Finding Novel Catalyst Compounds for Chemical Synthesis Using a Genetic Algorithm

Finding Novel Catalyst Compounds for Chemical Synthesis Using a Genetic Algorithm

A genetic algorithm is a search and optimization technique inspired by the principles of natural selection and genetics. It is a type of evolutionary algorithm…
Syngas can be Directly Converted into Higher Alcohols Using Synergistic Iron Carbide Catalysts

Syngas can be Directly Converted into Higher Alcohols Using Synergistic Iron Carbide Catalysts

Higher alcohols (C2+ alcohols), which are crucial basic materials, have been used as the building blocks of priceless goods. They are frequently used in a…
This Sun-Driven Gel, Modeled like Loofahs, Might Purify All the Water You’ll Need in a Day

This Sun-Driven Gel, Modeled like Loofahs, Might Purify All the Water You’ll Need in a Day

As the population of humans grows and contamination affects freshwater sources, access to clean water is becoming more and more difficult. The amount of water…
Silver Oxide – a chemical compound

Silver Oxide – a chemical compound

Silver oxide is the chemical compound with the formula Ag2O. It is a dark brown or black powder that is insoluble in water. It is…
Widespread Usage of Polysulfates in High-Performance Electronics Components

Widespread Usage of Polysulfates in High-Performance Electronics Components

According to a study from chemists and materials scientists at Scripps Research and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), a novel type of polysulfate compound…
Sodium Tetrasulfide – an inorganic compound

Sodium Tetrasulfide – an inorganic compound

Sodium tetrasulfide is an inorganic compound with the formula Na2S4. It is a yellow-orange solid that dissolves via hydrolysis in water. It is soluble in…
The First Laboratory-Produced Version of an Elusive Antiaromatic Compound

The First Laboratory-Produced Version of an Elusive Antiaromatic Compound

Researchers from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Florida International University and Ruhr University Bochum (Germany) have finally solved a problem that has puzzled the…
Use of Hydrogen Fuel may prolong the Methane Problem

Use of Hydrogen Fuel may prolong the Methane Problem

Hydrogen fuel is often touted as a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels, as it produces only water when burned. However, most of the hydrogen produced…
New Ideas Concerning the Structure and Dynamic Properties of Molecules are Developed by Scientists

New Ideas Concerning the Structure and Dynamic Properties of Molecules are Developed by Scientists

In a recent study, researchers showed that molecules made of carbon can be significantly more dynamic than previously believed. A carbon atom can generate two…
Researchers Create the Most Successful Chemical Synthesis of Anthracimycin in the World

Researchers Create the Most Successful Chemical Synthesis of Anthracimycin in the World

The most productive chemical synthesis ever created by a research team from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) could produce 63 times as…
C-C and C-N Bonds were Simultaneously Broken for the First Time by Visible Light and a Polyoxometalate Photocatalyst

C-C and C-N Bonds were Simultaneously Broken for the First Time by Visible Light and a Polyoxometalate Photocatalyst

Although breaking down carbon bonds is a notoriously challenging challenge, it might be the key to creating environmentally friendly, long-lasting compounds. A silver-modified polyoxometalate photocatalyst…
For the Development of 3D Hydrogels, Researchers Acquire an Anion Ionic Water-Soluble Two-Photon Initiator

For the Development of 3D Hydrogels, Researchers Acquire an Anion Ionic Water-Soluble Two-Photon Initiator

Hydrogels are a type of material that can absorb and hold a large amount of water. They have become increasingly popular in biomedical applications, including…
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