We Are Currently In The Stelliferous Era Of The Universe, What Came Before And What Will Come Next?

We Are Currently In The Stelliferous Era Of The Universe, What Came Before And What Will Come Next?

People like to place neat things in boxes and sections. We like these regular sections. Therefore, it is not surprising that the chronological epochs of…
Physicists Deliver the Most Precise Measurement of the Helium Nucleus Yet

Physicists Deliver the Most Precise Measurement of the Helium Nucleus Yet

Helium is a very important element, much more than just a way to make balloons float or to amplify our voice. It is the second…
Beautiful Views of Earth, Venus, and Mars Twinkling Away Snapped By Sun-Studying Missions

Beautiful Views of Earth, Venus, and Mars Twinkling Away Snapped By Sun-Studying Missions

As the star at the center of the solar system, the sun attracts our attention. Many missions are now becoming closer and more personal to…
Difference between Convex and Concave Mirror

Difference between Convex and Concave Mirror

Mirror refers to any smooth polished or shining surface, that can reflect the light beam and form images. A convex mirror has a reflecting surface…
Largest Sea on Saturn’s Moon Titan Could be over 1,000 Feet Deep

Largest Sea on Saturn’s Moon Titan Could be over 1,000 Feet Deep

Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, is the only other planet in the solar system where liquids flow freely to the bottom. However, it is not water…
Look Up At the Sky This Week and You Should Easily Find Uranus

Look Up At the Sky This Week and You Should Easily Find Uranus

Lovers of the night sky, you are lucky this week. A waxing moon and a bright Mars will help you easily identify Uranus. All you…
Astronomers Use Hubble to Work out Exactly When This Star Went Supernova

Astronomers Use Hubble to Work out Exactly When This Star Went Supernova

When certain mass stars go out of fuel, they end their lives in spectacular fashion. The outer layers are no longer pushed by the energy…
Could An Orbiting Cheeto Puff Destroy The International Space Station?

Could An Orbiting Cheeto Puff Destroy The International Space Station?

If you’ve ever watched the Gravity film or the Kessler effect, you’ve probably been aware that the debris of small spaces for other objects in…
Discovery of “Cotton-Candy” Planet Helps Rewrite How Gas Giants Can Form

Discovery of “Cotton-Candy” Planet Helps Rewrite How Gas Giants Can Form

Gas giants can form on easier terms than previously believed. This new insight comes from a detailed investigation of a strange “super-puff” planet, a gas…
Two Radio Galaxies Over 60 Times Larger Than the Milky Way Discovered By Astronomers

Two Radio Galaxies Over 60 Times Larger Than the Milky Way Discovered By Astronomers

Astronomers have reported the discovery of two giant radio galaxies, which are thought to be among the largest single objects in the universe. The two…
TRAPPIST-1’s Seven Earth-Sized Planets Are Likely All Made of the Same Stuff

TRAPPIST-1’s Seven Earth-Sized Planets Are Likely All Made of the Same Stuff

The TRAPPIST-1 system has been the most incredible discovery in the last five years. Seven Earth-sized planets orbit a red dwarf star just 40 light-years…
There Could Be “Stupendously Large” Supermassive Black Holes Bigger Than Galaxies

There Could Be “Stupendously Large” Supermassive Black Holes Bigger Than Galaxies

How big can a supermassive black hole (SMBH) get? A new estimate suggests absolutely plenty of freaking- or more high-brow phrasing them, “stupendously large.“ Depending…
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