The Largest Offshore Wind Farm in the World is Now Fully Functional The “world’s biggest offshore wind farm,” as characterized by the Danish energy company Orsted, is now fully operational, and its 165 turbines are expected to…
As Europe Prepares for Winter, Energy Titans Turn Back to Fossil fuels Like Coal Governments across Europe are preparing for winter while the energy crisis continues, and energy company Orsted has been forced by Danish authorities to continue or…
The Outcome of COP27 will be Determined by a Battle Over Climate Reparations that is Currently in the Works The outcome of the U.N.’s premier climate summit will likely rest on the ability of wealthy nations to deliver on reparations, a contentious and sensitive…
UN chief Guterres claims that We are on a “Highway to Climate Hell” and is Urging an End to Coal Use Globally The UN secretary general reiterated his appeal to phase out coal by the year 2040 and delivered a sobering warning to attendees of the COP27…
New Research Shows Restoring Island-Ocean Connections Benefits People, Wildlife, and the Marine Environment The terrestrial ecosystem as well as the coastal and marine habitats gain from restoring and rewilding islands that have been devastated by invasive species. In…
Eastern Ukraine’s Old Deciduous Forest Stands on River Banks Have the Highest Bat Diversity and Abundance For successful breeding in the summer, European forest-dwelling bats need complex woodland systems at both the microhabitat and the landscape levels. Results from the Kharkiv…
Where Fishing Vessels Turn Off Their ID Devices Based on Global Analysis Data about international fishing activity, including illicit, unreported, and unregulated fishing, can be found in the shipboard Automatic Identification System (AIS), which was developed as…
Ecology is Greater than the Sum of its Parts Natural capital was quickly renamed “environmental services” as discussions revealed that, yes, we humans did benefit freely from the natural environment and its properly functioning…
People are Debating Having Children Less Due to Climate Change A growing number of people are hesitant to welcome a child into a planet that will, in the upcoming decades, be wracked by climate change.…
Study Examines How Machine Learning May Predict Uncommonly Devastating Events, such as Pandemics or Earthquakes Computational modeling faces an almost insurmountable challenge when it comes to disaster prediction brought on by catastrophic events (think earthquakes, pandemics, or “rogue waves” that…
Power Stations Discovered to be Possibly Close to Areas Labeled as “Hazardous” by HOLC Redlining Fossil fuel plants are more likely to be found next to neighborhoods that were deemed unsafe during HOLC redlining, according to a team of researchers…
A Unprecedented Request for a Pact to Phase Out Fossil Fuels is Made by a Sinking Pacific Island Nation SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt – Tuvalu, an island nation in the South Pacific, asked nations attending the COP27 climate summit on Tuesday (November 8, 2022) to…