Physical Chemistry

Physical Chemistry

Physical chemistry is the study of macroscopic, atomic, subatomic, and particulate phenomena throughout chemical systems with regard to laws and ideas of physics. The item…
Quantum Chemistry

Quantum Chemistry

Quantum chemistry is a branch of chemistry, primary focus is the application of quantum mechanics inside physical models in addition to experiments of chemical substance…


Electrochemistry is the study of chemical processes that cause electrons to relocate. This movement of electrons is known as electricity, which is usually generated by…
Photoelectric Effect

Photoelectric Effect

The photoelectric effect is the observation that several metals emit electrons while light shines about them. Electrons emitted this way can be known as photoelectrons.…
Radiant Energy

Radiant Energy

Radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic ocean. The term is most often used in the fields of radiometry, power from the sun, heating and…
Electromagnetic Radiation

Electromagnetic Radiation

Electromagnetic radiation is a variety of energy that is all over and takes numerous forms, such while radio waves, microwaves, X-rays and gamma rays. Sunlight…
Ionizing Radiation

Ionizing Radiation

Ionizing radiation is any particle or electromagnetic influx that carries sufficient energy to ionize or perhaps remove electrons via an atom. You will discover two…
Gravitational Field

Gravitational Field

The gravitational field is the force field that exists inside the space around just about every mass or gang of masses. This field extends out…
Electromagnetic Field

Electromagnetic Field

Electric fields are created by differences in voltage: the increased the voltage, the stronger is definitely the resultant field. An electromagnetic field is a physical…


EcoHealth is an emerging field of study researching how changes in the earth’s ecosystems affect human health. EcoHealth examines changes in the biological, physical, sociable…
Idiopathic Environmental Intolerances

Idiopathic Environmental Intolerances

Idiopathic environmental intolerance (IEI), also called multiple chemical substance sensitivity, is a subjective illness noticeable by recurrent, nonspecific symptoms assigned to low levels involving chemical,…
Environmental Health

Environmental Health

Environmental health is the study of how environmental factors can harm human health and the way to identify, prevent, and also control such side effects.…
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