Ancient Bacterial Genome Reconstruction can Bring Back Previously Undiscovered Compounds, a Possible Source for Novel Antibiotics

Ancient Bacterial Genome Reconstruction can Bring Back Previously Undiscovered Compounds, a Possible Source for Novel Antibiotics

Bacteria in particular are expert chemists who can create a staggering variety of chemical molecules known as natural products. Major evolutionary advantages are provided by…
Operational Auditing

Operational Auditing

Operational auditing is a systematic examination of operational effectiveness, efficiency, and economy. Its goal is to evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of these processes…
Photoexcitation Can Be Protected and Enhanced Via Quantum Interference

Photoexcitation Can Be Protected and Enhanced Via Quantum Interference

When a photon interacts with a substance, it causes its atoms to change their quantum state (a description of nature’s physical qualities at the atomic…
General Concept of Photoinjection

General Concept of Photoinjection

Photoinjection is a general concept that refers to the process of injecting or exciting electrons into a material using light energy. It is commonly used…
Using an Electrochemical Three-Component Process, Isothioureas can be Synthesized in a Clean and Environmentally Friendly Manner

Using an Electrochemical Three-Component Process, Isothioureas can be Synthesized in a Clean and Environmentally Friendly Manner

Isothiourea molecules serve as a crucial synthesis intermediate in both agriculture and medicine. Isothioureas can function as ligands or organocatalysts in transition metal catalysis in…
Trypanosomes can Evade the Innate Immune System of Humans, as Demonstrated by Cryo-EM Structures

Trypanosomes can Evade the Innate Immune System of Humans, as Demonstrated by Cryo-EM Structures

The first cryo-EM structures of a surface receptor of the human-infecting parasite Trypanosoma brucei gambiense in association with human complement factor C3 were discovered by…
Ion Transit is Selective and Nearly Frictionless Thanks to a New Membrane Architecture

Ion Transit is Selective and Nearly Frictionless Thanks to a New Membrane Architecture

Clean energy technologies like CO2 electrolyzers, water electrolyzers, fuel cells, redox flow batteries, and ion-capture electrodialysis all depend on ion-transport membranes. These membranes must effectively…
Electrostatic Voltmeter

Electrostatic Voltmeter

Electrostatic voltmeter can refer to either an electrostatic charge meter, also known as a surface DC voltmeter, or a voltmeter used to measure high electrical…
A Global Investigation Reveals a Genetic Connection Between Contemporary Wine Grapes and Historic Types

A Global Investigation Reveals a Genetic Connection Between Contemporary Wine Grapes and Historic Types

DNA was examined in a recent study conducted by the University of Haifa and the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History Paleogenetic Laboratory at Tel Aviv…
The World’s Food Supply is at Risk as a Result of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

The World’s Food Supply is at Risk as a Result of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has had a significant indirect impact on the global food supply. Ukraine is known as the “breadbasket of Europe”…
Some Whales Simply can’t Wait to Give Birth, Breaching Head First and Generating a Loud Splash
Plants and Animals

Some Whales Simply can’t Wait to Give Birth, Breaching Head First and Generating a Loud Splash

Whales are born tail first, did you know that? They are able to swim from day one when they enter their aquatic world. Their natural…
Following Hurricane Filomena, the Population of the Endangered Dupont’s lark Decreased by 66%
Plants and Animals

Following Hurricane Filomena, the Population of the Endangered Dupont’s lark Decreased by 66%

According to a research in the journal Bird Conservation International, the population of the Dupont’s lark (Chersophilus duponti) will have decreased by more than 66%…
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