Adaptation to Various Stressors is Encouraged in Urban Contexts Animal populations from urban areas show significantly higher resilience to stressful environmental conditions. This was found by an international team of researchers led by Dr…
We can Increase Fish Production without Negatively affecting Biodiversity Humanity can farm more food from the seas to help feed the planet while shrinking mariculture’s negative impacts on biodiversity, according to new research led…
Small-scale Fisheries are vital to the World’s Livelihoods and Nutrition Small-scale fisheries play a significant but overlooked role in global fisheries production and are key to addressing hunger and malnutrition while supporting livelihoods around the…
Scientists reveal new insights into how Air Pollution Forms A team of researchers at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society in Berlin, the Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute/Hamad Bin Khalifa…
The Discovery could help turn Trees into Inexpensive, Greener Industrial Chemicals Trees are the most abundant natural resource on Earth’s land masses, and scientists and engineers at North Carolina State University are working to develop sustainable,…
Researchers Tackle the Ocean Paradox with 55 Gallons of Bright Dye For the first time, an international team lead by researchers from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego recorded cold, deep water upwelling…
Can Hunger be eliminated by 2030? Eradicating hunger by 2030 is a lofty objective reflected in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development objective 2 (SDG 2), which seeks to eliminate hunger, ensure…
Climate Change has an Impact on Terrorist Activity According to new research, changing weather patterns caused by climate change are leading to variations in terrorist activity locations. An exploratory study lead by extremism…
A Study Tallied Heatwave Deaths in recent Decades Between 1990 and 2019, heatwaves caused more than 150,000 deaths worldwide each year, according to a new study published in PLOS Medicine by Yuming Guo…
How Climate Change will affect Food Production and Financial Organizations? Researchers at the University of California San Diego’s School of Global Policy and Strategy have developed a new method for predicting the financial impacts of…
The Rationale for Distributing Carbon Storage Risk Even the most optimistic estimates for the rapid deployment of solar, wind, and other low-carbon resources recognize that coal, natural gas, and other fossil fuels…
Food Security in Wealthy Nations demonstrates resiliency to Climate Change According to a study conducted by the University of Southampton, market forces have delivered good food price stability over the last half century, notwithstanding extreme…