HealthSafe Listening Safe listening is a framework for health promotion actions designed to ensure that noise-related recreational activities (such as concerts, nightclubs, and listening to music, broadcasts,…
TechnologyAcoustical Engineering Acoustical engineering (also known as acoustic engineering) is a branch of engineering that deals with sound and vibration. It is a branch of engineering concerned…
OtherMassive Underwater Volcanic Eruptions’ Risks and Climate Impacts: A New Evaluation According to recent research from the University of British Columbia, material from undersea volcanic eruptions during the Bronze Age is helping scientists better comprehend the…
PhysicsCosmic Magnifying Glasses Cosmic magnifying glasses, also known as gravitational lenses or gravitational lensing, are an enthralling astrophysical phenomenon. This concept is derived from the gravitational fields of…
ChemistryResearchers Use Ladder-Like Molecules to Show a Single-Molecule Electronic “Switch” A novel material for single-molecule electronic switches has been created by researchers, and it is capable of effectively varying current at the nanoscale in response…
HealthNoise Health Effects The physical and psychological health consequences of regular exposure to consistently elevated sound levels are referred to as noise health effects. The World Health Organisation…
EnvironmentNoise Reduction The process of removing noise from a signal is known as noise reduction. There are noise reduction techniques for both audio and images. Noise reduction…
MedicalAccording to a New Study, a Drug Delivery Strategy Using Nanoparticles Greatly Improves Neuron Regeneration in the Zebrafish Eye According to a recent study from the Wilmer Eye Institute, utilizing a nanoparticle to target immune cells in zebrafish eyes improved the rate of neuron…
Social ScienceRacial Segregation Racial segregation is the practice of separating people based on their race or ethnicity, usually with the goal of establishing distinct and separate communities or…
PhysicsQuantum Friction Controls the Flow of Water on a Carbon Surface, According to a Study Water and carbon are a quantum pair because a peculiar phenomena known as quantum friction controls how water moves across a carbon surface. This effect,…
MedicalResearchers Claim that Metallic Nanoparticles can Destroy Cancer Cells While Leaving Healthy Cells Unharmed According to Middle Eastern researchers, metallic nanoparticles comprised of copper and silver can kill cancer cells with little to no side effects. A study published…
TechnologySound Masking Sound masking is an ambient background sound that has been engineered to match the frequency of human speech in order to provide greater speech privacy.…