Geographic MineralsPargasite: Properties and Occurrences Pargasite is a complex inosilicate mineral of the amphibole group with formula NaCa2(Mg4Al)(Si6Al2)O22(OH)2. It is a mineral that belongs to the amphibole group and it…
Plants and AnimalsRecognizing the Function of Sociality and its Consequences for the Spread of Disease Among Populations of Bighorn Sheep In the lives of many animal species, sociality is crucial because it affects illness susceptibility, survival rates, and mate choice. Bighorn sheep populations live in…
ChemistrySodium Phosphide – an inorganic compound The inorganic compound with the formula Na3P is sodium phosphide. It is a sodium (Na) and phosphorus (P) inorganic compound. It’s a solid black color.…
AstronomyNGC 2188 – a barred spiral galaxy The barred spiral galaxy NGC 2188 is located in the constellation Columba. It is a star cluster in the constellation of Columba (the Dove) in…
Plants and AnimalsAfter being Discovered more than a Century Ago, the Pacific Wasp was Named as a New Species To prevent the Samoan swallowtail butterfly from going extinct, we must increase our understanding of the butterfly’s interactions with other species. A new species of…
ChemistryPhotoelectrolysis of Water Photoelectrolysis of water, also known as photoelectrochemical water splitting, occurs in a photoelectrochemical cell when light is used as the energy source for the electrolysis…
PhysicsNanoparticle A nanoparticle, also known as an ultrafine particle, is a matter particle with a diameter of 1 to 100 nanometres (nm). These are nanoscale particles…
ManagementRobots Reduce Company Profits – at Least Initially The statement “Robots cause company profits to fall – at least at first” is not universally true, because the impact of introducing robots into a…
BiologyIdentified the Mechanism of Bacterial Resistance to the Antibiotic Albicidin Gene amplification is a biological process through which the number of copies of a particular gene within a cell’s genome is increased. This can lead…
Plants and AnimalsThe Supposed Evidence of Magnetic Sensing in Fruit Flies has not been Confirmed by Replication of Earlier Investigations The University of Exeter, University of Oxford, and Universität Oldenburg collaborated to duplicate seminal experiments claiming magnetic sensing in Drosophila fruit flies and came up…
Social ScienceTalking to Young People About the Value of Competition Competition plays a significant role in various aspects of society, economics, and personal development. It drives innovation, efficiency, and growth while encouraging individuals and organizations…
TechnologyIdentifying the Quantum Technology Flux Finding the flux of quantum technology refers to assessing the current state of quantum technology development, adoption, and advancement. Quantum technology is a rapidly evolving…