Consumer Ethnocentrism – a psychological concept

Consumer Ethnocentrism – a psychological concept

Ethnocentrism is the term anthropologists use to describe the opinion that one’s own way of life is natural or correct. Consumer ethnocentrism is a psychological…
Customer Bonding

Customer Bonding

As the term implies, customer bonding is the process through which a company or organization establishes connections with its clients. Customer loyalty grows over time…
Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction (often abbreviated as CSAT) is the extent to which a company’s goods or services fulfill the standards of the consumer. It is a…
Social Cognition Development

Social Cognition Development

Social cognition is not simply a topic within social psychology; it is an approach to research with social psychology on any subject. It focuses on…
False Memories

False Memories

The word ‘false memory’ varies from pure errors in memory. False memory in psychology is a condition in which a person remembers something that hasn’t…
Importance Of Empathy

Importance Of Empathy

The term “empathy” is employed to explain a good range of experiences that’s the power to grasp and bear in mind of, co-experiences the emotions…
Active Listening Skills

Active Listening Skills

Active listening could be a helpful skill for any worker to develop. It helps us truly understand what people are saying in conversations and meetings.…
Difference Between Guidance And Counseling

Difference Between Guidance And Counseling

Both Guidance and counseling help individual discover their potentialities and are often used synonymously. While in guidance the main target is created on being attentive…
Classifications Of Motivation

Classifications Of Motivation

Motivations are often conceived of as a cycle within which thoughts influence behaviors, drive performance affects thoughts, and also the cycle begins again. Each stage…
Difference Between Motivation And Inspiration

Difference Between Motivation And Inspiration

All people need some motivation and inspiration at some point in time in life. Many people might think that these two disciplines are more or…
Art Therapy

Art Therapy

Art therapy may be a variety of expressive therapy that uses the creative process of constructing art to boost a person’s physical, mental, and emotional…
Difference Between Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivation

Difference Between Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivation

Motivation can be understood as the invisible force that moves, activates, or pushes people and causes them to act. It is something that incites a…
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