Urban Growth Boundary
Social Science

Urban Growth Boundary

An urban growth boundary circumscribes a full urbanized area and is used by local governments to be a guide to zoning as well as land…
Business Cluster

Business Cluster

The term business cluster had been introduced and popularized by Michael Porter in the Competitive Advantage of Nations (1990). A business cluster is a geographic…
Spatial Planning
Social Science

Spatial Planning

Spatial Planning is a process of location shaping and shipping and delivery. It is concerning the management of area and development as a way to…
Regional Economics

Regional Economics

Regional economics has propagated many traditions having regional science, whose earlier development ended up being propelled by Wally Isard. Regional economics is a sub-discipline of…
Ecological Urbanism
Social Science

Ecological Urbanism

Ecological urbanism have been criticized as an idea that is loosely defined from a set of flashy projects. These are expensive schemes which has a…
Urban Acupuncture
Social Science

Urban Acupuncture

The goal of urban acupuncture is to relieve stress within the built environment. It is intended to make small-scale but socially catalytic interventions within the…
Prime Farmland

Prime Farmland

Prime farmland “has the soil quality, developing season, and moisture supply necessary to produce economically continual high yields of crops when treated and managed in…
Urban Consolidation
Social Science

Urban Consolidation

Urban consolidation is the term for a diverse set of planning policies designed to make better by using existing urban national infrastructure by encouraging development…
Urban Density
Social Science

Urban Density

Urban density is a term used inside urban planning and urban design to refer to how many people inhabiting certain urbanized area. As such it…
Sustainable Urbanism
Social Science

Sustainable Urbanism

Sustainable Urbanism is application of sustainability and resilient principles for the design, planning and administration/operation of urban centers. There are numerous organizations promoting and researching…
Social Sustainability
Social Science

Social Sustainability

Social sustainability is the least defined in addition to least understood of the different ways involving approaching sustainability in addition to sustainable development. Social sustainability…
Circles of Sustainability
Social Science

Circles of Sustainability

Circles of Sustainability is a method for realizing and assessing sustainability, and for managing projects directed toward socially sustainable final results. It is meant to…
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