New Breakthrough in Graphene Superconductivity Pushes It to Higher Temperatures

New Breakthrough in Graphene Superconductivity Pushes It to Higher Temperatures

Graphene is an incredible ingredient. It is only one atom thick, yet 200 times stronger than steel. It is a forgery of carbon atoms and…
Power behind Mysterious Gamma-Ray Source Revealed Thanks To Thousands of Volunteers

Power behind Mysterious Gamma-Ray Source Revealed Thanks To Thousands of Volunteers

For years gamma-ray source PSR J2039−5617 has been a cosmic mystery. Astronomers had an ink on what might be behind it but were struggling to…
The Youngest Known Magnetar Is Even Weirder Than Previously Thought

The Youngest Known Magnetar Is Even Weirder Than Previously Thought

Humanity has discovered only 31 magnetic neutron stars or magnetic, stellar objects with incredible magnetism. The new observations of one of these stars are not…
Huge Dark Matter Halo around Dwarf Galaxy Hints at How the First Galaxies Formed

Huge Dark Matter Halo around Dwarf Galaxy Hints at How the First Galaxies Formed

More than 50 dwarf galaxies surround the Milky Way (more), some of which have remained unchanged since their first founding 13 years ago. These incredible…
Astronaut Performs First-Ever Plant Transplant in Space

Astronaut Performs First-Ever Plant Transplant in Space

Above the International Space Station (ISS), there are many astronauts and astronauts ranging from plants, bacteria and fungi. It is human responsibility to ensure that…
We Are Currently In The Stelliferous Era Of The Universe, What Came Before And What Will Come Next?

We Are Currently In The Stelliferous Era Of The Universe, What Came Before And What Will Come Next?

People like to place neat things in boxes and sections. We like these regular sections. Therefore, it is not surprising that the chronological epochs of…
Physicists Deliver the Most Precise Measurement of the Helium Nucleus Yet

Physicists Deliver the Most Precise Measurement of the Helium Nucleus Yet

Helium is a very important element, much more than just a way to make balloons float or to amplify our voice. It is the second…
Beautiful Views of Earth, Venus, and Mars Twinkling Away Snapped By Sun-Studying Missions

Beautiful Views of Earth, Venus, and Mars Twinkling Away Snapped By Sun-Studying Missions

As the star at the center of the solar system, the sun attracts our attention. Many missions are now becoming closer and more personal to…
Difference between Convex and Concave Mirror

Difference between Convex and Concave Mirror

Mirror refers to any smooth polished or shining surface, that can reflect the light beam and form images. A convex mirror has a reflecting surface…
Largest Sea on Saturn’s Moon Titan Could be over 1,000 Feet Deep

Largest Sea on Saturn’s Moon Titan Could be over 1,000 Feet Deep

Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, is the only other planet in the solar system where liquids flow freely to the bottom. However, it is not water…
Look Up At the Sky This Week and You Should Easily Find Uranus

Look Up At the Sky This Week and You Should Easily Find Uranus

Lovers of the night sky, you are lucky this week. A waxing moon and a bright Mars will help you easily identify Uranus. All you…
Astronomers Use Hubble to Work out Exactly When This Star Went Supernova

Astronomers Use Hubble to Work out Exactly When This Star Went Supernova

When certain mass stars go out of fuel, they end their lives in spectacular fashion. The outer layers are no longer pushed by the energy…
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