In Tanzania, a Voiceless Frog has been discovered A new species of frog known as the “Golden Frog” (Conduct Rockies) was recently discovered in Tanzania. This species of frog is unique because it…
UV Radiation Played a Role in Mass Extinction Events, According to a Recent Discovery of Sunscreen-Like Chemicals in Fossil Plants A recent study has revealed that certain chemicals found in fossilized plants have a similar function to sunscreen, protecting the plants from ultraviolet (UV) radiation.…
Songbird Species Cooperate to Swarm Owl Predators, but they Only Strike when the Conditions are Ideal Songbirds have other means of defense against predators besides fleeing. Mobbing is a behavior that several songbird species are known to engage in, where they…
According to a Study, the Timing of the Drought is Worse for Invertebrates than the Intensity According to a recent study led by Penn State that used an unique method to evaluate the stability of stream ecosystems, populations of different species…
In the Future, Plants Themselves may Provide Plant Protection Each animal and human has a unique set of chemical and microbiological signatures that in some way affect how they feel. The use of probiotics…
Sea Trials Show That “SharkGuard” Decreases Bycatch of Endangered Sharks Longline fishing poses the biggest threat to sharks that live in the open ocean, with fishers reportedly catching 20 million pelagic sharks each year while…
Echidna’s Tricks for Beating the Heat include Blowing Bubbles Echidnas, also known as spiny anteaters, are known to use a variety of tactics to keep cool in hot weather. One such tactic is blowing…
Researchers Study Cavefish to Better Understand Metabolism and the Origins of the Couch Potato The COVID-19 pandemic’s stay-at-home instructions brought about food hoarding, spikes in digital entertainment subscriptions, and an increase in takeout and delivery services, creating the ideal…
Chinese National Nature Reserve Jiuzhaigou Discovers a New Venomous Pit Viper In Sichuan Province, China, Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve, a World Heritage Site, covers a 651 km2 area and is located in the area that connects…
Three New Species of Ground Snakes Found in Ecuador Under Churches and Cemeteries Scientists working under the direction of Alejandro Arteaga, a grantee of The Explorers Club Discovery Expeditions and researcher at the Khamai Foundation, found three new…
Over the Past Three Decades, more than 1.1 Million Sea Turtles have been Poached The unlawful killing and trafficking of animals and plants, together with the climate issue, is one of the biggest dangers to wildlife biodiversity. The illegal…
The First Dragon in Skyrim That Players Kill Has Much More Lore Than You Might Think There is always a thrill of excitement at the thought of being able to battle the most powerful animals in all of Skyrim, regardless of…