Bismuth Ferrite – an inorganic chemical compound Bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3, also commonly referred to as BFO in materials science) is an inorganic chemical compound with perovskite structure and one of the most…
Terbium Monoselenide – an inorganic compound Terbium monoselenide is an inorganic compound, with the chemical formula of TbSe. It is one of the selenides of terbium. It is a yellow-red solid.…
ADHD Drugs are in Short Supply, which is vital for improving Quality of Life A study performed by the University of Southampton discovered that pharmaceuticals play an essential role in enhancing the quality of life of persons with ADHD,…
Breakthrough Heart MRI method reliably predicts Heart Failure Risk in the general Population New research suggests that MRI scans could replace invasive heart testing by correctly estimating pressures inside the heart and predicting whether a patient would develop…
Terbium Monosulfide – a binary inorganic compound Terbium monosulfide is a binary inorganic compound of terbium and sulfur with the chemical formula TbS. It is known for its interesting magnetic properties due…
Bismuth Arsenide – an inorganic compound Bismuth arsenide is an inorganic compound, with the chemical formula BiAs. Its α-modification and β-modification have been reported in theoretical calculations. It is a semiconductor…
Gene-related Metabolic Dysfunction may be generating Cardiac Arrhythmia Patients suffering from atrial fibrillation, a common cardiac arrhythmia, may benefit from future medicines that target inefficiencies in heart cell metabolism, according to a new…
Controlling Cholesterol Levels with Fewer Negative effects is achievable with new Medicine Scientists at Nagoya University in Japan have discovered an important advance in the treatment of lipid diseases. Researchers created ZTA-261, a novel chemical that specifically…
Terbium Phosphide – an inorganic compound Terbium phosphide is an inorganic compound of terbium and phosphorus with the chemical formula TbP. It is a compound made from the elements terbium and…
Barium Selenide – an inorganic compound Barium selenide is an inorganic compound, with the chemical formula of BaSe. It is a white solid although typically samples are colored owing to the…
Work-related Stress may increase the likelihood of Abnormal Heart Rhythms According to a new study, job strain and effort-reward imbalance at work are linked to an increased risk of developing an irregular cardiac rhythm problem.…
3D-printed Blood Vessels make Artificial Organs more Realistic Lab-grown organs have long been regarded as the ‘holy grail’ of organ engineering, but recent study has moved that objective a step closer to reality…