low-Temperature Plasma Technique Shows Potential for Treating Antibiotics Using low-temperature plasma technology, a research team from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences presented a unique method to…
ChemistryAnalyzing the Propensity of Biofilm-Forming Microorganisms to Adhere to Organic Surfaces According to a new study by Tokyo Tech scientists, the biofilm-forming bacteria E. coli clings strongly to self-assembling monolayers (SAMs) that are hydrophobic and hydrophilic…
EnvironmentFactors Influencing the Patterns of Fish Diversity in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River Freshwater biodiversity patterns throughout the world’s aquatic systems have been significantly altered by human-caused alterations to the topography and riverscape. Small- and medium-sized streams have…
SociologyRight to Housing The right to adequate housing and shelter (also known as the right to shelter) is an economic, social, and cultural right. Some national constitutions, as…
ChemistryAnalyzing CO2’s Carbon Isotope Makeup With Raman Spectroscopy In order to analyze the development of geological fluids, to constrain the global carbon budget, and to clarify the mechanism of biological metabolism, it is…
EconomicsPublic Housing Public housing is a type of housing tenure in which the property is usually owned by a central or local government authority. Housing units owned…
TechnologySemiconductor Device Fabrication Semiconductor device fabrication refers to the process of producing semiconductor devices, which are typically integrated circuits (ICs) such as computer processors, microcontrollers, and memory chips…
EngineeringOn Top of Computer Chips, Engineers ‘Grow’ Atomically Thin Transistors Denser, more potent computer chips are needed for emerging AI applications like chatbots that produce natural human language. However, since bulk materials, which are boxy…
Political ScienceDeliberative Democracy Deliberative democracy, also known as discursive democracy, is a type of democracy in which deliberation plays an important role in decision-making. It is a political…
Plants and AnimalsColorado Finalizes its Gray Wolf Reintroduction Plan, But there is Still One Issue The gray wolf, also known as the timber wolf or simply the wolf (scientific name: Canis lupus), is a species of canine that belongs to…