Mimetite: Properties and Occurrences Mimetite is a lead arsenate and chloride isomorphous with pyromorphite. It is a yellow or brown mineral consisting of a chloride and arsenate of lead,…
Kaolinite Kaolinite (/ˈkeɪəlɪnaɪt/), a group of natural clay minerals comprising the main ingredients of kaolin (china clay), which are hydrous aluminum silicates. It is part of…
Millerite: Properties and Occurrences Millerite is a nickel sulfide mineral, NiS. It is one of a few sulfide minerals that form fine acicular crystals that appear as hair-like fibers…
Schwertmannite Schwertmannite is a typical iron-derived mineral that was originally discovered and subsequently synthesized in the laboratory in acid mine drainings. It is an iron-oxyhydroxysulfate mineral…
Gibbsite The mineral aluminum hydroxide, Gibbsite, Al(OH)3, is an essential constituent of bauxite (q.v.) deposits. It is commonly referred to as γ-Al(OH)3 (but also as alp-Al(OH)3).…
Millosevichite: Properties and Occurrences Millosevichite is a rare sulfate mineral with the chemical formula Al2(SO4)3. It is a rare mineral with the chemical formula Al2(SO4)3, forming white to yellowish…
Bog Iron Bog iron ore is a type of impure iron deposit, formed by chemical or biochemical oxidation of iron found in solution in bogs or swamps.…
Microlite: Properties and Occurrences Microlite is one of the tantalum/niobium oxides that are generally difficult to distinguish. It is a pale-yellow, reddish-brown, or black isometric mineral composed of sodium-calcium…
Pig Iron Pig iron, also known as crude iron, is the result of a high-carbon fuel smelting iron ore (also ilmenite) and a reductant such as coke,…
Microcline: Properties and Occurrences Microcline (KAlSi3O8) is polymorphous with Orthoclase and Sanidine. It is an important igneous rock-forming tectosilicate mineral. It is the form of potassium feldspar that is…
Iron ore Iron ores are minerals and rocks from which it is possible to extract metallic iron and their deposits are contained in sedimentary rocks. The ores…
Miargyrite: properties and Occurrences Miargyrite is a mineral, a sulfide of silver and antimony with the formula AgSbS2. It is an uncommon silver sulfosalt. It is a dimorph of…